Kishkinda Kandam

58. Sampathi Tells About Lanka

[Sampathi first tells his story and about his younger brother Jatayu. He tells them that he had seen Sita being carried away by Ravana. He tells monkeys that Sita is in Lanka with Ravana and this Lanka is one hundred yojanas from the southern tip. He offers water oblations to his brother.]

When the monkeys who had decided to give up their life told these pitiable words, that vulture with thunder like voice spoke with tears in his eye. 58.1

"Oh monkeys, him whom you called as Jatayu, who was killed by the very strong Ravana in battle is my brother." 58.2

"Due to being old as well as not having wings and not having strength, I have to give up the thought of retaliating against my brother's enemy." 58.3

"Once upon a time when Vrithra was being killed by Indra, we both wanting to surpass each other, flew very near the sun who had scorching rays that can burn." 58.4

"With very great speed we went towards the sun by the way of the sky but when it became noon Jatayu started floundering." 58.5

"When I saw my brother being scorched by the rays of the sun, I started covering my brother who was greatly fretful by my wings due to my great love." 58.6

"Oh monkey chiefs, when my wings were completely burnt I fell on this Vindhya mountain and I have been living here without being able to know about the welfare of my brother." 58.7

When Sampathi the brother of Jatayu spoke this way to Angadha, that very wise Yuvaraja Angadha replied him as follows. 58.8

"If you are the brother of Jatayu and have heard about what I told praising him, do you know about the whereabouts of that Rakshasa." 58.9

"If you are able to know the position which is nearby or at a distance of that king of Rakshasas, who is not far sighted, please do tell us." 58.10

Then that elder brother of Jatayu who was greatly lustrous told the self benefitting words which would make the monkeys very happy. 58.11

"Oh monkeys I am a vulture with burnt wings who has lost his valour and I would do the best possible service to Rama by my words." 58.12

"I know about the land of Varuna, about Vishnu as Trivikrama, the battle between devas and asuras and also about the churning of nectar." 58.13

"My first and important duty is to help in this job of Rama, though my vigour has almost gone to old age and my soul is in the last stages." 58.14

"I have seen a very pretty young lady wearing all ornaments being carried away the bad Ravana and that pretty lady was shouting "Rama, Rama" and "Lakshmana, Lakshmana" and she was throwing her ornaments and trying to wriggle and set herself free." 58.15-58.16

"Like the rays of sun on the top of the mountain, the silk that she was wearing was shining on that Rakshasa and lighting up this black ocean." 58.17

"Since she was calling for Rama, I think that she is Sita and please hear about the location of that Rakshasa, which I will presently tell." 58.18

"He is the son of sage Visravas and the brother of Khubera himself and he is known as Ravana and presides over the city of Lanka." 58.19

"This is an island which is one hundred yojanas from here and that pretty town of Lanka was built by Viswakarma." 58.20

"It has a gate made of gold with amazing doors, with golden verandahs. It has multi storey buildings of golden colour which are evenly made and it has gigantic ramparts of the colour of the sun." 58.21

"And there lives the pitiable Vaidehi dressed in silk and guarded well by Rakshasis in the private apartments of Ravana and you can see Maithili the daughter of king Janaka." 58.22-58.23

"Oh monkeys, quickly with great speed reach the edge of the southern ocean and hundred yojanas from there Lanka surrounded by the ocean is secretly ensconced. The other tip of the sea, which is Lanka is one hundred yojanas from that end of southern ocean and once you reach there, you would be able to see Ravana." 58.24-58.25

"By my foresight, I see you landing in Lanka and also I am able to see you returning from there. The path in the sky is of different levels. The first flight level of birds is that of the small Kulinga birds, house sparrows, songbirds and the others who like subsisting on food-grains. The second flight level is that of the birds that are the eaters of leftovers like crows and doves, or the eaters of tree-fruits like parrots. The third flight level is that of the wading birds like Bhaasa, Krauncha, Kurara birds and cranes, herons and the like. The fourth flight level is that of hawks and the fifth is that of the vultures." 58.26-58.27

"And the sixth flight level is that of the swans which derive their valour, vigour, handsomeness and youthfulness by their majestic birth. But the uppermost path is that of the sons of Lady Vinita, namely the Divine Eagle Garuda, and Anuuru, the non-stopping charioteer of Sun. Because we vultures have our lineal descent from the Divine vulture, we can soar to the uppermost flyable path and see properly." 58.28-58.29

"A deplorable deed is done by that Rakshasa and when you take revenge on him, my enmity towards him due to my brother would also be avenged." 58.30

"From here I am able to see clearly Ravana as well as Janaki, for I have powerful eye sight like the divine Garuda." 58.31

"Oh monkeys, due to the power of our food and our descent, we would be able to see till the end one hundred yojanas any time." 58.32

"By our nature the food meant for us is rare and far away but for cocks who are the leg fighters, their food is near their legs." 58.33

"Think of some method for crossing this ocean of salt and then you will see Vaidehi, safely return and go to your places." 58.34

"I would like you to move me near the sea, which is the home of Varuna, so that I can offer water oblations to my great brother who has gone to heaven." 58.35

With great dynamism, then the monkeys moved Sampathi who had burnt his wings near to the sea which is the husband of all rivers and placed him near the shore. Then again they brought that Lord of all birds to the original place where he was and they were ready now to do their job with a gladdened heart. 58.36-58.37

This is the end of Fifty Eighth Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

59. Sampathi Tells About Sita

[Suparswa one day saw Ravana who was abducting Sita. When Ravana begged him, he left him free and sages applauded him for leaving Sita alive. From the sages Suparswa knew about Sita and Ravana. ]

Hearing the words spoken by the king of vultures which was as tasty as nectar all the monkey chiefs rejoiced. 59.1

The monkey chief Jambhavan along with all other monkeys got up from earth and told to the vulture king. 59.2

"Where is Sita? Who saw her? Who abducted Maithili? Sir, kindly tell us as to who lives in the forest in detail." 59.3

"On whom would the arrows of Rama, fall like thunderbolts? On whom would the arrows of matchless onslaught sent by Lakshmana would fall?' 59.4

To those monkeys who had decided against immolation and who were desirous of learning about Sita, he told the following further words so as to console them. 59.5

"Now please listen to me how Vaidehi was abducted and about who told me about it and where is the wide eyed one?" 59.6

"I fell on this mountain which is very many yojanas broad and afterwards I have become very old and also greatly weakened." 59.7

"I am being looked after by my son who is named as Suparswa who is the best among birds and he feeds me at proper times." 59.8

"Gandharwas are greatly passionate, snakes are greatly angry, deer are greatly afraid and vultures are greatly hungry." 59.9

"One day when I was greatly hungry and was thirsting for some food, Suparswa arrived without any flesh after the sun has set." 59.10

"I reproved him because I was deprived of food and he who enhances my happiness narrated to me these sentences about what has happened." 59.11

"I who was desirous of collecting flesh flew in the sky at the proper time in search of it and going near the Mahendra mountain, I flew round it." 59.12

"There all by myself I was trying to block the way of thousands of under water beings inside the sea by looking downwards." 59.13

"There I saw a lady who was having the luster of the rising sun being taken away by one who was like heap of black mascara." 59.14

"Seeing them I decided to have them as our food but he begged me to leave him and go my way." 59.15
"In this world those who beg you should not be hurt by even base people, then what of beings like me." 59.16

"Then he with the luster of his vigour went speedily away and then all those beings who populated the sky applauded me." 59.17

"Those great saints told me, "Sita is now left alive and she would go back without any doubt with her consort." 59.18

"Those greatly lustrous and auspicious sages informed me that he is Ravana the king of Rakshasas and also told me," see the wife of Dasaratha's son and Janaka's daughter, without ornaments and with disorderly and vanquished silk apparel and hear her wail, "Oh Rama, Oh Lakshmana."' 59.19-59.20

"And that best among those, who converses, told me that the delay is due to this. And this is what in entirety what Suparswa told me." 59.21

"Even after I listened it to him, the thought of fighting with Ravana did not arise in my mind, for how can a wingless bird fight with such a one." 59.22

"But what I can do is the work with my word, brain and character and so please hear me and take action depending on your male vigour." 59.23

"I feel I have done all that I could do help you with my words and intelligence as I too am interested, without any doubt to help Rama." 59.24

"You are all intelligent, strong and have also will power and that is why the monkey king has selected and sent you here." 59.25

"The painful arrows of Rama and Lakshmana, attached with wings of eagles is enough to give pain to all the world and defend or offend it." 59.26

"The ten headed Ravana has luster as well as strength but is engulfed in passion but since you are all very efficient, there is nothing that is impossible for you." 59.27

"Though a lapse of time has taken place, since you have mental determination, you would not back track on any job and finish it successfully." 59.28

This is the end of Fifty Ninth Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

60. Sampathi and Sage Nisakara

[Jatayu and Sampathi used to often visit a sage called Nisakara. After falling down on Vindhya Mountains, Sampathi went and met sage Nisakara. The saint enquired with Sampathi as to what has happened to his wings.]

Then after the vulture finished its ablations and bath all the monkeys sat surrounding him on that pretty mountain. 60.1

That vulture Sampathi surrounded by all monkeys and Angadha sitting near him, caused great trust among them and again started talking. 60.2

"Oh monkeys, be silent and hear with a concentrated mind, because I want to tell you, how I came to know about Maithili." 60.3

"Oh matchless Angadha, Earlier I had fallen on the Vindhya mountain being burnt down by the rays of Sun." 60.4

"For six days and nights, I had lost my consciousness; after that on looking I could not recognize the difference in directions." 60.5

"Then on seeing oceans, mountains and rivers and all the lakes and forests, I could regain my senses." 60.6

"Since the mountain was teeming with groups of birds, caves, midriffs, peaks and seeing the shore of the southern ocean, I decided that it was Vindhya." 60.7

"There was the holy hermitage of the sage Nisakara, who was engaged in harsh penance there and this used to be even visited by devas." 60.8

"That great sage an expert in Dharma left to heaven earlier, I continued to live in this sages mountain for the last eight thousand years." 60.9

"With great difficulty I continued to live on the mountain sides onerously and slowly and the sharp Durbha started growing on earth 60.10

"Since I wanted to see the sage, I went speedily with anguish that hermitage, because earlier me and Jatayu had gone to meet him several times." 60.11

"Near about the hermitage the wind carried perfume as no tree was flowerless and no tree was fruitless." 60.12

"I reached near the auspicious hermitage and waited near a root of a tree with a great desire of seeing that sage Nisakara." 60.13

"Then I saw that unassailable sage at a distance shining like fire and he was returning after taking bath with him facing the north." 60.14

"I saw bears, antelopes, tigers, lions and diverse reptiles and snakes following him, like the living beings follow Brahma." 60.15

"Just like all the ministers and army retreat once the king reaches his home, all the beings accompanying sage went back when the sage reached his hermitage." 60.16

"On seeing me, the saint was greatly pleased; he again came out of the hermitage within a short time and asked me the purpose of my visit." 60.17

"Oh gentle one, on seeing your deformity of your hairs which makes you difficult to be identified I feel sad. Only your wings are burnt but you are alive still." 60.18

"I have seen both of you vultures earlier both equivalent to the fire God and both of you were having the speed of wind and could change your form as per your wish." 60.19

"Are you not really the elder brother and Jatayu your younger brother and both of you used to touch my feet taking human forms." 60.20

"Did your wings fall down due to some disease or has this suffering been imposed on you by some one, you may please tell." 60.21

This is the end of Sixtieth Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

61. Sampathi's Story

[Sampathi tells the sage how while trying to protect Jatayu, its wings got burnt.]

Then I informed the sage about the impossible and horrifying act done by me of following the Sun when it was red hot. 61.1

"Oh God like sage, due to my body being wounded I am feeling ashamed and with senses greatly disturbed and also being exhausted, I am not able to reply you." 61.2

"Me and Jatayu, both of us being valorous, with a passion for competing with each other, flew very high in the sky." 61.3

"On the mountain of Kailasa before the sages we bet with each other that we would be able to fly with the Sun from sun rise to sun set." 61.4

"Then both of us saw from the top of the sky simultaneously, the cities of the earth one after another passing like Chariot wheels." 61.5

"At some places we heard sounds of musical instruments, in some places, the chanting of Vedas and the songs sung by ladies wearing red garments." 61.6

"Quickly flying on the sky and following the path of the Sun we saw many forests which looked like lawns to both of us." 61.7

"The earth with its very many tall mountains appeared as if it was covered with pebbles and the rivers of the earth appeared like threads." 61.8

"The great mountains like Meru, Himalayas and Vindhyas appeared in the earth like elephants wandering in shiny reservoir." 61.9

"Then both of us felt intense sweat and fear while we were journeying like that and we also experiences bad delusions and stupor." 61.10

"I did not know about any direction, south, south east and west appeared to be same and the world appeared as if it was being burnt by the fire at deluge." 61.11

"My brain power got deranged and with great effort depending only on my eye sight, I struggled to make my mind focused on my sight on the Sun which appeared as big as earth to me." 61.12-61.13

"Then without telling me Jatayu started falling down on earth and seeing that I too started getting freedom from the sky." 61.14

"I prevented Jatayu from being burnt by covering him with my wings and accidentally my wings got burnt and I fell in to the path of the wind." 61.15

"I guessed that Jatayu fell on Janasthana but I with burnt wings and devoid of consciousness fell on the Vindhyas." 61.16

"Losing my kingdom, my brother, my wings and my valour, I desired to fall down from the top of the mountain and die." 61.17

This is the end of Sixty First Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

62. Sage's Advice to Sampathi

[The sage then narrates what would happen to Rama when he comes to the forest. He tells Sampathi to inform about it to the monkeys. He assures him that he would get back his wings.]

"When I addressed the great sage this way, roaring with pain and sorrow, that God like sage meditated for a moment and replied." 62.1

"In future you will get back your wings as well as feathers and you will also get your life, your eyes, valour as well as strength." 62.2

"I have earlier heard that you would do a very great job and I have seen it also by the power of my penance." 62.3

"There will be a king called Dasaratha in the Ikshuvaku clan and he will have a son Rama who would be greatly lustrous." 62.4

"Rama who is valorous in truth would go to the forest along with his brother Lakshmana, sent there by their own father." 62.5

"Ravana the king of Rakshasas who cannot be killed by asuras and dhanavas would abduct the wife of Rama from Janasthana which is in the south-east." 62.6

"That Maithili in spite of being forced would not enjoy pleasures nor eat food and that famous one would be immersed in sorrow." 62.7

"That food which is difficult for even devas to get and which is like nectar would be offered to Vaidehi knowing well that she was not taking food." 62.8

"When that food reaches her, understanding that it has been provided by Indra, she would take a large portion of it and offer it to Rama on this earth." 62.9

She would say, "If my husband is alive with Lord Lakshmana or if they have attained heaven, let this food be enjoyed by them." 62.10

"The monkey messengers of Rama would come here in search of her, then you the bird should narrate to them about Sita." 62.11

"Where can you go; you could be on the mountain always waiting for the time and place when your wings would grow again." 62.12

"I am not encouraging to get wings now itself, you please remain here itself for doing a great job for the benefit of the world." 62.13

"You would not only be doing a help to the sons of the king but also would be helping the Brahmins, devas, sages and all those who live here." 62.14

"I also would like to see Rama and Lakshmana but I do not want to hold my soul in my body till then" thus told the great sage." 62.15

This is the end of Sixty Second Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

63. Sampathi Gets Back Wings

[Sampathi tells how he told his son that he should have saved Sita. Then Sampathi gets back his wings and flies away.]

"That expert in conversation told me these and also several other things to encourage me and then went back to his own home." 63.1

"Moving like a snake, slowly and slowly I came down from that Vindhya mountain and I have been waiting for you." 63.2

"As of now, a little more than hundred years have elapsed and preserving the words of the sage, I have been waiting for the proper time and place." 63.3

'Sage Nisakara has undertaken the great journey and has reached the heaven and I am burning with sorrow, with mind thinking of various strategies." 63.4

"Whenever my mind thought of death, I used to think of the words of the sage and thinking about you, I have been protecting my life and I have been driving away my sorrow like a raging fire drives away darkness." 63.5

I abused my son using harsh words, "Knowing the valour of that evil minded Ravana, why did you not protect her?" 63.6

"Having heard the wailing of Sita and knowing that Rama and Lakshmana were not with her and also knowing my friendship, why did you not protect her." 63.7

While he was speaking this way with the monkeys, in front of those who lived in the forest, his wings started growing. 63.8

Then seeing that his wings and feathers of red colour has grown completely, he felt matchlessly happy and again told the monkeys. 63.9

"By the power of Nisakara who is the most revered soul, my wings which were burnt by the rays of Sun have grown back again." 63.10

"I am again the same valour that I had in youth and I understand that I have the strength and masculinity like earlier." 63.11

"Always keep on trying to put effort and then you will be able to see Sita, for the growing of my wings indicates your success in future." 63.12

After saying like this to all the monkeys, the best among birds Sampathi flew from the top of the mountain intending to know the path of the birds. 63.13

That tiger among monkeys hearing these words became greatly happy and started to anticipate that their valour would lead them to success. 63.14

Then those great monkeys who were equal in valour to the wind god, having regained their courage started moving at the Abhijit auspicious time, with the intention of searching for the daughter of Janaka. 63.15

This is the end of Sixty Third Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

64. Monkeys at Sea Shore

[When they reach the sea, all of them loose their confidence. Angadha encourages them and requests them to tell how much distance they can jump.]

Then those lion hearted monkeys, after being informed by the king of vultures, together jumped with love and screamed. 64.1

After hearing the words of Sampathi, the monkeys came to sea shore so that they can go to the house of Ravana, so that they can have a glimpse of Sita. 64.2

Those greatly valorous ones after crossing that place, they saw the ocean which had the entire world reflected in it like a mirror. 64.3

After having reached the northern bank of the southern ocean, they collectively made a temporary residence for them there. 64.4

In some places the ocean appeared sleeping and in some other places, it was seen as playing and in some other places it was surrounded by mountain like waves, and at some other places it is teeming with Dhanavas who live in Patala and seeing the hair raising scene, the mountain like monkeys despaired. 64.5-64.6

"Seeing that great ocean which was like the endless sky, those monkeys were greatly worried and told each other, "How can we do it?" 64.7

When that army which was despairing on seeing the ocean, the lord of the monkeys consoled them who were greatly scared. 64.8

"Do not get mentally upset because, because all work becomes impossible to do by worrying and worry destroys a person like an angry serpent kills a boy." 64.9

"He who controls worry is on the verge of victory and the one who lacks vitality never gets at any individual achievement." 64.10

Then Angadha spent that night along with those monkey chiefs and then all the elders again started discussing thinking and discussing. 64.11

When the Monkeys stood round Angadha holding a flag, it looked the army of Gods surrounding Indra. 64.12

Who else are capable to consolidate and make obey the army of monkeys other than Angadha, the son of Vali or for that matter Hanuman. 64.13

That gentle destroyer of enemies Angadha after giving due to respect to the monkey elders told the following auspicious and meaningful sentence. 64.14

"Who is that lustrous one capable cross this ocean by jumping and who can make the enemy destroyer Sugreeva true to his words?" 64.15

"Which monkey warrior can jump over the hundred Yojanas and who among us can get us all rid of the great fear of Sugreeva?" 64.16

"By whose grace would we be able to see our wives, sons and our home after we succeed in our aim and achieve our purpose." 64.17

"By whose grace can we approach Rama, the very strong Lakshmana, and the very strong Sugreeva without any worry?" 64.18

"If any one of you among the monkeys is capable to jump over the ocean, let him give us all the very divine protection." 64.19

After they heard the words of Angadha none of them spoke any word and the entire monkey army seemed to have been dumbfounded. 64.20

Then again the great monkey Angadha asked all those monkeys "You are all the best among the strong ones with stable valorousness, born in great families and ones who are adored again and again." 64.21

"There is no restriction about who should do it or when it should be done and so bull among monkeys please tell one by one as how much distance you can jump over." 64.22

This is the end of Sixty Fourth Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

65. Capacity of Different Monkeys

[All monkeys tell how much they can jump. But it is less than one hundred yojanas. Angadha said that he can jump hundred yojanas but not confidant whether he can jump back. Jambhavan says that he is their leader and so he should not do this task and points at Hanuman.]

After hearing these words of Angadha, all those bull like monkeys told in a serial order their capacity to leap distances. This was told by Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadhana, Mainda, Dwividha, Sushena and Jambhavan. 65.1-65.2

Then afterwards Gaja told that he can leap ten yojanas and Gavaksha told that he can leap twenty yojanas. 65.3

Then Gavaya said to the other monkeys 'I can reach thirty yojanas; Sarabha said to the monkeys 'I can leap forty yojanas'; Bright Gandhamadana said 'I can leap and cover a distance of fifty yojanas without any doubt'; Mainda said 'I can leap more than sixty yojanas'; highly brilliant Dvivida said in turn 'I can no doubt leap over seventy yojanas'; Brilliant and best of the monkeys Sushena declared 'I can leap over eighty yojanas'. 65.4-65.9

When they were all reporting about their individual capacities, then the very old Jambhavan told like this. 65.10

"Once upon a time I was also greatly capable like these but becoming old like many of us, I cannot reach the other shore." 65.11

"But under the present circumstance we cannot neglect this job as the king of the monkeys as well as Rama have determined that this should be done." 65.12

"Even at this present age due to the change of time, you may please know my capacity for without any doubt I can leap ninety Yojanas.," 65.13

To all those monkey lords Jambhavan again told "my valour and power was not limited to that extent when I was young earlier." 65.14

"Earlier when Mahabali was carrying out the fire sacrifice and when the birth less Vishnu took the form of Trivikrama, I had gone round him." 65.15

"Now I am an old monkey and have only slow valour but in my youth I had matchless valour and power." 65.16

"At this time, I guess that my power to go has come down and I would not be able to succeed in a job of this extent." 65.17

Then the very wise and great monkey Angadha addressed the great and lofty Jambhavan and told him about his capacity." 65.18

"I have got the power to cover this great distance of hundred yojanas but I am not very sure whether I have the capacity to return from there." 65.19

The Great monkey Jambhavan, who was an expert in using words, "Oh best among the monkeys and bears, your capacity to cover this distance are well known." 65.20

"If you desire you jump hundred or even a thousand yojanas and also energy to return but it is not proper to entrust you with that duty." 65.21

"Oh Lad, the one who orders and is the boss is never deputed to a job but only servant is deputed as Oh great monkey, all the monkeys here are meant to serve you." 65.22

"Oh scorcher of enemies, Oh Angadha, in this group you are our lord and so we are bound to protect you like our wife." 65.23

"Oh destroyer of enemies, for the job that we have now undertaken, you are like the root and so we are bound to protect you like our wife." 65.24

"A statesman protects the root of a matter with care because only when it is intact we can get fruits as well as flowers." 65.25

"Oh truthfully courageous one, oh destroyer of enemies, you are the real means by which we can achieve our task as you are endowed with valour and wisdom." 65.26

Oh best among the monkeys, you are the son of our elder as well as the elder and only by depending on you, we can achieve our objective." 65.27

When the great monkey who was very wise told these appropriate words, Angadha, the son of Vali replied by these words. 65.28

"If I do not go and no other monkey goes, oh great monkey, then again all of us to give away our life by fasting." 65.29

"If I do not fulfill the duty assigned by the great king of the monkeys, then I do not see I can keep our life after going there." 65.30

"The monkey can show us a pleased or an angry face but if we do not fulfill the task we will all face total destruction." 65.31

"You are the only among us who can show us the final path in this job and so it is only proper to think about it deeply and suggest a proper means." 65.32

That bull among the monkeys Jambhavan, having heard Angadha told these words to him. 65.33

"Oh valorous one, no one would find fault with you for not getting this task done for I will motivate the one person who can do this task." 65.34

Then that monkey chief pointed out to Hanuman, who is a chief monkey who was sitting happily and quietly without bothering about and started motivating him. 65.35

This is the end of Sixty Fifth Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

66. Jambhavan tells Hanuman

[Jambhavan tells Hanuman his story and reminds him of his prowess and tells him that he can easily do the task.]

After seeing the many hundreds of thousands of the monkey army who were all worried, Jambhavan told Hanuman. 66.1

"Oh valorous one, among the world of monkeys you are the one who is an expert in all shastras. Why are quietly sitting in a lonely place and not speaking anything?" 66.2

"Oh Hanuman, you are equal to Sugreeva the king of monkeys and Rama and Lakshmana in luster and strength." 66.3

"Garuda is the son of Arishtanemi [sage Kashyapa] and Vinutha and is famous as the best among all birds." 66.4

"I have seen him who is strong and famous and who has great speed many times snatching away serpents from the sea." 66.5

"The power of your arms is equal to the power of his wings and your power and speed can be favourably compared to his power and speed." 66.6

"Oh great monkey, your strength, wisdom and luster are very great and superior to all beings, but why are you not realizing this?" 66.7

"Famous and great Apsara maid called Punjikasthala, who was known as Anjana was the wife of a monkey called Kesari." 66.8

"She was famous in all the three worlds and of matchless beauty in this world and due to a curse she was born as a monkey who could assume any form she likes." 66.9

"She was the daughter of great monkey king called Kunjara and she took the form of a very pretty youthful maiden, wearing wonderful garlands and ornaments and dressed in cloths of silk and looking like a proud rain cloud she was wandering on the top of a mountain." 66.10-66.11

"Then while she was wandering there the wind god made her yellow cloth with red border fly away." 66.12

"Then that wind God saw her curved and well set thighs and her two plump and pretty breasts and her very pretty and pleasing face." 66.13

"And the wind God also saw that famous one with her with very broad hips, slender waist and well shaped limbs and fell in love with her." 66.14

"With all his limbs under the control of God of love, that stainless one lost himself and embraced her with his long arms." 66.15

"That lady of strict virtue became greatly agitated and asked "who is making me disobey the penance of having only one husband." 66.16

Hearing the words of Anjana, the wind God replied," Oh auspicious lady, do not get scared I only influenced your mind and not your body." 66.17

"I have embraced you and united only with your mind and so a son who is courageous and intelligent would be born to you." 66.18

"He would be greatly powerful, greatly lustrous and would have great valour and strength and in jumping and leaping he would be equal to me." 66.19

"Oh great monkey, your great mother, hearing this was satisfied and in the cave delivered you as a monkey." 66.20

"As a boy seeing the Sun rise and thinking that it is a fruit, you wanted to catch him and ran towards him and jumped in the sky." 66.21

"Though after covering a distance of 300 yojanas, you were pushed back by the luster of the sun, you did not bother and went ahead." 66.22

"Oh monkey seeing you speedily running towards the Sun in space, Indra became angry and threw his Vajrayudha at you." 66.23

"Thou then fell on the mountain top with your left jaw [Hanu] broken and thereafter you became famous with the name Hanuman." 66.24

"Seeing you being hit, the wind God who carries the scent and who breaks trees became very angry and made the wind not blow in all the three worlds." 66.25

"Al the devas got extremely scared and agitated seeing all the three worlds getting disturbed and those lords of the world tried to please the angry wind God." 66.26

"Then Lord Brahma was propitiated by the wind god, gave you a boon that you cannot be killed by any weapons and that you would be valorous in war." 66.27

" Oh Lord Seeing that you are not hurt by the Vajrayudha, the thousand eyed one gave you a boon that you can yourself choose the time of your death." 66.28

"You who are greatly valorous are the son of Kesari and the legal Kshetrajna son [ones own sun produced by divine entities] of wind God and equal in luster to him and oh lad being the son of wind God you are equal to him in jumping capability." 66.29 -66.30

"Though we are now equal to those who have lost their soul, since you are fully endowed with courage and valour like the monkey king and so you can still save us." 66.31

"Oh lad, when lord Trivikrama was measuring this world, with its mountains, trees and forests, I went round him twenty one times." 66.32

"Then as per the command of the Gods we collected medicinal herbs and produced nectar by churning the great ocean and by that we had great energy." 66.33

"I have now become aged and have lost much of my valour and at this time you are the one who has all the good qualities for us." 66.34

" Cheer up and expand yourself as you are the best among animals that leap and show your valour to this army of monkeys who are desirous of seeing it." 66.35

"Get up oh tiger among monkeys and cross this great ocean as you have the greatest capacity among all living beings." 66.36

"Why are you not bothered about all these monkeys with a worried face? With valour go with great speed like Lord Vishnu covered the world in three strides." 66.37

That Hanuman, the son of wind god who was enthused by Jambhavan realized his speed and greatly increased his size, cheered by the monkey army. 66.38

This is the end of Sixty Sixth Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

67. Hanuman Prepares for Jump to Lanka

[Hanuman assumes a huge figure and climbs on Mahendra mountain, prepares to jump to Lanka.]

Seeing him expanding in size with a wish to leap the hundred yojanas at once and seeing him filled with valour those monkeys left off their sorrow and became happy and cheered him with loud voice and praised him. 67.1-67.2

They all collected together and with great happiness stared at him wonderstruck as if Hanuman was going to cross like Narayana the world in three steps. 67.3

Seeing the very strong Hanuman growing in his size, they went round him with happiness shaking their tails. 67.4

When he was being praised by all the monkey chiefs, his form was getting up with more and more luster and he looked matchless. 67.5

Just like a lion in a mountain cave stretches himself, the legal son of the wind god stretched himself at that time. 67.6

When he expanded to a great size his face was shining a frying pan and like a smokeless burning fire. 67.7

From the middle of the monkeys Hanuman rose with furs bristling all over his body and then after saluting the aged monkeys he told. 67.8

"The wind God who is the friend of fire which receives oblations is very strong and matchless and wanders in the sky breaking mountain tops." 67.9

"I being the lawful son of the wind god, who is the great one who travels with great speed, I can also leap as much as him." 67.10

"I wish to go round the Mount Meru which appears to touch the sky, one thousand times without resting it." 67.11

"I am eager to submerge this world which has mountains, rivers and lakes with the sea by using the speed of my arms." 67.12

"By the speed of my thighs and shanks, the sea which is the house of Varuna would rise up and stun the mighty crocodiles living there." 67.13

"I am capable to go round thousand times the killer of snakes Garuda who is being served by other birds." 67.14

"O bulls among monkeys! When the Sun rises from the horizon of Udayagiri mountain it is possible for me to start with him and go to the western horizon and return before the blazing Sun garlanded with beams of light sets. It is also possible for me to come to earth with the same speed, without touching the earth and return to face the Sun." 67.15-67.16

"I want to fly along with all the creatures flying on the sky and overtake them; I can stir up the sea and tear up the earth." 67.17

"Oh monkeys, While jumping I can powder mountains and when I jump I can pull the huge ocean by the speed of my thighs." 67.18

"When I jump through the sky, different class of climbers, various trees with different type of flowers would follow me." 67.19

"Oh monkeys when I fly in the sky, it will be a smooth like the path of star Swathi and When I travel up the terrible sky or descend from there all the creatures would see me." 67.20

"Oh Monkeys, when I fly in the sky looking like the Meru mountain, it will look like I am swallowing the sky with speed as I would covering the sky with my strides." 67.21

"I would be scattering the clouds, shaking up the mountains and would be drying up the sea while I am jumping with a composed mind." 67.22

"The Garuda as well as the wind god have the power to follow me and I do not see any other creature except Garuda and the speedy God of wind have the speed to fly like me." 67.23-67.24

"Just like the lightning generated from the sky flies on the sky without any support, I too can land on the earth in a moment." 67.25

"When I am leaping over the ocean my form would be like that of Lord Vishnu advancing with three steps to cover the world." 67.26

"Oh monkeys I feel that by my brain as also by my mind, I would be able to see Vaidehi and become happy." 67.27

"In speed I am equal to wind God and Garuda and I feel that I would be able to cover a distance of ten thousand Yojanas." 67.28

"I can bring the nectar even if it is held by the self created Brahma or Indra holding Vajrayudha. I can even uproot the island of Lanka and bring it here." 67.29

All those chief of monkeys were happily staring at the sky to see him with exceedingly great luster who was roaring with great sense of surprise. 67.30

Hearing his words which were able to remove the sorrow from his friends and relatives, the great monkey Jambhavan who was exceedingly happy told. 67.31

"Oh valorous one, oh son of Kesari, oh son of the swift Wind God, oh Lad, you have removed the sorrow from the mind of your friends and relatives." 67.32

"Those monkeys who desire for your welfare would join together and would devotedly pray for auspicious ending of the job that you are going to undertake." 67.33

"By the grace of great sages and the wish of the monkey elders and by the grace of your teachers, let you cross the great ocean." 67.34

"Waiting for your arrival back all the monkeys would stand on one leg because the life of all those forest dwellers depend on you." 67.35

Then the tiger among monkeys Hanuman told those forest dwellers, "This earth would not be able to bear the speed with which I jump." 67.36

"Perhaps the Mahendra mountain paved with huge stones and boulders and which is firm, may withstand my speed of jumping." 67.37

"I will gather my speed from the peaks of Mahendra mountain which has got different types of trees as well as ores." 67.38

"Oh great monkeys, when I use the crushing force with my feet to jump hundred yojanas, perhaps these mountain peaks can withstand it." 67.39

Then that son of Wind God, who was eminent as wind god and the crusher of enemies ascended the great mountain Mahendra which was inhabited by deer and on grassy lands full of trees, fragrant vines bearing flowers thickly grown ever in bloom with flowers and fruits where lions and tigers wander, proud elephants frequent, intoxicated birds make sounds of different kinds and full of waterfalls. 67.40-67.42

That very strong monkey chief who was equal in prowess to great Indra started climbing that great peaks of that Mahendra mountain. 67.43

When that great one crushed the great Mahendra Mountain by his feet, that mountain trumpeted like a great elephant struck by the feet of a lion. 67.44

That widely scattered rocks of the mountain released water, animals and elephants got greatly scared. and the great trees started shaking due to that feet crushing. 67.45

The vast slopes of that great mountain were being deserted by pairs of Gandharwas intoxicated with drinks and behaving crudely; and by birds and groups of Vidhyadharas flying away at that time. The serpents were seen hiding; pebbles of stone were seen falling from the shaken mountain. 67.46-67.47

Snakes popping up halfway through their snake-pits with their hoods swaying and tongues hissing that earth-borne mountain Mahendra appeared to be a gleaming mountain with flying flags. 67.48

Alarmed and agitated sages abandoned that mountain and forest appeared like a lonely traveler separated from its friends. 67.49

That noble and heroic monkey who possessed great speed who was the destroyer of enemy warriors, fixing his composed mind on generating great speed, mentally reached Sri Lanka, 67.50

This is the end of Sixty Seventh Sarga of Kishkinda Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

End of Kishkinda Kandam.

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