Vaidyanatha Namaskaram

Vaidyanatha Namaskaram
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[Lord Shiva is considered as the king among physicians. He is worshipped in this form in Purlee Vaijyanath. He is also worshipped in this form at a great temple in Tamil Nadu known as Vaitheeswaran Koil (Temple of the lord of physicians). It is believed that Lord Rama and Lakshmana performed the cremation of the bird Jatayu in this spot. It is also believed that Lord Angaraka (planet Mars) who was afflicted by leprosy got cured in this place. It is also believed that Lord Subramanya got his trident (vel) after worshipping in this temple. There is a temple tank called Siddha Amrutha Theertha (the all curing nectar water) in this temple. Bathing in this tank is supposed to cure all diseases. This tank is devoid of fishes and frogs, till this day. Tiru Chandu pills distributed in this temple are considered as a cure of all diseases. This is purported to be the medicine, which Vaidyanatha gave to Angaraka to cure his illness. This great prayer, sings the glory of the Lord Vaidyanatha and offers him the devotee’s salutations.]

Achikithsa chikithsaya cha,
Aadhyantha rahithaya cha,
Sarva lokaika vandhyaya,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 1

I salute that Vaidyanatha*,
Who is the cure for the incurable,
Who does not have beginning or end,
And who is saluted by the entire world.
* Doctor Divine

Aprameyayaya mahathe,
Suprasanna mukhaya cha,
Abheeshta dhayine nithyam,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 2

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is greatest and immeasurable,
Who has a very pleasing look,
And who daily fulfills our desires.

Mruthyunjayaya sarvaya,
Mrudani vama bhagine,
Veda vedyaya rudraya,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 3

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is in everything and wins over death,
Who has Parvathi on his left side,
And who is the Rudra, worshipped by Vedas.

Sri Rama bhadra vandyaya,
Jagatham hithakarine,
Somardha dharine thubhyam,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 4

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is saluted by Sri Rama,
Who does good things to the world,
And who wears the crescent of moon.

Neelakandaya soumithri,
Poojithaya Mrudaya cha,
Chandra vahnyarka nethraya,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 5

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who has a blue neck,
Who is worshipped by Parvathi and Lakshmana,
And whose eyes are the moon, sun and the fire.

Shikhi vahana vandhyaya,
Srushti sthiyanantha karine,
Mani manthraoushadesaya,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 6

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is worshipped by Lord Subrahmanya,
Who is responsible for creation, upkeep and destruction,
And who himself is the lord of gem, chants and medicine.

Kruthra rajabhi vandhyaya,
Divya gangadharaya cha,
Jaganmayaya sarvaya,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 7

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is worshipped by fearful kings,
Who carries the holy Ganga,
And who is spread in everything in the world.

Kuja Veda vidheendryayai,
Poojithaya chidathmane,
Aadhithya Chandra vandhyaya,
Vaidyanathaya they nama. 8

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Whose holy spirit is worshipped,
By Mars, Vedas and Brahma,
And who is saluted by Sun and the moon.

Veda Vedhya krupa dhara,
Jagan moorthe, shubha pradha,
Anadhi vaidhya sarvagna,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 9

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is the drops of mercy worshipped by Vedas,
Who is the form of the world, which does good,
And who is the primeval doctor who knows all.

Gangadhara mahadeva,
Chandra Vahnyarka lochana,
Pinakapane Viswesa,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 10

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is the great God carrying Ganga,
Who has moon, Sun and Fire as eyes,
And who is the Lord of Universe holding the Bow Pinaka.

Vrushavahana Devesa,
Achikithsa chikithsaka,
Karunakara Gowreeesa,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 11

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is the Lord of Devas riding on a bull,
Who is the doctor who cures the incurable,
And who is the Lord of Gowri, who is merciful.

Vidhi Vishnu mukhaidevai,
Archyamana Padambhuja,
Aprameya haresana,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 12

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Whose lotus like feet is worshipped,
By Brahma, Vishnu and other Devas,
And who is the immeasurable Lord Shiva.

Rama, Lakshmana, Suryendu,
Jatayu sruthi poojitha,
Madanandhaka Sarvesa,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 13

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is being worshipped by,
Rama, Lakshmana, Sun, Moon and Jatayu,
Who is the God of everything,
And who killed god of love.

Prapancha bhishageesana,
Neelakanda maheswara,
Viswanatha Mahadeva,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 14

I salute that Vaidyanatha
Who is the doctor of the entire world,
Who is the great God with blue neck,
Who is the greatest God,
And who is lord of universe.

Umapathe lokanatha,
Mani manthraoushadeswara,
Deenabandho, daya sindho,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 15

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is the Lord of Uma and the world,
Who is the God of gems, chants and medicine,
Who is the friend of the oppressed,
And who is the sea of mercy.

Trigunatheetha chidroopa,
Thaapa thraya vimochana,
Viroopaksha, jagannatha,
Vaidhyanatha namosthu they. 16

I salute that Vaidyanatha,
Who is the holy form beyond the three gunas,
Who helps us win over three types of suffering,
Who is god of universe with misshapen eye.

Bhootha pretha pisachathe,
Uchadana vichakshana,
Kushtathi sarva rogaanaam,
Samharthre, they namo nama. 17

Salutations and salutations,
To He who drives away,
All diseases like leprosy,
And by chanting whose name,
Ghosts, devils and goblins,
Are made to run away.

Jadyantha kubjather,
Divya roopa pradhaine,
Aneka mukha jandhoonam,
Divya vak dayine nama. 18

Salutations to Him, who gives good words,
To beasts of several type of faces,
And who gives divine form,
To those who are born to the lowliest and bad.

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