Rama Sthuthi

Mahadeva Krutha Rama Sthuthi
[Prayer to Rama made by Lord Shiva]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Namosthu Ramaya sasakthikaya,
Nelothpala shyamla komalaya,
Kireeta harangatha bhooshanaya,
Simhasanasthya maha prabhaya. 1

Salutations to the all powerful Lord Rama,
Who is as black as the blue lotus,
Who wears crown, garlands and armlets,
And who sits with great luster on the throne.

Thwamadhi madhyantha viheena yeka,
Srujasya vasyathsi cha loka jatham,
Swamayayta thena lipsyase,
Thwayathseda sukhendra suratho na vadhya. 2

You are one without beginning, middle or end,
You create and look after and destroy the world,
But your own illusion not being a part of it,
You are involved in it your pleasure but free from guilt.

Leelaam vidathse guna samvruthasthwam,
Prasanna bhakthanu vidhana hetho,
Nanavatharai sura manushadai,
Pratheeyase jnanibireva nithyam. 3

For blessing your happy devotees,
You assumed several incarnations,
Of men and devas, due to your habit,
Of attached play by the three fold gunas.

Swamsena lokam sakalam vidhya tham,
Bhibharshi cha thwam thadhadha phaneeswa,
Uparyadho bhanwa nilkodu poushadhi,
Pravarsha roopovasi naikadha jagad. 4

You create the entire world as a part of yourself,
And rule it also and you also rule the serpent,
Carrying these three worlds, assuming,
Forms like Sun, wind, moon plants and rain.

Thwamiha deha brutham sikhi roopa pachasi bhaktha masesha majasram,
Pavana panchaka roopa sahaayo jagadaganda manena bibarshi. 5

You live within the body as fire and digest all sorts of consumed food,
And with the help of five airs you rule this very wide world.

Chandra soorya Sikhi Madhya gatham yatheja eesa, chidasesha thanoonam,
Prabhavathanu bruthamiha dairyam sourya mathraamakhilam thwa sathwam. 6

That dazzling power which is in the middle of Sun, Moon and Fire,
Which exists in all beings as courage, bravery etc is nothing but you.

Thwam virincha shiva Vishnu vibhedhath,
Kala karma sasi soorya vibhath,
Vadhinaam pradaghivesa vibhasi,
Brahma nischithamanyadhihaikam. 7

You exist for those who debate your existence,
As Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu,
And also as time, duty, moon and Lord Sun,
But all these are but ultimate Brahmam and not anything else.

Mathsyadhi roopena yadha twameka,
Sruthou puraneshu cha loka Sidha,
Thadiva sarvam sada sadvibhavam,
Sthwameva nanyadh bhavadho vibhathi. 8

You are only one with forms like the fish,
And as told in the Puranas and known axioms,
You are all that is known as all that is good,
And I do not find anything anywhere except you.

Yadyathsamuthpanna mananthasrushtavathpasyathye yacha bhavacha yacha,
Na drusyathe sthavara jangamadhou thwaya vinaatha paratha parasthwam. 9

Because in this creation, nothing was and is there without you and,
Nothing is going to be there without you and so you are the truth beyond truth.

Thtwam na jananthi parath manasthe jana samasthasthawamayayatha,
Thwad bhakthi sevamala maanasaanaam vibhathi thathwam paramekamaisam. 10

Due to the veil of illusion people do not understand you who is the greatest god,
And so due to your service to devotees who have a clean mind,
They understand you as something as single and beyond and also within.

Brahmadayasthe na vidhu swaroopam,
Chidathma thathwam bahirartha bhava,
Thatho budhasthwamidhameva roopam,
Bhakthya bhajan mukthi mupaithya dukhaa. 11

Even those Gods like Brahma who are interested,
In things which are external to them,
Do not understand your self which is the ultimate truth,
And so your scholarly devotees get devoted to your this form.
And get rid of all sorrows and attain salvation.

Aham bhavannama gunai kruthartho,
Vasaami kasyamanisam bhavanyaa,
Mumoorshamaanasya vimukthayeham,
Disami manthram thava Rama nama. 12

I becoming contented with the power of your name,
Live in the city of Benares along with goddess Parvathi,
And give all those who are at the throes of death,
The powerful chant of your name for their good.

Imam sthavam nithyamanatha bhakthyaa,
Srunwanthi gaayanthi likhyanthiye vai,
Thy sarva soukhyam paramancha labhdwa,
Bhvath padam yanthu bhavath prasadath. 13

He who hears, sings or writes this prayer,
With heart full of limitless devotion,
Would get all the attainable pleasures in life,
And would attain thine feet by your grace.

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