Datta Stotram

Datta Stotram
By Vasudevananda Saraswathi
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[This is the great prayer written by a savant who is a great devotee of Dathathreya. He is considered as the incarnation of God Dathathreya by his devotees.]

1. Anasooyathri sambhootha, Dathathreya Maha Mathe,
Sarva devadhi Deva thwam mam chitham sthirikuru

Oh greatly intelligent Dathathreya, who was made from three in to one by Anasooya,
Oh God of all devas, please stabilize my mind.

2. Saranagatha dheenartha tharakakhila karaka,
Sarva chalaka deva thwam mama chitham sthirikuru.

Oh refuge to the wretched and distressed. Oh maker of the universe and stars,
Oh God who drives everything, please stabilize my mind.

3. Sarva Mangala Mangalya, sarvadhi vyadhi bheshaja,
Sarva sankata Haarin, thwam mama chitham sthirikuru.

Oh God who showers all auspiciousness, Oh cure of all worries and diseases,
Oh Lord who cures all sorrows, please stabilize my mind.

4. Smarthrugami swabhakthaanam, kamadho ripu nasana,
Bhukthi Mukthi pradha sa thwam mama chitham sthirikuru.

Oh God who remembers desires of his devotees, oh destroyer of enemies,
Oh God who gives devotion and salvation, please stabilize my mind.

5. Sarva papa kshayakaraas thapa dainya nivarana,
Yo Abheshtadha prabhu sa thwam mama chitham sthirikuru.

Oh Lord who destroys all sins, oh cure of worries and wretchedness,
Oh Lord who fulfills al desires, please stabilize my mind.

6. Ya yethathprayatha sloka panchakam prapadeth sudhi,
Sthirachitha sa bhagawath krupaa pathra bhavishyathi.

Those who read this offering of five verses,
Would get a stable mind and be eligible for grace of God.

Sri Pa. Pa. Sri Vasudevananda sararaswathi virachitham Sri Datha stotram sampoornam.

Thus ends the prayer addressed to Dathathreya composed by the worshipful Vasudevananda Saraswathi.

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