Tri Suparna Manthra
Tri Suparna Manthra
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[This is a part oh Maha Narayana Upanishad, It has three parts. The prayer is
addressed to Brahman or Soma and is chanted before taking food by Brahmins. Its
chanting is supposed to purify all the Brahmins who sit in that row to take food
with them. I Have depended on the text as well as translation on the web site My
indebtedness to that web site.]
1. Brahmametu maam | madhu - metu maam | brahma - meva madhumetu maam |
Yaaste soma prajaavathso - abbhiso aham | duh - svapn - ahan durusshvahaa |
Yaaste soma praanaa (ga)m stan - juhomi |
trisuparnam - ayaachitam brahmanaaya dadyaat |
Brahmahatyaam vaa ete ghnanti | ye braahmanaas - trisuparnam pathanti |
te somam praapnuvanti | aa sahasraat panktim punanti OM ||
May the supreme Brahman reach me. May the Blissful one reach me. Only Brahman is
blissful. Let him reach me.
Oh Soma, being a living being I am your child. Please remove bad effects of all
bad dreams from me.
Oh Soma there I offer my soul with sense organs to you.
This three part chants should be taught to a Brahmin without his asking for it.
These have the power to wipe away the sin of killing a Brahmin,
Those Brahmins who learn this Trisuparna.
They would reach Soma.. these purify thousands of them sitting in a row chanting
it in unison. Om
2, Brahma medhayaa / madhu medhayaa / brahmam - eva medhayaa /
Adyaa noe deva savitah prajaavat - saavees - saubhagam /
Paraa dushvapniya (ga)m suva / viswaani deva savita - duritaani paraasuva /
Yad bhadram tanma aasuva / madhu vaataa ritaayate madhu ksharanti sindhavah /
Maadhveer - nassantv - oshadheeh / madhu naktam - utoshaci madhumat paarthiva (ga)m
rajah /
Madhu dyaur - astu nah pitaa / madhmaanno vanspatir - madhumaa (ga)m astu
sooryah /
Madhveer - gaavo bhavantu nah / ya imam trisuparnam - ayaachitam braahmanaaya
dadyaat /
Bhroona - hatyaam vaa ete ghnanti / ye braahmanaas - trisuparnam pathanti /
Te somam praapnuvanti / aa sahasraat pankti punanti / OM //
Brahma is the power of mind. Bliss is the power of mind. Brahma alone is the
power of mind.
Oh God Savitha, please ensure us today with the prosperity of progeny..
Please eliminate the fear of bad dreams. Oh God of the world Savitha eliminate
all sufferings from ne.
Please protect me safely. Let sweet winds blow blissfully, let the rivers run
with bliss,
Let the medicinal herbs be blissful, let things that shower ay day and night be
Let all produce of earth be blissful to me, May my manes be kind to me,
Let all the plants that grow in the forest bring bliss to me, Let the Sun God be
blissful to me,
Let the cows bring bliss to me. They who give this Tri Suparna to Brahmins
without their asking,
Be able to get rid of the sin of killing the children in the womb. Those
Brahmins who read Tri Suparna,
Would reach the Soma and may them purify rows of Brahmins sitting with them.
3. Brahma medhavaa | Madhu medhavaa |
Brahmameva madhu medhavaa | brahmaa devaanaam padaveeh |
Kaveenaam - rishi - vipraanaam mahisho mrigaanaam |
Syeno gridhraana (ga)m svadhitir - vanaanaa (ga)m somah pavitram - atyeti rebhan
Ha (ga)msas - suchishad vasur - antariksha - sad - dhotaa vedashad - atithir -
duronasat |
Nrishd - vara - sadrita - sad vyomasad - abjaa gojaa ritajaa adrijaa ritam
brihat |
Ya imam trisuparnam - ayaachitam braahmanaaya dadyaat |
Veerahtyaam vaa ete ghnanti | ye brahmanaas - trisuparnam pathanti |
Te somam praapnuvanti | aa sahasraat pankti punanti | OM ||
Brahman is knowledge, Bliss is knowledge, Brahman is the bliss of knowledge,
Brahman holds the position of Brahma among Devas,
Among the poets he is the Brahmin sage; He is the buffalo among animals,
He is the vulture among hawks, he is axe among tools,
He is Soma the pure among sacrificers,
He is effulgent among purifiers and he is greatly glorified,
The brilliant Sun, powerful atmospheric wind, the fires in the Vedic altar,
The guests in the house, the antaryamin (inner self) in all people
He is the in - dweller of the Gods of heavens, the residents of Satyaloka,
The dwellers of the celestial sky (antariksha),
All water - born, earth - born and mountain - born - all these are but the
natures of that Brahman, the great Truth.
He who teaches Tri Suparna Manthra without Brahmins asking for it,
Would get out of the sin of killing the valorous and those Brahmins who read it
Would reach Soma.
And they will purify thousands in a row Om.