Kamalambika Ashtakam
Sri Kamalambika Ashtakam
By A disciple of Narayana Theertha
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Kamalambika is the presiding Goddess in the temple of Thiruvarur of Thanjavur
district. Muthuswami Deekshithar has written many of his Krithis appealing to
this Goddess. I found this rare stotra in a Tamil book by Najan called "Ananda
Sagara Sthavam". Instead of mentioning who is the author, he says it is composed
by a disciple of the great saint called Narayana Theertha. Since I could get it
only in Tamil script I am not sure that my transcription is correct. If this is
so, my understanding the import may also be in error. Readers who read this
stotra are humbly requested to point out the mistakes as also send me the
Devanagari original of this great prayer.]
1. Bandhuka dhyuthi mindhu bimba vadanaam,
Brandarakair vandithaam,
Manthraadhi samarchithaam Madhu mathim,
Mandasmitham sundareem,
Bandha chedha kaarineem, trinayanaam,
Bhogapavarga pradhaam,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who has a moon like face with a shine of Hibiscus flowers,
Who is saluted by all devas, who is worshipped by holy chants,
Who is as sweet as honey, who smiles slowly, who is pretty,
Who cuts off our attachments, who has three eyes,
And who gives us pleasures as well as salvation.
2. Sri Kameswara peeta Madhya nilayaam,
Sri Raja rajeswarim,
Sri Vani parisevtha ngri yugalam,
Sri math Kripa sagaraam,
Soka apath bhaya mochinim, sukavitha,
Nandaika sandhayineem,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who is in the middle of Kameswara Peeta of Sri Chakra,
Who is the goddess of the king of kings,
Whose pair of feet that is worshipped by Goddess Saraswathi,
Who is the sea of mercy, who relieves us from sorrow, danger and fear,
And who is gladdened by good poems aimed at her.
3. Maya moha vinasineem,
Muni ganair aaradhithaam, thanmayim,
Sreya sanchaya dhayineem, gunamayim,
Vayvaadhi bhoothaam sadaam,
Pratha kala samana begarbha makutaam,
Saamadhi vedai sthuthaam,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who destroys illusory desires, who is worshipped by groups of sages,
Who is absorbed in herself, who grants us lot of fame and wealth,
Who is full of virtues, Who is always the five elements like air,
Who wears a crown shining as the light of the day,
And who is worshipped by Sama Veda.
4. Balam bhaktha janouka chitha nilayam,
Balendu choodambaraam,
Salokyathi chathur vidartha phaldhaam,
Neelothpalakshim, ajaam,
Kalaripriya nayikam, kali mala,
Pradvamsinim, koulinim,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who is Baalaa, Who resides in the minds of her devotees,
Who wears the crescent of moon, Who grants the four blessed states,
Who likes being with us, who has eyes like the blue lotus flower,
Who is not born, who is the Goddess who likes darkness,
Who removes the ills of Kali age and who is pleased by left hand methods.
5. Anandamrutha Sindhu Madhya nilyaam,
Ajnana moolapahaam,
Jnananda vivarrthineem, vijayathaam,
Meenekshanaam yogineem,,
Jnananda paraam, Ganesa jananim,
Gandharva sampoojithaam,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who is in the middle of the sea of the nectar of joy,
Who destroys ignorance, who propagates the divine joy of knowledge,
Who is victorious, Who is an expert in yoga with fish like eyes,
Who is above the joy of divine knowledge, Who is the mother of Ganesa,
And who is worshipped by all Gandharwas.
6. Shad chakroparu Nada bhindu nilayam,
SArveswaerim, Sarvagaam,
Shad sasthragam veda veditha gunaam,
Shad kona samvasinim,
Shad kalena samarchithartha vibhavaam,
Shad varga samsedinim,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who is in the Nadhabindu, above the Six chakras,
Who is god of every one, who is everything,
Who is well defined by the six shastras and Vedas,
Who is well connected with Shad Konas (six angles) of the Sri Chakra,
Who is daily being worshipped in six different periods of time,
And who destroys the six enemies called Passion,
Anger, desire, avarice,exuberance and competition.
7. Yoganandakarim, jagath sukhakarim,
Yogeendra chithalayaam,.
Yekam eesa sukapradham,
Dwijanutham, yekantha sancharinim,
Vageesaam vidhi Vishnu Shambhu varadam,
Viswewswarim, vainikim,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who gives the joy due to meditation on her,
Who makes the entire world as pleasant,
Who lives in the mind of great yogis,
Who takes care of God when he becomes alone at deluge,
Who is worshipped by Brahmins, Who travels alone,
Who is the Goddess of words,
Who showers her grace on Vishnu and Brahma,
Who is the Goddess of universe,
And who is an expert in playing Veena.
8. Bhodhananda mayim, budhai rabinutham,
Modha pradhamambikam,
Srimad Veda pureesa dasa vinutham,
Hrrem kara santhalayam,
Bedha abesha vivarjitham, Bahu vidham,
Vedantha choodamanim,
Vandeham Kamalambikam anudhinam,
Vanchanukoolaam Shivaam.
I salute daily Kamalambika, who obeys the desires of Lord Shiva,
Who gives the joy through meditation, Who is prayed by the learned,
Who is the mother making us joyous, who is worshiped by the devotes of Lord
Who is having "Hreem" as her temple, Who does not like similarities and
Who is very many different types and Who is the crest jewel of Vedas,
9. Itham Sri Kamalambika priyathaam,
Stotram padethya sada,
Puthra sree pratham, ashta ssidhi phalathaam,
Chintha vinasabdham,
Yeethi brahma padam, nijam nirupamam,
Nishkalmasham nishkalam,
Yogina thrairapi durlabham,
Punarayam chintha vinasam param
If this prayer which is liked by Kamalambika is read always,
You would get sons and wealth as well as eight occult powers,
It would completely remove your worry and lead you to salvation,
Which is true, incomparable, without stains and pure,
And this is not easily got even by yogis,
And it is again destroyer of worries.