Vallabhesa Karavalamba Dasakam
Vallabhesa Karavalamba Dasakam
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Vallabha Ganapathi is a rare form of Ganapathi who has eleven arms and is
believed to be the protector of the universe. There are a few temples dedicated
to this form of Ganapathi (for example Mambalam, Chennai) and one of them is in
Suva, Fiji Islands and another in New York. I know of only three Karavalamvha
stotras, one dedicated to Lord Subramanya, one to Lord Lakshmi Narasimha and the
other dedicated to Lord Venkatesa. The stotram was taught by late Smt. Sarada,
the daughter of Jailor & Astrologer Ganapathy Iyer, Irinjalakuda to her son
Ganeshan. The first letters of the slokas of this stotram combine to form "Om
Sri Gam Ganapathaye Nama and after long search I have confirmed that it is
neither available in the web nor in any of the books of published Ganesha
stotras. I have translated the stotra after correcting the minor mistakes which
had crept in over years. I am dedicating this stotra to the memory of Smt.
Sarada, the great devotee of Vallabha Ganapathi.]
Bheeja pooragadekshukarmukarujaa chakrabja pasthpala,
Vrehygraswavishana rathna kalasa prodhyuth karamboruha,
Dhyoyo vallabhaya cha padmakarayaslishto jwalath bhooshaya,
Viswothpathi vinasa samsthithikaro vigno visishtarthadha.
It is necessary to meditate on that God who prevents bottlenecks,
Who holds in his eleven hands things like lemon, mace,
Bow, sugarcane, spear, holy wheel, lotus flower, rope,
The black bel flower, the paddy bunch, his own tusk and pot of gems,
Who is being embraced by his wife who is well ornamented,
And having in her hand a lotus flower,
Who does the creation, upkeep and destruction of the universe,
And who blesses all with the special wealth.
1. Om angri Padma mukurantha kulamrutham they
Nithyam bhjanthi Divyath Sura sidha sanga
Jnathawamrutham Gana Sastha thakam Bhajami
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
Om, your feet is the nectar like soft bud of lotus,
And it is daily sung about by the holy devas and sages,
And I sing about it knowing it as the fragrant and pretty part of Ganesha,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
2. Shree Mathausunam Adhuna Sararanam Prapadhye
Daridra Dukhasamanam Kurume Ganesha
Math sankatam Cha Sakalam Hara Vigna Raja
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
At this time I surrender to the son of the God mother,
And pray Ganesha to remove the sorrow of poverty,
And pray the lord of stoppages to remove all my sorrows.
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
3. Gamgadharatmaja Vinayaka Mula Murthe
Vyadhim Javena Vinivara Balachandra
Vijnanadristim Athisamayi Sannidhehi
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
Son of him who carries Ganga, Lord who removes bottle necks, Original God,
Oh young moon, remove diseases and ghosts,
Grant me knowledge searching look and
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
4. Ganyam Matheeyabhavanam Vidhayadrishtya
Mal thara puthra thanya Sahajam Cha Sarvan
Akadhayan ashu Paripalaya Surpakarna
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
Make my home to look great,
Look after my wife, son, friends and all others,
Oh God with winnow like ears, please protect this lowly one,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
5. Naakara Manthra gathitham Thava YandhraRajam
Bhakthya Smarami Sathathham Disa Sampathome
Udyoga Sidhim athulam Kavitham Cha Lakshmim
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
Your talisman makes calculations from "NA",
I am always meditating on you with devotion for wealth for me,
Getting of job, capacity to write incomparable verses and beauty,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
6, Padathi Kesa akhilam Sudhaya cha Choornam
Keshagni Panchakam idham Sivabhoothabeejam
Tvad rupa Vaibhavam aho Janathanavendhi
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
All parts of yours from head to toe is nectar like and covered with sandal
You who are the seed of Lord Shiva got your head fell by Lord Shiva,
Oh, the greatness of your form is being praised by people,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
7. Tapathrayam Mama hara amritha Vrishti dishtya
Taapam Vyamohaya Gajanana Sa pado mey,
Drishtyam avrutha duni akhilam Parivallabesha
Shreevallabhesa Mamadehi Kathavalambam
By your nectar like look please destroy my three types of sufferings,
Oh God with elephant head, please remove the troubles from me,
Oh Lord of Vallabha, please see all the world, without our invitation,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
8. Yehtvam Vidhanthi Sivakalpa tharum Prashastham
Thebyo dadhadi Kusalam Nikhilartha labham
Mahyam Thadaiva Sakalam, Nija Vakrathunda
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
You are the one who lost your tusk and the famous wish giving tree of Lord
And you gave us trouble free life and a great gift of wealth,
And so Oh God with a broken tusk, I am giving you all that is mine,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
9. Nanandhya vedhyam amalam Thava Padah Padmam
Nityam Bhaje Vibhudha Shadpada Sevyamanam
Sthanam cha Manyam akhilam Dishame Ganesha
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
I am saluting your pure lotus like feet,
And daily singing and serving you who is very near,
Oh Lord Ganesha, please give me all positions and respectability,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
10. Maoda amruthena Thava Pashupalam
Papapabdhi Panka lulicham cha Sahaya adheenam
Vasthrani Bhushana Dhanani Cha vahanathim
Sreevallabhesa Mama Dehi Kathavalambam
By offering the nectar like modhakas to please you,
I who am drowned and dangling in the sea of sin would get your help,
To get cloths, ornaments, wealth and vehicles,
And so Oh Lord of Vallabha, give me the support of your hand.
Phala Sruthi
Shree Vallabesha dasakam Hatayogya Sadhyam
Herambahe Bhagavadh eeshwara Bringanatham
Shrutvan Idham Shruthividha Kula Yoginome
Bhoori pradham Bahujano Sukhino Bhavanthu
This ten verse prayer addressed to the Lord of Vallabha,
Which would make one capable of deep meditation,
Of the God Ganapathi and Lord Shiva and make,
One hear the name of the god like humming sound of bees,
And hearing which, would lead to abundant life,
And all people would lead a life of happiness.