Venkatesa Dwadasa Nama Stotram
Venkatesa Dwadasa Nama Stotram
[Prayer of twelve names addressed to Lord Venkatesa]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
1. Venkateso, Vasudeva, varijasana vandhita,
Swami Pushkarani vasa, Shanka chakra Gadha dhara
Lord of Venkata mountain, son of Vasudeva,Lord saluted by Lord
He who lives in temple tank at Thirupathi, The lord who carries
the conch and the wheel.
2. Peethambaradhao deva, Garudarooda shobhitha,
Viswathma, Viswalokesa Vijayo Venkateswara
He who wears yellow silk, God, He who shines riding on Garuda,
The soul of the universe, Lord of the universe, The victorious
one, The God of Venkata.
3. Yethath dwadasa naamani trisandhyam ya paden nara,
Sarva papa nirmuktho Vishno sayujyamapnuyath.
If a human being reads these twelve names,
At dawn, noon and dusk, he would get rid of all sins,
And make his own the world of Lord Vishnu.