Devi Kesadi Pada Varnanam
Devi Kesadi Pada Varnanam
Translated by P. R. Kannan
श्री देवीकेशादिपादवर्णनम्
(by Sri Narayana Bhattatri)
After getting his disease cured by the grace of Guruvayurappan,
Sri Narayana Bhattatri, the celebrated author of Sri Narayaneeyam,
composed Sripadasaptati, a book of 70 verses in praise of Devi
Durga’s Feet, at Muktisthala in Kerala, where he was blessed with
peace of mind and ultimately Mukti. I have published a commentary
of Sripadasaptati in English earlier. Sri Bhattatri has also
composed this Stotram, Devi Kesadi-padavarnanam in praise of
Devi’s form, the English translation of which follows.
सिन्दूरारुणं-उज्ज्वलं नयनयोर्-आनन्द-सन्दोहनं
विश्व-व्यापि मनोरमं कलयतां सन्तापविध्वंसनम् ।
तेजो-मण्डलं-आत्मनि स्फुरतु मे भूयस्-तदन्तर्गतं
लावण्यायतनं स्वरूपमपि ते मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (१)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, may your form-embodiment of
loveliness- appear in my heart; the form, shining brightly in red
with saffron (sindura), with heaps of bliss in eyes; enchanting
the minds of all in the universe; destroying the misery of those
who think of her; being the orb of brilliance. (1)
राजच्चन्द्र-कला-विराजि-मुकुटं हैमं निसर्गोज्ज्वलम् ।
आनीलं पृथु-कुञ्चिताग्रं-अमलं कल्प-प्रसूनाञ्चितं
स्निग्धं ते कबरीभरं च कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (२)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, I meditate on your golden crown,
which shines like a crore of rising Suns, studded with priceless
rows of gems and radiates shine along with crescent moon on the
head and which emits natural lustre. I also meditate on your thick
hair, black, dense, curly, blemishless, oily and adorned with
Kalpaka flowers. (2)
अर्द्धेन्दु-प्रतिमे ललाट-फलके नीलालकालङ्कृते
कस्तूरी-तिलकं विलास-चतुरं चानङ्ग-चापोपमम् ।
भ्रूवल्ली-युगलं समुन्नतं-अतिस्वच्छं च नासापुटं
राजन्-मौक्तिक-रत्नं-अम्ब कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (३)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Mother, I meditate on the musk
mark (kasturi tilakam) on your broad forehead, looking like
half-moon, adorned with black curls of hair on top; the twin
eyebrows, masterly in sport and appearing like the bow of
Manmatha; the raised and very clear nose and the shining nose-stud
of pearl and gem. (3)
प्रध्वस्तानत-भूरि-ताप-निकरं विस्तीर्णं-अत्यायतम् ।
स्निग्ध-श्यामल-पक्ष्म-पंक्ति-नयन-द्वन्द्वं दया-वारिधे
दीने पातय मय्यनन्य-शरणे मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (४)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, ocean of compassion, bestow on
poor me, who have no other refuge, glance of your twin eyes, which
are sportingly moving about, adorned with collyrium and which
destroy the large heap of miseries of the devout by mere glance
from corner of eyes lasting a mere fraction of a second; eyes
which are very large and very long, adorned with oily, black row
of eyelashes. (4)
गण्डौ विद्रुम-दर्पणादि-विमलौ गोरोचनालंकृतौ
कर्णोद्भासित-रत्न-कुण्डल-रुचा विभ्राजितौ कोमलौ
बन्धूक-प्रसवारुणाधरपुटं कुन्दाभ-दन्तावली-
बिभ्राजच्चिबुकं च देवि कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (५)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Devi, I meditate on your cheeks,
blemishfree like coral and mirror, soft and adorned with bright
yellow pigment from the bile of cow (Gorochana), shining with
reflection of gem-studded ear-rings; your red lips resembling the
Bandhuka flowers; your rows of teeth, bright like the jasmine
flower in colour; and the shining chin. (5)
वक्त्रेन्दौ निजकान्ति-रूषित-परिष्कारे मनोनन्दने ।
राजन्तीं स्मित-चन्द्रिकां नत-जनान्तस्-ताप-निर्मूलिनीं
नित्यं चेतसि भावयामि वरदे मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (६)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, bestower of boons, I always
meditate in the garden of my mind, which is purified by the
expansive glow of your moon-face, shining with the gem-studded
crown, twin ear-studs and necklace, on the brilliant, cool
radiance of your smile, which roots out the innermost miseries of
the worshippers. (6)
ग्रैवेयैश्च निरन्तरं मणिमयैर्-मङ्गल्य-सूत्रोज्ज्वलम् ।
रेखाभिस्-तिसृभिस्-तथा विलसितं चारुस्वरं बन्धुरं
कण्ठं ते कलयामि गीति-निपुणे मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (७)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, expert in music, I meditate on
your beautiful neck, decorated with musk (kasturi), camphor,
saffron (kumkum) etc., shining always with necklaces and
gem-studded mangalasutra, and adorned with three beautiful lines
and which is seat of very enchanting voice. (7)
केयूरादि-विचित्र-भूषणतरान् रत्नाङ्गुलीय-प्रभा-
राजत्-पाणितलान् धृतैक्षवधनुः-पुष्पेषु पाशाङ्कुशान् ।
आनम्राभयदान् शिरीष-मृदुलान्-आलेपनैर्-अञ्चितान्
बाहून् मूर्धनि मे निधेहि सदयं मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (८)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, rest on my head with compassion,
your arms, bejewelled with wonderful ornaments like bracelets,
hands shining with gem-studded rings in fingers, holding bow of
sugarcane and arrows of flowers, and rope and goad, bestowing
freedom from fear to the worshippers, soft like the Sirisha tree
and adorned with various anointments (like vermilion etc.). (8)
निष्कं बाहुलतान्तरे मणिगणैर्-आकीर्णं-अत्यद्भुतं
हारं चापि मनोहरं मणिमयीं मालां तथा काञ्चनीम् ।
राजिवोत्पल-चम्पकादि-कुसुमैः क्लृप्तां-अहीन-श्रियं
मालां सौरभ-शालिनीं च कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (९)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, I meditate on the brilliant and
enchanting golden necklaces, studded with variety of gems, and the
garlands, full of fragrance and unimpaired splendour, made of
flowers like lotus, lily, champaka etc. worn on the bosom (between
the two creeper-like arms). (9)
वृत्तौ कुङ्कुम-रूषितौ निरुपमौ पीनौ स्तनौ संहतौ
तुङ्गौ कोमल-सूक्ष्म-पाटल-पट-प्रच्छादिता-वुज्ज्वलौ ।
मध्यं चापि कृशं वलित्रययुतं वक्षोज-भारानतं
तन्वीं रोमलतां च देवि कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (१०)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Devi, I meditate on your
breasts, round, adorned with kumkum, unparalleled, huge, closely
joined, raised and shining behind soft and thin red-coloured
covering of cloth; and the midriff, thin, having three lines and
bent down with the weight of breasts; and the line of hair on the
abdomen. (10)
आवर्त्ताभं-अमन्दशोभं-अमलं निम्नं च नाभीबिलं
काञ्चीदाम-निबद्ध-रत्न-विलसत्-सिन्दूर-वर्णांशुकम् ।
विस्तीर्णं रशनापदं कनक-रम्भाभावुरू कोमलौ
ऊरू चारुतरौ च देवि कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (११)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Devi, I meditate on your
navel-cavity, which is sloping deep, shining brightly, and
blemishless, covered by cloth of red colour, tied with girdle
studded with shining gems; your thighs, golden and shaped like the
interior of plantain tree, soft, large and beautiful. (11)
जानु-द्वन्द्वं-इभेन्द्र-कुम्भ-सुषमा-चौरं च जङ्घायुगं
चेतोजन्म-निषङ्ग-सौरभहरं वृत्तं च नात्यायतम् ।
मञ्जीरं च मनोऽभिराम-निनदं रत्न-प्रभा-भासुरं
कूर्माभं प्रपदं च देवि कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (१२)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Devi, I meditate on your twin
knees, which steal the loveliness of the temples of the best
elephant; your twin legs, which steal the fragrance associated
with Manmatha, round and not too long; the anklets, making
enchanting sounds and shining bright with gems; the top of foot
resembling a tortoise. (12)
स्निग्ध-स्वच्छतराङ्गुलीदलत्-अतिच्छायं विराजन्नख-
प्रालेयांशु-मरीचि-धूत-विनमत्-तापान्धकारोत्करम् ।
कान्तं कल्पलता-प्रवाल-सुभगं लाक्षारसारञ्जितं
पादाब्जं तव भावयामि वरदे मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (१३)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, bestower of boons, I meditate on
your sticky and very clear fingers in feet, which emit excellent
radiance; the shining finger-nails, which, like the moon, dispel
the darkness of misery of the devout; the lotus feet, radiant,
munificent like the Kalpaka creeper and adorned with red lac. (13)
भक्तानां हृदयेषु भूरिकृपया न्यस्तं तदन्तर्गतं
गाढं तापतमो निरस्य शिशिरी-कुर्वन्-प्रकाशाधिकम् ।
आनन्दामृत-वर्षिकं च वरदे यत्-सेव्यमानं बुधैस्-
तत्ते पादसरोजं-अम्ब कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (१४)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, bestower of boons, Mother, I
meditate on your lotus feet, which manifest, out of extreme
compassion, in the hearts of devotees and drive away the dense
heat and darkness (of misery and ignorance) from them, rendering
them cool and very bright, which shower the ambrosia of bliss;
which are worshipped by the wise. (14)
यत्-पांसुं कमलासन-प्रभृतयो देवा मुनीन्द्रास्-तथा
वोढुं मूर्ध्नि न कुर्वते यत-धियः किं किं तपो दुष्करम् ।
त्वत्-पादाम्बुजं-आनतस्य सततं दीनस्य मे मस्तके
कूजन्-नूपुरं-अर्पयाम्ब सदयं मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (१५)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Mother, rest with compassion on
the head of poor me, who worship you always, your lotus feet with
the jingling anklets. For receiving the dust of those feet on
their heads, what kind of arduous penance is not practised with
great self-control by Devas like Brahma and the best among Munis.
राजा चैत्र-कुलोद्भवस्य सुरथो यत्-सेवयाऽभून्-मनु:
वैश्यः सोऽपि समाधिराप मतिमान् ज्ञानं परैर्-दुर्लभम् ।
योषामूर्त्तिरमूमुहत्-स्मररिपुं देवोऽपि नारायणस्-
तत्ते पादसरोजं-अम्ब कलये मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥ (१६)
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Mother, I meditate on your lotus
feet. By worshipping these feet, Suratha, the king born in Chaitra
lineage, became Manu; Samadhi the Vaisya attained Knowledge,
difficult of reach even for exalted persons; even Narayana put on
the form of a lovely woman and enticed even Siva (the foe of
Manmatha). (16)
नित्यं येन शिवाङ्ग-वर्णनं-इदं स्तोत्रं द्वयोस्-सन्ध्ययोः
पद्यैः षोडशभिः कृतं कृतधिया मर्त्येन संकीर्त्यते ।
तस्य प्रीत-मनाः परेश-महिषि त्वं देवि तापत्रयं
निर्द्धूयाऽऽशु विधेहि भक्तिं-अचलां मुक्तिस्थलस्थे शिवे ॥
O Consort of Siva of Muktisthala, Devi, Consort of Parameswara,
when one chants, with concentration at the two times of dawn and
dusk every day, this Stotram of sixteen verses, describing the
form of the Consort of Siva, you become pleased with him, remove
his threefold misery and quickly grant unflinching devotion to
you. (17)
The threefold misery afflicting humans is Adhyatmika (from bodily
and mental causes within oneself), Adhibhoutika (from created
beings- other humans, animals etc.) and Adhidaivika (from divine
agencies like earthquake, floods etc.).
Om Tat Sat