Athma Nivasi Rama

Athma Nivasi Rama
[Rama who lives in the soul]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[This prayer is a bhajan (group song) written in Hindi praising Lord Rama. Normally the first one or two lines are sung by the leader of the Bhajana, and the refrain is sung by all the people who are there in the group.]

Atmanivasee Rama, Atmanivasee Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 1

Rama who lives in the soul, Rama who lives in the soul,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.

Ayodhyavasee Rama, Ayodhyavasee Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 2

Rama who lives in Ayodhya, Rama who lives in Ayodhya,.
Victory and Victory to Rama, the son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.

Aranyavasee Rama, Aranyavasee Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 3

Rama who lives in forest, Rama who lives in forest,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.

Ahalya uddharaka Rama, Ahalya uddharaka Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 4

Rama who made Ahalya arise, Rama who arose Ahalya,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.

Dashamukhamardana Rama,Dashamukhamardana Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 5

Rama who killed ten faced Ravana, Rama who killed ten faced Ravana,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.

Bhaktavasala Rama, Bhaktavatsala Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 6

Rama who likes his devotees, Rama who likes his devotees,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.

Ayodhya Vasi Ram, Ram Ram Dasharatha Nandana Ram
Pateetha Pavana Janaki Jeevana Seeta Mohana Ram
Ayodhya Vasi Ram, Ram Ram Dasharatha Nandana Ram
Pateetha Pavana Janaki Jeevana Seeta Mohana Ram 7
Rama who lived in Ayodhya, Rama, Rama
Rama, the son of Dasaratha, Rama, Rama,
The purifier of the sinners, the soul of Sita, He who makes Sita pretty, Rama,
Rama who lived n Ayodhya, Rama, Rama
Rama, the son of Dasaratha, Rama, Rama,
The purifier of the sinners, the soul of Sita, He who makes Sita pretty, Rama,

Prema mudita mana se kaho
Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 8

Tell with mind full of love,
Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama,
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama

Papa kate dukha mite, leta Rama nam
Bhava sumudra sukhada nava, eka Rama nam.
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 9

The cutter of sins, the cure of sorrow is the name of Rama,
The boat in the sea of misery, one name of Rama,
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama

Parama Shanti Sukha nidhana,
Divya Rama nam.
Niradhara ko adhara, eka Rama nam.
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 10

The great source of peace of happiness,
Is the divine name of Rama,
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama

Parama gopya parama ishta,
Mantra Rama nam
Santa hridaya sada basata
Eka Rama nam.
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 11

Very secret and very dear,
Chant is the name of Rama,
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama

Mahadeva satata japata
Divya Rama nam
Kashi marata mukti karata
Kahata Rama Rama nam.
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 12

Always chanted by Lord Shiva,
Is the divine name of Rama,
In Benares when dying for salvation,
He says the name of Rama, Rama,
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama

Maata Pita Bandhu Sakha, Sabihi Rama Nam.
Bhakta Janana Jeevna Nandana
Eka Rama Nam.
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram
Shree Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 13

Mother, father, relative and friend are all name of Rama,
The garden of happiness to the devotees,
Is one name of Rama,
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama
Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama.

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