Yuddha Kandam

102. Indra Sends Chariot to Rama

[The great war continues. Devas felt that Rama was at a disadvantage fighting from land and so Indra sent his chariot and charioteer Matali to help Rama. Both of them being of equal valour the war continued in a fierce manner.]

Hearing Lakshmana speaking those words, the valorous Rama, who as the destroyer of his enemies, took hold of his bow and fixed an arrow on its bow string. 102.1

In the battle front Rama released horrifying arrows at Ravana and Ravana, the king of Rakshasas occupying another chariot rushed towards the son of Kakustha clan, Similar to Rahu rushing towards the sun God. 102.2

The ten necked one standing on his chariot struck Rama with arrows equal to Vajrayudha similar to a cloud gushing out rain on a huge mountain. 102.3

Rama thoughtfully sent fire like flaming arrows ornamented with gold on the ten necked one in the battle field. 102.4

Devas, Gandharwas and Yakshas told among themselves that the war fought with Ravana on a chariot and Rama on the ground was not equal. 102.5

Hearing these words, the auspicious best among Devas summoned Matali [his charioteer] and spoke the following words to him. 102.6

"Go speedily along with my chariot to the earth and after reaching there, invite the best among the Raghu clan to take the seat in the chariot and do great service to Devas. 102.7

When the king of devas told like this, his charioteer Matali, saluted him by bowing his head and told the following words. 102.8

"Oh Indra along with excellent chariot yoked to green horses, I will go and perform the duty of Charioteer to Rama." 102.9

Taking the glorious and excellent chariot of Indra, having variegated body decked in gold, which was fitted with hundreds of tiny bells, with its pole of cat's eye gems shining like the morning sun, yoked to excellent green horses, having golden chaplets on their heads, having white whisks, covered with nets of gold, shining like the sun and bearing a flag-staff raised on a golden bamboo and ascending the chariot, as enjoined by Indra after descending from paradise, Matali approached Rama. 102.10-102.13

Staying on the chariot itself, that Matali the charioteer of the thousand eyed one folding his hands in salutation to Rama, told the following words. 102.14

"Ok son of Kakustha clan, the thousand eyed one has sent this chariot to help you get victory. Oh mighty and glorious one, who is the destroyer of his enemies. 102.15

"Here is the great bow of Indra and his armour shining like fire, arrows as bright as the sun and the auspiciously pure steel spear. 102.16

"Oh valorous one, get in to this chariot and kill the Rakshasa called Ravana, like Indra killed the Asuras when I was driving the chariot." 102.17

When he told like this Rama went round the chariot, offered his salutations to it and got in to that chariot causing the three worlds to shine with splendour. 102.18

Then ensued a great tumultuous battle making one's hair stand erect between the greatly valorous Rama and that Rakshasa called Ravana. 102.19

That Raghava who was a great expert on arrows matched a Gandharwa arrow with a Gandharwa arrow, a God arrow with a gold arrow and made fall the arrows of the king. 102.20

That king of Rakshasas became greatly angry and again released another horrific arrow of the Rakshasas. 102.21

Those arrows decked with gold, which were released from the bow of Ravana turned in to highly poisonous snake and came towards Rama. 102.22

Those fearful arrows having a burning face, vomiting burning fire from its face, with its mouth wide open rushed towards Rama alone. 102.23

All the directions of the earth were covered by poisonous snakes, whose impact was like Vasuki, the king of serpents with flaming coils. Even the corners between the directions were filled with these snakes. 102.24

Seeing all those snakes rushing towards him in the battle field, Rama created and released an extremely fearful and horrific arrow of Garuda. 102.25

With golden shafts which shined like flames that arrow released from the bow of Rama turned n to golden eagles and these went round. 102.26

Those arrows of Rama which can assume any form that they want, assumed the form of eagles and destroyed all those arrows which were flying round in the form of snakes. 102.27

Seeing that his arrows have proved a waste, Ravana, the king of Rakshasas became greatly angry, and rained horrific rains of arrows on Rama. 102.28

With thousand arrows Ravana wounded Rama who never delayed his actions and then wounded Matali with very many arrows. 102.29

With one arrow Ravana struck the golden flag post and made it fall down on the seat and tore the flag of that chariot and Ravana also struck the horses of Indra's chariots. 102.30

Seeing Rama pained, the gods, Gandharwas, Charanas along with the demons, as also Sidha and the great sages felt dejected. Seeing the moon in the shape of Rama eclipsed by Rahu in the shape of Ravana, the monkey-chiefs too, along with Vibheeshana, felt perturbed. 102.31-102.32

The planet Budha conquering the constellation of Rohini who was the darling of the moon, which was presided by Lord Brahma forebode disaster to all beings. 102.33

Burning in great rage that ocean rose very high at that time as though it was trying to touch the sun and its mist and tide moving to and fro. 102.34

The Sun looked with colour of ash with piercing rays and its rays travelled slowly and it appeared like a headless trunk in its lap and united with the comet. 102.35

The planet mars [angaraka] stood attacking the Vishakha star constellation presided over by Indra and fire, which is adored by the kings of Kosala. 102.36

With ten faces, twenty arms and holding the bow tightly by his hands, Ravana looked like the Mainaka Mountain. 102.37

Because of being overpowered by that ten necked Rakshasa, Rama was not even able to fit arrows in his bow. 102.38

That angry Rama knitting his eye brows, with eyes turned slightly red got in to great anger and felt as though he would burn all the Rakshasas. 102.39

Seeing the face of that powerful Rama which was provoked by great anger, all living beings got frightened and even the earth began to tremble. 102.40

The Mountains with its lions and tigers as well as its swaying trees trembled and even the ocean which is the lord of rivers got agitated. 102.41

The very dense clouds with harsh loud sounds assumed an undesirable look and roamed all over the sky thundering. 102.42

Seeing Rama being terribly angry and seeing those portents, al beings started shivering and even Ravana was seized with fear. 102.43

The devas, Gandharwas and great serpents who were sitting on their planes, sages, Asuras and Dhanavas, eagles which were flying in the air witnessed the battle between those great heroes, fighting steadily with various types of weapons and felt as if the final deluge was approaching. 102.44-102.45

Those devas and Asuras who had come to witness the battle seeing that battle rejoiced due to devotion. 102.46

The Rakshasas who reached the battle field told Ravana, "Be victorious" and the Gods again and again told Rama, "Be victorious.", 102.47

In the meantime, that evil-minded Ravana, who caused enemies to cry, stroking with anger a great weapon wishing to strike Rama, took with anger that spike, which was as powerful as a thunderbolt, which made a loud noise and was capable of exterminating all enemies, which was resembling the mountain-peak, which with its sharp points was dreadful to conceive and to behold was resembling a smoke-crested mass of fire blazing at the final deluge, exceedingly furious, which was difficult to approach even by God of Death, which was unassailable, which was a terror for all beings, capable as it was of tearing and splitting them with it being burning with flames. 102.48-102.51

That valorous and angry Ravana surrounded in the battle field by many Rakshasas took hold of that spear by its middle. 102.52

Ravana with a very huge body, with blood red eyes due to anger lifted that spear, making his army greatly happy and roared greatly in that battle. 102.53

That frightful roar of Ravana made the earth, the four directions, the sky and angles of Compass tremble and shiver. 102.54

By that great roar of that very big bodied bad soul, all the living beings trembled and the ocean was agitated. 102.55

After taking hold of that great spear, that very valorous Ravana, made another great roar and spoke the following words to Rama. 102.56

"Oh Rama this great spear which is equal to a thunderbolt would surely take away not only your life but that of your brother and help mate Lakshmana," 102.57

"I who appreciate war would kill you by my strength in this war and make you equivalent to very many Valorous Rakshasas killed by me in the battle front." 102.58

"Oh Raghava, wait for I am going to kill you with this spear," speaking thus that king of Rakshasas hurled that spear. 102.59

That spear which was released from the hands of Ravana was encircled in an orb of lightning and with eight bells tied on it making a very great sound splashed as it went to the sky. 102.60

The valorous Raghava seeing that lustrous spear which was horrifying to look at stretched his bow and released very many plumed arrows. 102.61

That Raghava warded off that spear by a rains of his arrows, like Indra warded off the fire at deluge by streams of water. 102.62

But the large spear of Ravana consumed all those arrows which were coming from the bow of Rama, like moths being consumed by fire. 102.63

Seeing those arrows smashed by coming into contact with the spear and reduced to ashes even while positioned in the sky, Rama became greatly angry. 102.64

That Raghava who was the source of happiness of the Raghu clan, became very angry at this and took hold of a spear by Matali, with the consent of Indra. 102.65

That spear lifted by the very strong Rama, gave out big sound of bells and began to burn like a lustrous meteor in the sky at the final deluge. 102.66

That spear which was hurled made in to pieces the spear of the king of Rakshasas and due to it that great spear of Ravana fell on the ground, with its luster extinguished. 102.67

With very sharp arrows of very high speed with shaft made of reeds, Rama struck at his target and pierced the great fleet of horses of Ravana. 102.68

Then Rama using sharp arrows wounded the chest region of Ravana and deliberately with three arrows pierced the forehead of Ravana. 102.69

With all his body parts being wounded and blood covering the entire body, that Ravana, in the middle of Rakshasas, shined like a blooming Asoka tree in the middle of other trees. 102.70

With all his body severely injured by Rama's arrows and with his body bathed in blood, that Ravana felt exhausted in the middle of a multitude of Rakshasas and became greatly angry. 102.71

This is the end of One Hundred and Second Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

103. Ravana's Charioteer Takes Ravana Away

[The fierce war continues. Rama tells Ravana that he is a coward. He moves near him and showers him with arrows. Seeing him weakening and not able to respond, his charioteer takes the chariot away from the battle field.]

Ravana who was proud of his skills of war, when greatly tormented by the angry Rama, became greatly angry. 103.1

With burning eyes, raising his bow in great anger, that valorous Ravana who was greatly heroic continued to trouble Rama by covering him with thousands of arrow streams, just like a rainy cloud fills up a pond by thousands of rays of rain. 103.2-103.3

Though he was covered by a great network of arrows released from the bow of the enemy, the son of Kakustha clan did not flutter, just like a large unshakeable mountain. 103.4

The greatly valorous Rama stood in the battle field preventing those torrents of arrows, with his own arrows, and suffered them just like they were rays of the sun. 103.5

Then that Rakshasa with a very speedy hand, becoming angry struck the chest of that great soul Rama with thousands of arrows. 103.6

That elder brother of Lakshmana bathed in blood in that battle field appeared like the very big Kimsuka tree in bloom in the forest. 103.7

Becoming very angry by the effect of those arrows, the greatly lustrous Rama took hold of arrows which shined like the sun at the time of final deluge. 103.8

Both Rama and Ravana who were greatly angry could not see each other clearly in that battle field which was dark being shrouded by arrows. 103.9

Filled with great anger that Rama, the son of Dasaratha burst out in laughter and told the following harsh words to Ravana. 103.10

"Oh basest of the Rakshasas, since you had abducted my wife from Janasthana, when she was helpless when I was not there to protect her, you are not a person of valour." 103.11

"In spite of abducting Sita was in a miserable condition in that great forest and without me, you think you are a great champion." 103.12

"Having acted like a coward, by laying your arms on another person's wife and posing as a hero in relation to ladies without protection, you think you are a great champion. 103.13

"Oh person without shame, who has broken the tenets of respectability, who is of loose morality having laid your hand on death [Sita], you think you are a great champion." 103.14

"For having done this glorious and famous act, you who are the valorous brother of Khubera are indeed rich in your valour and strength." 103.15

"You are now going to reap now the great fruit noxious and contemptible act, which was done by you just for vanity." 103.16
"Oh evil minded person, though you think you are a great champion there is no shame in you for abducting Sita, just like an ordinary thief." 103.17

"Had you dared to touch Sita in my presence, you would have gone and met your brother Khara at that very moment, when I killed you by my arrows." 103.18

"See, oh stupid fellow, you have now come within my sight and so I would send you to the world of death with my sharp arrows today itself." 103.19

"Let your head adorned with shining ear rings which lies on this dust laden battle field be carried away by the beasts of prey, after I chop it off by my arrows today." 103.20

"Oh Ravana, let vultures fly down on your breast after you fall on earth, wounded by my arrows with blood oozing out of the wounds caused by my sharp arrows." 103.21

"Let birds tear out your bowels similar to eagles dragging serpents when you fall down dead when pierced by my arrows today." 103.22

After telling like this the valorous Rama, who was the destroyer of enemies moved near the king of Rakshasas and started raining arrows at him. 103.23

The valour, strength and joy of Rama increased two fold when he longed for the death of this enemy in that battle. 103.24

The memories of various mystic arrows came to the mind of the very learned Rama and from his excessive enthusiasm, that greatly lustrous one became swift handed. 103.25

Recognizing these good omens, Rama, the destroyer of Rakshasas tormented that Ravana even more fiercely. 103.26

Hit by the volley of stones thrown by the monkeys and rain of arrows sent by Rama, the ten necked one felt greatly scared at heart. 103.27

Ravana could no longer take up the weapons, nor stretch his bow, nor was he able to react to the valour of Rama on account of his mind being confused. 103.28

As the time of his death drew near, the arrows that he sent with speed nor the mystic arrows employed him had any effect in that battle. 103.29

Observing that Ravana had been reduced to such a plight, the charioteer driving the chariot, for his part, without getting excited, calmly and slowly carried off his chariot away from the battle-front. 103.30

After that seeing that his king has lost his energy and valour and was seen as miserable, the charioteer diverted his very huge chariot, which was rumbling like a cloud and sneaked away from the battle front in fear. 103.31

This is the end of One Hundred and Third Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

104. Ravana at Battle Field Again

[Ravana tells the charioteer that he should not have come away from the battle field. He says he may be an enemy agent. The Charioteer defends himself and says that he did because he loved Ravana. He says that is one of the duties of Charioteer to save his master. Ravana becomes pleased and orders him to take him back to the battle-field. He does it.]

That Ravana lead forcefully by fate, with blood red eyes due to great anger, due to confusion spoke thus to the charioteer. 104.1

"O evil-minded one, Despising me as though I was bereft of manliness, incapable, deficient in strength, cowardly, petty-minded, devoid of energy, without any brilliance, deserted of conjuring tricks and abandoned by divine arrows, you had acted as per your discretion." 104.2-104.3

"Why have you driven away my chariot, bringing me down before my enemies, without asking my consent?" 104.4

"Oh ungentlemanly fellow, the fame that I have earned over very long periods, my luster and the trust others had on me has been destroyed by you today." 104.5

"When my famous and valorous enemy who entertained others by his valour was looking on, you have made me a contemptible person though I had great desire to do the war." 104.6

"Oh evil minded person, If you due to your illusion do not take my chariot immediately to the battle field, my assumption that you have been corrupted by the enemy would be correct." 104.7

"The act that you have done now is only in the interest of my enemies and indeed not the work of a friend, who wishes me well." 104.8

"If you have lived with me for a long time and if you happen to remember my character, drive back this chariot with speed so that my enemy does not go back." 104.9

Hearing those harsh words of Ravana who had lost his senses, that charioteer who had his good in mind said these conciliatory words to Ravana. 104.10

"I was neither scared nor stupid and nor was I bribed by the enemies, nor did I commit a mistake, nor did I stop loving you and also I had not forgotten your good." 104.11

"I who wished your welfare and wanted to protect your honour with a mind full of affection, did this act which you did not like, thinking it would be in your interest." 104.12

"Oh king, you should not think me as petty minded and unworthy as I am devoted completely to your good and pleasure and am not guilty in this matter." 104.13

"Please hear the reason, which made me carry away the chariot away from the battle field, like the rushing tide of a river cannot be pushed back." 104.14

"I understand your exhaustion, due to your strenuous fighting in the great battle. I am not reflecting on the nature of your valour or on your superiority over your enemy." 104.15

"The horses that pull the chariot were broken down and were exhausted by drawing the chariot and they became miserable and very tired, like cows lashed by great rain." 104.16

"I am noticing several omens which are against nature and I examined all those omens which were in large numbers." 104.17

"The time and place of the occurrence of these omens as well as their good and bad, facial expressions, depression and liveliness and strength of the weakness of the warriors occupying the chariot must be examined by the Charioteer." 104.18

"The bumps and depressions of the place as well as the their rugged and level nature, the appropriate time to fight, the weak and strong points of the enemy should be known to the charioteer." 104.19

"How to reach a place and retreat from there, how to hold on to one's position and how to retreat must all be known to the charioteer, seated on the chariot." 104.20

"The action that I took was very proper in order to give you rest and to these horses and chariots and also relive your great tiredness." 104.21

"Oh valorous Lord, I did not move away the chariot on my own accord and what was done by me was due to my great devotion to you who is my master." 104.22

"Oh destroyer of enemies, oh valorous one, please order me and I will do whatever you desire with due attention and with a relieved manner about why I should do it." 104.23

Ravana became happy with the words of his charioteer, praised him in many ways and he who was desirous of war spoke the following words. 104.24

"Oh charioteer, quickly take this chariot towards Rama for in a War Ravana does not turn back without killing his enemies." 104.25

After saying this, that king of Rakshasas who was pleased presented a pretty and excellent ornament to that charioteer and after he instructed him he took the chariot back to the battle field. 104.26

Following Ravana's command, that charioteer quickly drove the horses forward and, that chariot of Ravana stood within a moment, before Rama's chariot on the battle-field. 104.27

This is the end of One Hundred and Fourth Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

105. Agasthya Teaches Adithya Hrudayam

[Agasthya teaches the great prayer called Adithya Hrudayam (Heart of Sun) to Rama, which would help Rama in war. Rama chants it according to rules. Sun God appears before him and asks him to kill Ravana.]

The great God like sage Agasthya, who has come along with other Gods to see the war, seeing the tired and thought filled Ravana, approached Lord Rama, who is ready for the war and told. 105.1-105.2

Hey Rama, Hey dear Rama, be pleased to hear, that which is secret and perennial, by reciting which, son, you would be victorious in war. 105.3

This is the prayer called "the heart of the sun" which is holy, destroys all enemies, which leads to victory, and by reciting which daily, leads you to perennial state of good. 105.4

This prayer great gives all that is good,
Destroys all sins committed,
Acts as an antidote for sorrow and thought,
And also leads to very long life. 105.5

Offer prayers to the Great Sun God,
Who is the owner of rays,
Who rises up from below,
Who is worshipped by devas and asuras,
And who is worshipped by every one of the universe. 105.6.

He has within him all the devas,
He is the brightest among the bright,
He runs the whole world by his rays,
And protects all the worlds of Devas and Asuras,
By his great Rays. 105.7

He is Brhama, He is Vishnu,
He is Shiva, He is Skanda,
He is the progenitor of human race,
He is the king of devas,
He is Khubera, the lord of all riches.
He is Kala, the God of death, 105.8

And He is the moon also He is Varuna
He is the manes, He is the Gods called Vasus,
He is the gods called sadhya,
He is the Aswini devathas, the doctors of Gods,
He is the maruths who are responsible for breeze,
He is the wind God, He is the fire God,
He is the soul of all beings,
He is the creator of seasons,
And he is the giver of light. 105.9

He is the son of Adithi,
He is the creator of the world,
He makes us do things,
He travels on the sky,
He feeds the world by rain,
He is the one with rays,
He is the colour of Gold,
He is always shining,
He is responsible for creation,
And he is the maker of the day. 105.10

He has green horses,
He has thousands of rays,
He rides on seven horses,
He dispels darkness,
He gives a pleasant life,
He kills all life,
He gives rebirth to those killed,
He removes darkness,
And he is resplendent in his glory. 105.11

He who keeps the golden source,
He who cools down minds of devotees,
He who bestows heat,
He who is the source of light,
He who is praised by every one,
He who has fire within himself,
He who is the son of adhithi,
He who travels in the sky with pleasure,
And he who melts cold. 105.12

He who is the lord of the sky,
He who dispels darkness,
He who is a master of Rig, Yajur and Sama Veda,
He who is the cause of heavy rains,
He who is the friend of water,
And he who travels over the Vindhyas swiftly. 105.13

He who gives heat,
He who is of the global shape,
He who is of the form of death,
He who is of the colour of gold,
He who heats everything,
He who is in expert in knowledge,
He who manages the universe,
He who is of great brilliance,
He who is dear to every one,
And he who manages every event. 105.14.

Salutations to him who is the Lord of stars, planets and zodiac,
To him who looks after the universe,
To him who gives light to all that shines,
And To him who has twelve forms. 105.15

Salutations to him, who rises from the mounts of east,
Salutations to him, who sets on mounts of west,
Salutations to the lord of objects that shine,
And the Lord of the day. 105.16

Salutations to him who is the cause of victories,
Salutations to him who has green horses,
Salutations and salutations to him who has thousand rays,
Salutations and salutations to the son of Adhithi. 105.17

Salutations and salutations,
To him who is fearful to the sinners,
To him who is the hero,
And to him who travels swiftly.
Salutations to him who opens the lotus,
And salutations and salutations,
To him who makes men live. 105.18

Salutations to Him,
Who is God to Brahma, Achyutha and Shiva,
Who is the giver of light,
Who is the son of Adhithi,
Who is ever shining,
Who eats everything,
And to him who has a fearsome body. 105.19

Salutations to him,
Who destroys darkness,
Who destroys, snow,
Who destroys his enemies,
Who has an immeasurable body,
Who destroys those who are not grateful,
And to him who is the Lord of those who shine. 105.20

Salutations to Him,
Who is of the colour of molten gold,
Who is of the form of fire,
Who has created the world,
Who destroys ignorance,
Who is the subject of all that is loved,
And to him who is the witness of the world. 105.21

Our lord helps beings to grow,
And also destroys them.
He with his awesome rays,
Looks after every being,
Gives intense heat to them,
And also causes rains to shower 105.22

This our Lord is awake,
When all the world is asleep,
Without anyone being aware,
And he is the fire sacrifice,
And also the one who performs fire sacrifice. 105.23

All the Vedas,
All the yagas,
Result of all yagas.
And all the actions,
That happen in this world,
Are this Lord Surya himself. 105.24

Hey Lord Raghava,
Any one who sings the praise of the Sun,
In time of danger,
In time of suffering,
In wild forests.
And in times of fear,
Is able to cross the problem for sure. 105.25

Please worship Him.
Who is God of Gods,
And who is the lord of the universe,
With single minded devotion.
If you chant this thrice,
You would win in the war. 105.26

"Oh hero of heroes,
You would kill Ravana within a second,"
Saying this the sage Agasthya,
Went back his way. 105.27

Hearing this, the resplendent one,
Became devoid of sorrow,
And with utmost devotion,
Wore this prayer within himself. 105.28

Cleansing himself,
By doing Aachamana thrice,
And facing the Sun God,
Lifting his bow
The great hero Rama became very happy 105.29
Came he facing Ravana,
For starting the war again,
With all preparations great,
With an intention of killing him. 105.30

Immediately then Lord Sun,
Who is the king of the skies
Arose from the middle of the bevy of Gods,
With mind full of happiness,
And asked Rama to kill Ravana forthwith. 105.31

This is the end of One Hundred and Fifth Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

106. Ravana Sees Bad Omens

[Rama instructs Matali as to what he wants to be done. Ravana on his way sees only bad omens and Rama on his way sees only good omens. Rama feels happy.]

Thrilling with great joy the charioteer of Ravana, drove forward quickly, his chariot which was capable of attacking the army of enemies, a wonderful piece of art like Gandharwa-city, mounted with flags, yoked with horses of excellent quality adorned with golden necklaces, filled with war-implements, adorned with rows of flags and banners, which was devouring the sky as it were, making earth resound, which was the destroyer of army of adversaries and caused delight to its own. 106.1-106.3

The king of men saw the chariot of the king of Rakshasas having a huge flag coming towards him with a great noise, yoked with black horses, with terrific luster like an aero plane, brightening the sky with its luster equal to Sun, having lightning like flags and the appearance of rain bow. 106.4-106.6

Seeing that chariot which was releasing streams like a cloud releasing rain accompanied by the sound similar to the bursting of a mountain which was broken by Vajrayudha, Rama after stretching his bow in a crescent shape spoke to Matali, the charioteer of the thousand eyed one. 106, 7-106.8

"Oh Matali see that chariot of the enemy coming forward coming from left to right in great speed again. It appears that he has decided to destroy himself fighting this war. 106.9-106.10

"And so take care of yourself and march forward and go opposite to the chariot of the enemy as I wish to destroy it like a wind blowing away the cloud." 106.11

"Without any fear and without any nervousness with steady eyes and heart, controlling the rains properly drive the chariot with speed." 106.12

"Though you need not be instructed by me, you being the charioteer of Indra, as I desire to fight with one track mind, I am just reminding you and not attempting to teach you." 106.13

Matali after becoming extremely happy by the words of Rama, that best of the charioteers of devas further drove the chariot. 106.14

After passing the huge chariot of Ravana on his right, that charioteer left Ravana shaking by the dust rising from the wheels of his chariot. 106.15

Then that angry ten necked one with his copper coloured eyes wide open shook with his arrows Rama who stood facing his chariot. 106.16

Meeting that courage with anger and being provoked to fight, Rama took hold of Indra's arrow which had of great speed in the battle field. 106.17

Then he took greatly lustrous arrows which shined like Sun and that great war between two great heroes desirous of killing each other and facing each other like lions began. 106.18

Then Devas, Gandharwas, Sidhas and great sages who desired the death of Ravana arrived there to witness the war. 106.19

Then dreadful omens which made one hair to stand erect appeared which indicated the destruction of Ravana and victory of Rama. 106.20
The gods poured a rain of blood on Ravana's chariot and horrible winds blew from right to left, forming circles. 106.21

A huge flock of vultures which were occupying the sky travelled in the same direction as chariot of Ravana. 106.22

During that dusk, the city of Lanka was of the red colour of the Japa flowers and the earth in city of Lanka appeared as if it was blazing. 106.23

Large meteors along with flashes of lightning fell on that town with great noise. These negative omens to Ravana made the Rakshasas sad. 106.24

The land where Ravana was standing began to shake and the Rakshasas who were fighting felt something was tying them. 106.25

The rays of the sun that fell before Ravana appeared of copper colour, yellow, white and dark like mineral ores. 106.26

The she foxes followed the vultures speedily uttering inauspicious howls on seeing the face of Ravana and also vomited from their mouths. 106.27

The wind scattered the dust upwards in an opposite direction clouding the vision of the king of the Rakshasas. 106.28

Even without any clouds on the sky thunderbolts fell on the army of Ravana from all sides with sound which was difficult to tolerate. 106.29

Al the directions and their intermediate points became dark due to the outpouring of dust and it was difficult to see the sky. 106.30

Hundreds of scaring Sarika birds wailing in an aweful manner fought with each other and fell on the chariot of Ravana. 106.31

Ravana's horses discharged sparks of fire from their hips and loins as also tears from their eyes, releasing out fire and water at the same time continuously. 106.32

Scary omens in large numbers were seen in this way causing fear to Ravana and indicating his destruction. 106.33

Pleasant and auspicious omens appeared before Rama from all directions, indicating his victory. 106.34

Raghava seeing those auspicious omens indicating his own victory became happy and decided that he would be able to kill Ravana. 106.35

Then Rama who was an expert in judging omens having seen those omens on his way to the battle field was extremely happy and exhibited enhanced heroism in the battle. 106.36

This is the end of One Hundred and Sixth Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

107. Great War of Rama and Ravana

[The intense war continued without any result. Ram cut off the heads of Ravana but they again grew up. He tried to hit his chest and that also did not work.]

Then there occurred a very fierce battle between Rama and Ravana which was war mounted on chariots and which scared all the worlds. 107.1

Then the army of Rakshasas and the huge army of monkeys holding fast to their weapons stood motionless. 107.2

Their hearts were captivated on seeing those two heroes, one a Rakshasa and the other a man, both of them very strong, fighting with each other and all of them were filled with wonder. 107.3

With arms carrying different type of weapons all of them stood surprised seeing that war that was taking place and they did not attack each other. 107.4

The Rakshasas saw Ravana and the monkey army saw Rama with great surprise as though they were paintings. 107.5

Those Ravana and Raghava both after seeing the omens, making their mind firm and also firm in their anger, fought fearlessly. 107.6

The son of Kakustha clan who believed that he would win and Ravana who believed that he would die demonstrated all their prowess in that great battle. 107.7

Then that angry ten necked one who was valorous fitted the arrows and released them aiming at the flag staff of the chariot of Rama. 107.8

Those arrows without even reaching the flag and touching the flag staff which supported the flag fell on the ground. 107.9

Then that valorous Rama who was greatly enraged stretched his bow and decided in his mind to return blow to blow. 107.10

Then he released a sharp arrow which like an unbearable huge serpent and had its own luster aiming at the flag staff of Ravana. 107.11

When Rama sent that lustrous arrow aiming at the flag staff, that arrow cut off the flag staff of the ten necked one and entered the earth. 107.12

That flag staff mounted on Ravana's chariot, having been torn off, fell on the ground. Seeing the thrown-down flag-staff, that very strong Ravana stood with great anger and looking like he was laughing with intolerance, he showered a stream of arrows afflicted as he was, with the power of his anger. 107.13-107.14

Ravana struck the divine horses of Rama by sending arrows but they were neither shaken nor stumbled and were healthy at heart and felt like they were touched by a lotus stalk. 107.15

Ravana, seeing that those horses were not bothered at all, was greatly angry and released a shower of arrows on them. 107.16

He also hurled maces, iron rods, discs, iron clubs, mountain-tops, trees, spikes and axes. 107.17

Not getting tired in heart and mind he sent rain of arrows and thousands of arrows created by his magical power. 107.18

Huge, terrible with echo, tumultuous, giving rise to fear and very difficult to oppose rain of arrows were released in that battle. 107.19

Without bothering about the chariot of Rama, Ravana released arrows on the monkey army from all sides, covering the sky completely. 107.20

That Ravana went on releasing arrows, with a mind giving up hope of survival and noticing him putting great effort in the battle Rama who looked as if he was laughing went on releasing arrows in hundreds and thousands. 107.21-107.22

Seeing that shower of arrows Ravana completely covered the sky with his arrows and due to the lustrous rain of arrows used by those two great warriors, the sky started shining and it looked as if a second sky was made using those arrows. 107.23-107.24

When Rama and Ravana were sending their arrows in that battle no arrow was sent without fixing the target, no one failed to pierce the target, not one went in vain and they collided with each other and fell down on the earth. 107.25

By sending all those arrows continuously towards right and left, when they fought with these horrific arrows they made the sky without even a little breathing space. 107.26

Ravana attacked the horses of Rama and Rama attacked the horses of Ravana and both of them continued striking each other without doing anything else before or after. 107.27

That great war was thus being carried forward by those two angry ones and for some time a great tumultuous battle raged which made hairs to stand erect. 107.28

The very strong Ravana and Rama carried out the fight well with sharp arrows in that battle-field and at that time Ravana was very much angry with Rama, as his flag-staff was thrown down. 107.29

All the beings on earth were watching with great wonder Rama and Ravana who were fighting with each other in the battle field. 107.30

When they were attacking each other with great anger, those two excellent chariots ran towards each other. 107.31

With the intention of killing each other when those two chariots were displaying of various type of movements like, moving in circles, moving in straight lines and moving forward and backwards by the greatness of those charioteers, the battle assumed horrific proportions. 107.32

Rama wounded Ravana and Ravana wounded Rama when they were moving with great speed in forward and backward motions. 107.33

Those great chariots, both casting rains of arrows moved in the battle field, like clouds showering rains. 107.34
After exhibiting various types of movements in that battle they again stood facing each other. 107.35

Though the chariots were standing far away from each other, the muzzle of the horses of one touched the muzzle of the horses of the other and the flags of one met the flag of other. 107.36

Then Rama released four sharp arrows from his bow and drove back the splendid lustrous horses of Ravana. 107.37

Then Ravana after getting angry for making his horses retreat, released very sharp arrows at Rama. 107.38

Though Rama was struck with great force by the very strong Ravana he did not get upset or get tottered. 107.39

Then that ten necked one hurled arrows with sound similar to a thunderbolt aimed at the charioteer of Indra. 107.40

Though those arrows fell on the body of Matali with great speed, they did not cause him even a little fear or hurt in that battle. 107.41

Becoming extremely angry by that attack on Matali, though he did not bother about attack on himself with network of arrows that Raghava made the enemy turn back. 107.42

That valorous Rama released arrows in twenties, thirties, sixties, hundreds and in thousands on the enemy's chariot. 107.43

Then Ravana who was the king of Rakshasas sitting on the chariot also becoming very angry, started showering maces and mallets on him in that battle. 107.44

That battle which again started between them was thus tumultuous and made hair to stand erect. With sound caused by throwing of maces, mallets and iron rods and with wind raised by the plumes of arrows, The seven oceans of the world were agitated. 107.45-107.46

Due to the agitation of the oceans the beings living in the nether worlds, Dhanavas and serpents in thousands felt disturbed. 107.47

The entire earth with its mountains, forests and groves trembled and the sun became gloomy and wind stopped blowing. 107.48

Devas, Gandharwas, Sidhas, great sages including Kinnaras and great serpents started thinking deeply. 107.49

At that time, those gods along with groups of sages, said "May all be well with the cows and Brahmanas, May all the worlds endure forever, May Rama conquer Ravana", and saw a terrific battle between Rama and Ravana, which caused one's hair to stand on end. 107.50-107.51

The groups of Gandharwas and Apsara maidens seeing that matchless battle, said, "Sky can be only compared to sky, the ocean can only be compared to the ocean and the battle between Rama and Ravana can only be compared to the battle between Rama and Ravana" and went on watching the battle between Rama and Ravana. 107.52-107.53

Then that great hero of great arms,. Who increased the fame of the Raghu clan, Rama, kept on his bow, an arrow which is comparable to the poisonous snake and cut off the head of Ravana which was wearing lustrous ear rings and beings of all the three worlds saw it falling on the ground. 107.54-107.55

Another head, exactly similar to that head, cropped up on the shoulders of Ravana. That second head was again chopped off by Rama, possessing a swift hand and who was swift in his act. 107.56

The second head of Ravana was cut off by arrows in that battle. Soon after that head was chopped off, it again rose into view. 107.57

Rama chopped off that head too with his arrows looking like thunderbolts. In the same manner, a hundred of Ravana's heads of equal splendour were chopped off by Rama. 107.58

The end was never seen nor did he die and though the valorous Rama who increased the joy of Kausalya, the knower of all arrows became thoughtful and told to himself. 107.59

"What could be the reason that these arrows that killed Mareecha, Khara, the able Dhooshana, Viradha in the Krouncha forest and Kabandha in the Dandakaraya, which bore in to the seven Sala tres, which destroyed the mountains, which killed Vali, which shook up the ocean and which had been providing me with instant help proved to be useless in this battle?" 107.60-107.61

Like this becoming very thoughtful and worried, that Raghava went on raining arrows aiming the chest of Ravana. 107.62

Then even that Ravana, that angry king of the Rakshasas who was seated on his chariot showered maces and mallets on Rama. 107.63

That great tumultuous battle, which caused one's hair to stand erect, took place in the sky, on the ground and also on the mountain. 107.64

With the devas, Dhanavas, Yakshas, ghosts, serpents and Rakshasas watching it that great war continued for seven days and nights. 107.65

Neither night or day, not even for a minute or second, that war between Ravana and Rama was stopped. 107.66

Seeing that the war between the son of Dasaratha and the king of Rakshasas was not resulting in the victory for Raghava, the charioteer of the king of devas who was a great soul, spoke these words to Rama while he was engaged in fighting. 107.67

This is the end of One Hundred and Seventh Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

108. Rama Kills Ravana

[Matali advises Rama to use Brahmastra (arrow of Brahma). When Rama does it, that great arrow kills Ravana. All Devas, sages and all the monkeys become happy.]

Then Matali refreshed the memory of Raghava as follows "Oh valorous one, why are you carrying the battle as if you are not aware." 108.1

"Oh lord, please send the Brahma arrow to kill him for the time of death as predicted by Devas have come." 108.2

When Matali reminded Rama about it, Rama took hold of the unfailing, lustrous arrow which was given by Lord Brahma to Sage Agasthya and which was given to him earlier in the battle field and which looked like a hissing serpent. 108.3-108.4

This arrow of infinite strength was made earlier by Lord Brahma for the sake of Indra and given to him who was desirous of conquering the three worlds. 108.5

In its feathers, wind was established. In its end-points were the fire and the sun. Its heaviness were Mounts Meru and Mandara and its shaft was made of ether 108.6

That arrow was shining brightly, provided with good shaft and was decked with gold and its luster came from all beings and had the illuminating power of the Sun. 108.7

Giving out like the fire at the time deluge and shining similar to the poisonous serpent, it was capable of speedily killing groups of men, elephant and horses. 108.8

It could break gate ways, iron bars and even mountains and being smeared with blood of its victims and coated with their marrow, it was dreadful to look at. 108.9

It had the power of the Vajrayudha, gave out huge sound, tore of various types of armies and created great fear like a hissing serpent. 108.10

It was capable of daily giving food to vultures, eagles and cranes and troops of jackals and demons and in the war it assumed the fearful form of God of death. 108.11

It gave joy to the chiefs of monkeys and was capable of destroying the Rakshasas and it moved with great speed, as it was tied by colourful feathers of Garuda, the king of birds. 108.12

Making it sacred by a special chants as per the procedure specified in the scriptures, Rama who was endowed with an extraordinary strength, fixed that arrow which was the foremost among the three worlds, capable of removing the fear of Ikshuvaku clan, taking away the glory of the enemies and bestowing joy to one's own self on his bow. 108.13-108.14

When Raghava was fixing that arrow on his great bow, all the beings were frightened and the earth started shaking. 108.15

That angry Rama, with a greatly attentive mind, stretched his bow and sent that arrow, which can tear off the vital organs of Ravana. 108.16

The arrow which cannot be defeated like the thunderbolt which was similar to being hurled by the arms of Indra or by that God of death fell upon Ravana's chest. 108.17

That arrow, which was released with great speed and could cause the death of a body, tore off the heart of the evil minded Ravana. 108.18

That arrow which could cause the death of a body released with great speed, stole the life of Ravana and entered the earth. 108.19

That arrow coated with blood after killing Ravana and thereby accomplishing its mission re-entered the quiver of Rama silently. 108.20

The arrows and bow that Ravana was holding fell from his hands at the exact time when his life breath left his body. 108.21

That king of Rakshasas who was greatly swift and who had great luster having lost his life fell on the earth from his chariot as the Rakshasa Vrithra fell when struck by Vajrayudha. 108.22

The Rakshasas seeing him falling on the earth dead, having lost their lord were fear struck and ran away to all directions. 108.23

The monkeys who were fighting with trees as weapon fell upon those Rakshasas from all sides and due to the killing of the ten necked one the monkeys assumed a pose of victory. 108.24

Beaten by the monkeys, the Rakshasas rushed back in fear towards Lanka with miserable faces and tears flowing from their eyes, as the one whom they depended had been killed. 108.25

Then the monkeys who were behaving like conquerors and who were extremely happy roared shouts of joy and proclaimed the victory of Rama and death of Ravana. 108.26

The entire atmosphere reverberated with the cheerful playing of kettle drums by Gods in the sky and pleasant winds carrying divine scent blew there. 108.27

From the sky a rain of flowers fell towards the earth pouring on the chariot of Rama for having accomplished a difficult job which was fascinating to the mind. 108.28

The great devas in their excellent voice said "well done, well done along with a poem praising Raghava and this was distinctly heard in the sky. 108.29

Great joy filled the minds of Devas and Charanas, when the cruel Ravana who was the terror of all the words was killed. 108.30

After being greatly pleased with the killing of that great Rakshasa chief, Rama fulfilled the desires of Sugreeva, Angadha and Vibheeshana. 108.31

Then the Deva army got their mental peace. All the directions were brightened up and the sky became clear. The earth did not tremble. The wind blew gently. The sun too shed a steady light. 108.32

Due to the joy of victory in battle, Sugreeva, Vibheeshana and Angadha together with Lakshmana along with their friends paid their respects as per custom to Rama, who looked charming. 108.33

Then the delight of the clan of Raghu who had killed his enemy, who was stable in reactions to events, who had great luster, who stood in the battle field surrounded by his army and his people shined like Indra, the king of the devas. 108.34

This is the end of One Hundred and Eighth Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

109. Vibheeshana Wails for Ravana

[Vibheeshana recollects the greatness of his brother and wails for him. Rama consoles him and orders him to do the funeral rites for his brother.]

On seeing his brother lying down dead after defeat in the battle Vibheeshana wailed with a mind filled with outburst of sorrow. 109.1

"Why are you who is valorous, a hero, greatly skilled, and an expert in diplomacy who normally lies down on the best of beds, now lying down on the earth?" 109.2

"With your two hands decorated by armlets thrown out you are now motionless, with your crown as brilliant as the sun knocked down. Why are you now lying on the earth?" 109.3

"Oh valorous brother, though you did not like whatever I have told you earlier as you were overcome with passion and delusion, has now come true in your case." 109.4

"Due to great pride, neither Prahastha, nor Indrajit, nor Kumbhakarna nor Athiratha, nor Narantaka nor you yourself did not agree to my advice and you are suffering the consequence now." 109.5

"Due to the fall of this great hero, the greatest among those who wield the weapons on the ground, the established method of rule of persons with good conduct has vanished, the personification of Dharma has departed, the epitome of strength has gone, the ultimate refuge of all praises is no more, the Sun has fallen down on earth, the moon has merged in darkness, the fire has been extinguished due to its fames and effort becoming inactive." 109.6-109.8

"While the tiger among Rakshasas is in deep sleep on the dust, what else is remaining in the world now?" 109.9

"With firmness being its shoot, endurance being its excellent blossom, asceticism being its strength, and valour being its firm root, the large tree in the shape of Ravana has been crushed in the battle-field, by the tempest in the shape of Rama." 109.10

"With sharpness being its tusks, the line of ancestors being its back-bone, anger being its lower parts and graciousness being its proboscis, the elephant in rut in the shape of Ravana is lying asleep on the ground, its body having been overthrown by a lion in the shape of Rama." 109.11

"With strength and power being its expanded flames, sighs being its smoke and his native strength being its glowing heat, the blazing fire in the shape of Ravana the Rakshasa has been extinguished in the battle-field by the rainy cloud in the shape of Rama." 109.12

"With the Rakshasa being its tail; hump and horn and fickleness being its ears and eyes, the bull in the shape of Ravana the Rakshasa, the conqueror of its enemies, who competed with the wind in energy, is lying dead, struck down by a tiger in the shape of Rama, the ruler of the earth." 109.13

Addressing Vibheeshana who was wailing like this with great sorrow, Rama spoke the following logical words which revealed his opinion in this matter. 109.14

"Ravana did not die in this battle, without making any effort and he exhibited great valour extraordinary enthusiasm of the great variety and great confidence throughout and fell in this combat." 109.15
"It is nor proper to be sad for him as he was steadfast in his Dharma as a royal warrior and wished for the growth of his country and had fallen to death in the battle field." 109.16

"It is not proper to be sad for him, because he who was greatly intelligent attained the state of death in a war which would frighten all the three worlds including Indra." 109.17

"In the past no one has always been victorious in a battle, for either a hero has been killed by his enemies or he manages to kill the enemies in battle." 109.18

"Those who had come earlier had proclaimed by esteemed royal warriors, that a royal warrior killed in battle should not be mourned, because it has been told like that." 109.19

"Therefore taking in to account this opinion and after understanding the true principle, become free from sorrow and think about rituals that ought to be performed now." 109.20

Addressing the valorous prince who spoke like that, Vibheeshana who was tormented by sorrow thought about what actions need to be taken about his brother. 109.21

"The Rakshasa, who had never been conquered before in battles, even by all the gods combined or by Indra himself, has been conquered, on confronting you in the battle-field, like the sea breaks up, on reaching the shore." 109.22

"He maintained a perpetually sacred fire, practised great religious austerities and completely mastered Vedas, the sacred scriptures. He was highly proficient even in the ritual acts. I desire to do, with you graciousness, that which is to be performed to him, who has departed to the other world." 109.23

Hearing those words of the great one full of mercy regarding the great personality of Ravana by Vibheeshana, the son of the king of human beings ordered him to perform funeral rites which would take Ravana to heaven. 109.24

"All enmities end with death and our purpose has been accomplished. He is yours as well as mine and let the funeral rites be performed." 109.25

This is the end of One Hundred and Ninth Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

110. Ravana's Wives Wail

[All Ravana's wives, who lived in his private apartment, came out and became greatly sorrowing. They wailed for his death. They were sad, that Ravana never bothered about the advice of Vibheeshana.]

Seeing that Ravana was killed by the great soul Raghava, all the Rakshasis living in the private apartments of Ravana rushed out with great sorrow. 110.1

Even though stopped here and there by their maid servants, they started rolling on the dust of the streets, with dishevelled hair and tormented by sorrow like the cows which have lost their calves. 110.2

They came out of the northern gate accompanied by the Rakshasas and entering the horrible battle field, they started searching for their dead husband everywhere on the ground covered with headless trunks and blood, shouting, "Oh gentle one", "Oh my husband". 110.3-110.4

With eyes filled with tears due to sorrow of losing their husband, they loudly wailed like female elephants who have lost their leader. 110.5

Then they saw the dead Ravana who had a huge body, great valour and great luster lying on the earth like a mountain of collyrium. 110.6

Seeing suddenly their husband lying on the dust of the battle field, they fell down on their limbs like an uprooted wild creeper. 110.7

A woman wept embracing him with respect, another caught hold of his feet and another caught hold of his neck. 110.8

One Rakshasi lifted her hand and rolled on the ground and another seeing the face of her dead husband fell into swoon. 110.9

Keeping his head on her lap, one wailed looking at his face, moistening his face with her tears like dew drops moistening a lotus flower. 110.10

They saw their husband Ravana, who greatly scared Indra, who made Yama tremble, who deprived king Khubera of his Pushpaka plane, caused fear in the minds of Gandharwas during war and also among great sages and great devas lying dead on the earth. 110.11-110.13

"He who was never knew fear from of Asuras, Devas and great serpents has got this scare from a mere human being." 110.14

"He who could not be killed by devas, Dhanavas, Rakshasas is now lying dead, killed by a very ordinary human being." 110.15

"He who could not be killed by Devas, Yakshas and, Asuras, could be killed by a mere human being lacking strength." 110.16

Those very sad ladies wailed saying like this and burst in to tears once more and again lamented with great grief. 110.17
"You who never listened to dear and near ones or those who advised you for your good and for the sake of attaining your death, you carried Sita to this place. All Rakshasas were struck down and we who stand here and yourself was also struck down." 110.18

"Though tendering useful advice to you, Vibheeshana your beloved brother, was harshly scolded through ignorance by you and you sought your own destruction." 110.19

"Had you then returned Sita, the princess of Mithila to Rama then, this horrible state of affairs which has robbed us of everything would not have happened to us." 110.20

"If you had restored Sita to Rama, Vibheeshana your brother would have had his desire fulfilled. Rama would have been in the company of our allies. All of us would have been spared the curse of widowhood and our enemies would not have realized their ambition." 110.21

"Because of you, who abducted Sita with cruelty, the Rakshasis who are your wives and your own self have been completely destroyed." 110.22

"Oh great Rakshasa, may be the reason for all this is not because of your acting in your free will, because all of us are made to move by fate [god] and we are killed by fate [god]. 110.23

"Oh great one, the destruction of monkeys, the death of Rakshasas in war and your death must have occurred due to fate alone." 110.24

"The course of fate, when ready to bear fruit, cannot be diverted either by money, or by wish, or by valour or even by command in this world." 110.25

Thus the consorts of the king of Rakshasas who were pitiable and drowned in sorrow cried with eyes full of tears like the female Ospreys. 110.26

This is the end of One Hundred and Tenth Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

111. Mandodhari Wails

[Mandodhari, the chief wife of Ravana wails. Rama asks Vibheeshana to perform Obsequies to Ravana. Vibheeshana refuses saying that Ravana was a bad person. Rama convinces him that he is wrong. The funeral is then performed as per Vedic rites.]

When the consorts of that Rakshasa were wailing, his darling and senior most wife stared at her husband in a pitiable manner. 111.1

Seeing that ten necked one who has been killed by Rama of matchless deeds, Mandodhari lamented in a miserable manner. 111.2

"Oh great one, oh brother of Khubera, when you are angry, even Indra does not dare to stand before you." 111.3

"Sages, Brahmins, the famous Charanas Gandharwas, have fled in different directions because they were scared of you." 111.4

"Oh God of Rakshasas, oh king, how is it that you are not ashamed, having been conquered by a mere human being in the battle." 111.5

"How come you, who have won over all the three worlds by your valour and who is irresistible, has been killed by a man, who wanders in the forest?" 111.6

"It is not possible for Rama who wandered in inaccessible places to men to kill you who could assume any form you wish, in a battle." 111.7

"I am not able to believe in this act of Rama in the battle front, nor do I believe that he can attack you and your army was fully equipped with all weapons." 111.8

"As soon as Rama in Janasthana killed your brother Khara surrounded by many Rakshasas it was evident that Rama was not a mere mortal." 111.9

"We felt pained at the time when Hanuman entered the city of Lanka, which even gods find difficult to enter, by his valour." 111.10

"On the day on which those horrible monkeys built a bridge over the great ocean, I believed that Rama was not an ordinary human being." 111.11

"Possibly Yama the God of death had arranged a great illusion and must have come in the form of Rama." 111.12

"Or possibly Indra has come and overpowered you in this battle but Indra does not have even the capacity to look at your face." 111.13

"This Rama is certainly a great yogi, a person without beginning, having no start, middle or end, greater than distinguished universal spirit like Brahma, the one beyond ignorance, the one who nourishes, one who wields conch, a disc and a mace, wearing the'Srivatsa' mark on his chest, of lasting beauty, incapable of being conquered, a perpetual one, being the constant soul of the universe, truly mighty, the lord of all the worlds, the prosperous one having a great splendour and Vishnu, the lord of maintenance of the world with a wish to benefit the worlds, assuming a human form surrounded by all the gods in the form of monkeys, Rama killed you, surrounded by demons." 111.14-111.17

"Once you controlled all your senses and won over the three worlds and as if the senses have become your enemy, they have conquered you now." 111.18

"The moment your brother Khara was killed by Rama in Janasthana, even though he was surrounded by a multitude of Rakshasas, it became evident that Rama was really no mortal. We felt perturbed, the moment Hanuman entered, by dint of his prowess, deeply into the City of Lanka, which was difficult to be entered even for gods." 111.19-111.20

"I had advised you not to have enmity with Raghava and at that time some evil came upon you and you did not heed my advice." 111.21

"Oh great Rakshasa, you accidentally developed a desire for Sita which has lead to the destruction of your power and your own people." 111.22

"Oh evil minded person, Sita is much distinguished and respectable than Arundathi as well as Rohini and an unworthy act was done by you against her." 111.23

"O my lord, who destroyed you and your people and it is Sita the model of forbearance even to the Goddess Earth and a model of grace to Lakshmi. She is extremely fond of her husband. By a recourse to a fraud in bringing that Sita in a lonely forest, faultless in every limb as she was, and charming though miserable, and having failed to fulfill your desire for union with Sita and due to your own fault you have been surely consumed by the penance of that woman, devoted as she was to her husband." 111.24-111.25

"It is because of the great fear that Indra as well as the fire God had against, that you were not burnt while trying to lay your hand on Sita, who is a lady with slender waist." 111.26

"The harsh fruits of sin committed would definitely be reaped by the person, without any doubt when the time comes." 111.27

"One who performs auspicious acts becomes happy and the one who does sin gets misery. While Vibheeshana became happy you became miserable." 111.28

"There are many prettier women than Sita in your harem and having fallen as prey to the power of passion, you did not know it through ignorance." 111.29

"Sita is not equal to me either by heritage, form or nature of amiability but you did not realize it because of your infatuation." 111.30

"For every being there is no death without any cause and to you this Sita has become the cause of your death." 111.31

"You have invited that death for which Sita was the cause from a far-off distance and now freed from her sorrow Sita would enjoy herself with Rama." 111.32

"I am however, whose stock of blessed deeds was less, have fallen into a terrific ocean of sorrow. I, who having enjoyed myself with you in suitable aerial cars in Mount Kailasa, mount Mandara, Mount Meru and in a grove named Chaitraratha and in all celestial gardens, decked as I was with lovely garlands and clad in colourful robes and invested in matchless splendour, visiting and seeing various lands of every description have now been deprived of all those sense- enjoyments because of your death. Because of that, I stand transformed into another form as it were. Woe to the changing fortunes of kings." 111.33-111.35

"Alas, oh king, That face of yours which was so tender, Oh, and the distinguished charming eye-brows of yours, a gloss surface, having an exceptionally prominent nose, coppery lips and brilliant ear-rings, which vie with the moon, the lotus and the sun in beauty. Light and luster, was illuminated by a number of crowns which shined, with its eyes wild and rolling through inebriety in banqueting places, your body that bore garlands of various kinds, was lovely and charming in every way and it was lit with a captivating smile and indulged in a delightful talk and that face of yours does not actually shine as before today pierced with Rama's arrows, it lies dyed with streams of blood. It has its marrow shattered and has got soiled through the dust raised by the chariots." 111.36-111.39

"Being a stupid women I never at any time thought that I would become a widow and that state has come to me now." 111.40

"I was always proud that my father was a king of Rakshasas, my husband was the lord of Rakshasas and my son was the conqueror of Devas." 111.41

"I always believed that my lords were capable of defeating arrogant enemies, as they were all heroes, renowned for their strength and valour as such I had no fear from any direction." 111.42

"How did this unknown danger come to you, who are so powerful, oh greatest Rakshasa, from a man?" 111.43

"O king! The body of yours which was really dark as glossy sapphire, gigantic like a lofty mountain and resplendent with Keyuras and Angadas and necklace of cat's eye-gems and pearls and wreaths of flowers which used to be more charming during your pleasure-walks and dazzling in battle-fields and that body which shined with luster of jewels as a rainy cloud with flashes of lightning lies with numerous sharp arrows today. Though it will be difficult for me to touch it again, it is no longer possible for me to embrace it. It has tendons cut to pieces, by arrows of Rama, dug deep into your vital parts and closely transfixed like the spines of a porcupine. Though dark of complexion, it is now transformed into the colour of blood and lies fallen on the ground like a mountain broken into pieces when hit by a stroke of thunder-bolt." 111.44-111.48

"Is it a dream or reality? Have you been truly killed by Rama? You were death even to death and then how is it possible you to leave this falling under clutches of death?" 111.49

"He enjoyed the wealth of all the three worlds and he made all the three worlds greatly scared. He conquered the guardians of different directions and lifted up even Lord Sankara." 111.50

"He held down those who were arrogant and by exhibiting his prowess shook the worlds and made living being weep by his roars." 111.51

"He used to say arrogant words in the presence of his enemies, he used to protect his army and servants and was the killer of those who did terrible deeds." 111.52

"He used to kill the king of Dhanavas and thousands of Yakshas and he used fight with the Rakshasas called Nivathakavachas." 111.53

"He used to conduct several Yagnas and was protecting his own people. He used to break tenets of Dharma and used to show conjuring tricks in the battle field." 111.54

"He used to bring virgin daughters of devas, Asuras and men from here and there. He used to make enemy wives mourn and he was the leader of his own people." 111.55

"He used to look after the island of Lanka, executed terrible deeds and one who gratifies our desires and sexual needs and he was an expert fighter from chariot." 111.56

"After seeing my husband of such great power killed by Rama, I am hard hearted to still bear his body." 111.57

"Oh king of the Rakshasas after having slept on beds of luxury, why are lying on the ground covered with dust." 111.58

"When Indrajit, your son was killed in the battle by Lakshmana, I was hardly hit but today I am completely broken down." 111.59

"Without any relations, and oh Lord forsaken by you and deprived of sensual satisfaction I shall keep on being sad for many years to come. 111.60

"Oh king you have embarked today on a very long and difficult journey and since I am suffering with great sorrow, please take me with you, for I cannot survive without you." 111.61

"Why do you want to go leaving me who is greatly miserable here? Why are you not talking to me who is sad and wailing and who is unfortunate?" 111.62

"Oh Lord, are you not angry to see me, having come out of the city gate on bare foot and also without my veil?" 111.63

"Why did not get in to great rage on seeing all your wives who had come without a veil, Oh darling of your wives?" 111.64

"This Mandodhari who was helping in your love sports is weeping helplessly and you are not bothered to console her. Do you not respect her?" 111.65

"Many noble women who were greatly devoted to their husbands, who were following tenets of Dharma and also intent on service to elders, have been widowed by you, Oh king. And they tormented by great sorrow must have cursed you and possibly that curse of those virtuous women, who were wronged by you, might have taken away your life." 111.66-111.67

Possibly the proverb that, "The tears of wives who follow virtue do not fall on the ground in vain" has become true in your case, "Oh king." 111.68

"How was it possible for you to do the mean act of abducting a lady, because you had invaded the three worlds with your great power and were proud of it." 111.69

"It was indeed a mark of your cowardice that Rama's consort was borne away by you, after luring away Rama from his hermitage in the pretext of deer" 111.70

"I have never heard cowardly acts by you any time in the battle field and so I feel that the abduction of Sita was done by your bad luck as a result of your sins." 111.71

"Oh mighty armed one, Whatever my younger brother-in-law, Vibheeshana who knows matters relating to the past and of the future and also conversant with the present had said after reflecting and sighing for long, on seeing Sita abducted by you: “The destruction of the chiefs among the demons now is imminent" and these have now become true words. This misfortune had come from the lust, wrath and addiction to the vice of deep attachment." 111.72-111.74

"Because of you, our roots have been cut off, leading to a great disaster and you have made the race of Rakshasas without a protector." 111.75

"I should not lament about you who are famous for your strength and masculinity but being feminine in nature my mind leans towards melancholy." 111.76

"You attained this state of affairs by your good and bad deeds and I am grieving because I am sad about your death." 111.77

"Oh Ravana, you did not bother to follow the advice of your friends, who were your well wishers and you also did not follow the advice of your brothers." 111.78

"You did not follow the advice of Vibheeshana which was logical, meaningful, based on right conduct, gentle and well founded." 111.79

"You who were arrogant of your strength did not follow the advice of Mareecha, Kumbhakarna, myself and my father and what happened was this bitter consequence." 111.80

"My lord, resembling a dark cloud in colour, clad in yellow silk and decked with brilliant armlets, why are you lying with your limbs, cast away on the ground and bathed in blood?" 111.81

"Why are you fast asleep and not replying me who is sad and, who is the granddaughter of the clever Yathudhana the Rakshasa who has extraordinary valour and never retreated in a battle." 111.82

"Get up, get up, why are you lying down as if you have been insulted again ?The rays of the Sun have already penetrated the city of Lanka without any fear." 111.83

"Torn into thousand pieces, that iron rod of yours, which was brilliant as the sun, which was like a thunderbolt of Indra, with which you killed your enemies in the battle-field, which was constantly honoured by you, which had struck many in the battles and which was decked with gold, lies scattered." 111.84-111.85

"Why are you lying down embracing the earth like one embraces his beloved? Why are you not replying me just like I am not liked by you?" 111.86

"Woe to me, for my heart is not bursting to pieces though I am tormented with grief because you have merged with the five elements of the earth." 111.87

With her eyes filled up with tears, after she wailed like this, with her heart made wet with love she then swooned. 111.88

Then that dispirited one who was stricken with sorrow fell on the chest of Ravana and she shined like a flash of lightning across the rainy cloud, reddened by the flow of dusk. 111.89

Lifting up Mandodhari who was bitterly weeping, her co- wives who were also weeping and who were also equally distressed tried to console her. 111.90

"Oh Queen do you not know the uncertain nature of this world and you also know that the wealth of the kings are unsteady, which changes along with their fate and time." 111.91

While they were trying to console her this way, she with copious tears from her pure face and moistened her breasts and wept aloud for a moment. 111.92

In the meanwhile, Rama spoke to Vibheeshana as follows: "Let the obsequies of your brother be performed and let these groups of women be consoled." 111.93

When the great one spoke like this, the intelligent Vibheeshana, the expert in Dharma after thinking about using his brain replied in conformity with Dharma and his own good. 111.94

"I am not fit to perform the obsequies of him, who has abandoned the penance of Dharma, who was cruel, who was a cheater and who desired the wives of others." 111.95

"This Ravana who did ill to every one, though he is my brother, is not fit for this honour even though he is an elder whom I should worship." 111.96

"All the people in this world may call me ruthless but if they heard about all his qualifies they will say that what I did was good." 111.97

Rama who is the best among those who follows Dharma and who was an excellent speaker was very much pleased by what was told by Vibheeshana told. 111.98

"Oh king of Rakshasas, I have been able to win this war because of your help and so it is proper for me to give you proper advice." 111.99

"This Rakshasa, though he is full of Adharma [unrighteousness], was a lustrous, strong and a brave warrior in battle." 111.100

"I have heard that the Indra and others could not defeat that great one blessed with strength and who made people cry." 111.101

"All enmities end with death and there is nothing that has been left unaccomplished. Let the funeral rites be performed. He is as much mine as yours." 111.102

"According to laws of religion, that ten necked one should get the obsequies done by you and you will become very famous." 111.103

After having heard the words of Raghava, Vibheeshana hastily started to perform the obsequies of his brother Ravana in a suitable manner, 111.104

Then that Vibheeshana entered the city of Lanka and quickly concluded the Agnihothra [worship of fire] being conducted by Ravana. 111.105

Vibheeshana actually arranged for, carts, excellent varieties of firewood, the three sacred fires and the priests required to officiate at the obsequies, logs of sandalwood, various types of firewood, pieces of fragrant aloe-wood, odorous perfumes, as well as gems, pearls and corals. 111.106-111.107

He came back soon surrounded by the Rakshasas and along with Malyavan [Maternal grandfather of Ravana] started the rites of Obsequies. 111.108

Placing Ravana, the lord of Rakshasas, who was covered with cloth made of plant, accompanied by blasts of various musical instruments as well as panegyrists singing his fame, the Brahmans stood around him with their faces filled in tears. Lifting up that palanquin, which had been decorated with colourful flags and flowers and taking up blocks of wood, all the Rakshasas for their part, with Vibheeshana in front, proceeded with their face turned towards the south. 111.109-111.111

The sacrificial fires were lit and relit by the Adhvaryu priests and at that time the fire was contained in earthen pots and went in front of Ravana's body. 111.112

All women of his harem speedily followed him weeping stumbling and jumping from all sides. 111.113

Keeping the body of Ravana on a consecrated spot, Vibheeshana and others, who were very much afflicted with grief, piled up a sacred pyre, with logs of sandalwood, moistened with perfumes called Padmaka and Koshira and covered with the skin of black antelopes, turned to perform the obsequies in accordance with Vedic rites in honour of the king. 111.114-111.115

Ravana's oblations as prescribed by manes were conducted in a perfectly way. A platform was constructed in the south east and the sacred fire was placed on it in a proper way. 111.116

They poured a ladle-full of ghee mixed with curds on his shoulders, placed a cart at his feet and then a wooden mortar at his thighs. 111.117

Having set at their proper place, all the wooden vessels, the lower piece of wood used for kindling fire at a sacrifice and the upper piece of wood [which is rotated at great speed on to lower one, to produce fire by friction], the wooden pestle and other things used in the sacrifice, they circled around the funeral pyre. 111.118

As per the rules laid down in the Sastras by the great sages, a goat was sacrificed at that spot and the Rakshasas, spread the limbs of dead goat dampened with ghee on the king of the Rakshasas. 111.119-111.120

Having decorated the body of Ravana with perfumes, garlands and various kinds of clothes, those Rakshasas accompanied by Vibheeshana, distressed as they were in their minds, poured parched grains of rice, with their faces bathed in tears. 111.121-111.122

That Vibheeshana set fire to Ravana, according to rules in Vedas. Washing himself and offering in his wet clothes, according to scriptural ordinance, sesame seeds mixed with water, as well as blades of Kusha grass and offering obeisance to Ravana by bowing his head, Vibheeshana entreated those women to return, consoling them again and again. Then all of them returned to City. 111.123-111.125

After the women re entered the city, that Vibheeshana, came near Rama and remained standing there with humility. 111.126

Rama along with his army, Sugreeva and Lakshmana was happy as he had killed his enemy and felt like Indra after killing Vruthra. 111.127

Then after taking out the bow and arrows, the armour given to him by Indra and after giving away his great anger since he has killed his enemy Rama assumed a look of charming benevolence. 111.128

This is the end of One Hundred and Eleventh Sarga of Yuddha Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.

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