Bala Kandam
Sargam [Chapter]: 40
Sagaras and Sage Kapila
[Lord Brahma consoles them and tells that the sagaras would be killed by sage Kapila. When they were not able to find the horse, they return to King Sagara who asks them to dig further. After digging up to Rasathala in all four directions, they start digging in the north east. There they see their horse near Kapila. Sage Kapila is enraged, when they start hurting the sage, he burns them all.]
The greatly adorable Lord Brahma after hearing devas replied to them. He saw that they had lost their strength and deprived of their activity and were extremely frightened. 40.1
"This whole earth belongs to the great God Vasudeva. Assuming the form of Sage Kapila he is taking care of the world. And the sons of Sagara would be burnt to ashes by his great anger." 40.2
"It has been decided in primeval times that the earth will be excavated and that the sons of King Sagara would have a short life." 40.3
Hearing the words of Lord Brahma, oh killer of enemies, the thirty three devas became exceedingly happy and returned back the way they had come." 40.4
"When the great sons were digging the earth further, they had a thunder like sound emanating from there." 40.5
"After digging the earth and going round it completely, all the sons of Sagara together addressed their father and told." 40.6
"We have gone round the world. Devas, asuras, Rakshasas, ghosts, serpents and Kinnaras, who were mighty, were killed. But we are unable to find the one who took away our horse. What should we do? Safety to you. Please think over this and tell us as to what we should do." 407-40.8
Oh son of Raghu clan, that great King, who heard these words of his sons, flew in to great rage and told these words: 40.9
"Dig and excavate the surface of the earth again and return only after you capture the one who has stolen the horse. Safety to you." 40.10
"They, after hearing the words of their father great Sagara, all the sixty thousand of them, rushed towards Rasathala." 40.11
"After digging further, they saw an elephant of direction named Viroopaksha, who was similar to a Mountain, supporting the earth." 40.12
"Oh son of the Raghu clan, that Viroopaksha was holding on its head the earth with its forests and Mountains." 40.13
"Oh son of Kakustha clan, on certain days when the elephant is taking rest, it shakes its head and there is earth quake in the earth." 40.14
"They went round that great elephant honoured him and after further digging reached Rasathalam." 40.15
"After digging the eastern direction completely, they went to the southern direction and started digging there and there they saw a great elephant named Mahapadma which resembled a mighty Mountain carrying the earth on its head and they were astonished." 40.16-40.17
"After going round that elephant there, the great sons of Sagara went to the west and started digging there." 40.18
"They, who were strong, saw on the western direction also an elephant Samanasa resembling the Mountain." 40.19
"After going round him and honouring him, they went to the North and started digging there." 40.20
"Oh great one of Raghu clan, they saw an elephant named Bhadra in the northern side, who was as white as snow, holding this earth." 40.21
"Afterwards all those sixty thousand sons went round him, touched his feet and started digging the earth." 40.22
"Then, those sons of Sagara went towards the celebrated north eastern corner and started digging there." 40.23
"All those great ones, who were greatly mighty and had great speed, saw there the sage Kapila, who was eternal and Lord Vishnu himself, and not far away from there they saw their horse grazing; all of them experienced unparalleled joy." 40.24-40.25
"Once they recognized their horse, their eyes turned red due to extreme anger and armed with spades, pick axes, ploughs and all type of trees and stones they rushed towards sage Kapila saying "stay, stay." 40.26-40.27
"Oh wicked one, you have stolen our sacrificial horse; please know that we, who have come here, are the sons of Sagara." 40.28
Oh son of Raghu clan, hearing their words, sage Kapila was enraged greatly and uttered the sound "Hum" 40.29
Oh son of Kakustha clan, that great Kapila, who possessed power beyond our imagination, reduced all the sons of Sagara in to ash. 40.30
This is the end of Fortieth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 41
Yagna Completion
[King Sagara asks Anshuman to search for the horse as well as his fathers. He locates both of them. Realizing that he had to perform obsequies to the departed souls, when he starts to do it, Garuda, the uncle of Sagaras, comes there and tells him that if he wants his fathers to go to heaven, he has to perform the ceremonies with water of Ganges, who is in heaven. Anshuman, realising that it is not possible, goes back to Sagara with the horse and the Yagna is properly completed.]
"Oh son of the Raghu clan, the King Sagara realizing that his sons had gone long back addressed Anshuman, his grandson, who shined by his own luster. " 41.1
"Oh valorous one, who has acquired knowledge in all fiends and who is equal in luster to his ancestors, go and find out about the path taken by your fathers as well the thief who took away the horse." 41.2
"The beings that live below the earth are greatly valorous and mighty and so go there armed with mighty weapons and bows." 41.3
"You honour those who deserve to be honoured; kill those who create obstacles; you come back after completing your objective so that the Yagna can be completed properly." 41.4
"After being completely instructed by the great Sagara, Anshuman left carrying a sword and bow in long strides." 41.5
"Oh great man, he followed the path that his great fathers had taken as directed by King Sagara and went in to the depth of the earth." 41.6
"The greatly valorous Anshuman saw the Elephant of directions being worshipped by devas, asuras Rakshasa, Ghosts, serpents." 41.7
"After going round him and after enquiring about his welfare, he enquired about the whereabouts of his fathers as well as person who had stolen the sacrificial horse." 41.8
"Having listened to the words of Anshuman, that elephant of direction told, "Oh Anshuman, the son of Asamanjas, as soon as you complete your mission, you should go back along with the horse." 41.9
"After listening well to the words of the elephant, Anshuman enquired from the elephant about the positioning of other elephants of direction." 41.10
That honoured guardian of the direction, who was an expert in use of words and proficient in their usage, treated him kindly and told him, "I am directed to say that you will go back with the horse." 41.11
"Hearing the words of the elephant that valorous one started going in quick steps and reached the place where all his fathers had been reduced to a heap of ash." 41.12
"And that son of Asamanja started wailing due to the great grief and distress caused by their destruction." 41.13
"Though possessed with great grief, Anshuman, the tiger among men saw the sacrificial horse nearby." 41.14
"Having decided to offer death rites and water oblation to those dead souls, he searched for water but could not see any collection of water anywhere." 41.15
"Extending his intelligent sight, he would see Garuda, the King of Birds, who was the uncle of his fathers and who was as swift as wind." 41.16
These words were spoken by the strong son of Vinutha "Oh tiger among men, do not grieve for this killing as it was done for the sake of welfare of three worlds." 41.17
"They have been burnt by sage Kapila with unmatched power and knowledge; ordinary water would not be sufficient for performing their traditional rites." 41.18
"Oh greatly valorous one, you have to perform the death rites of your fathers with water from Ganga, who is the elder daughter of the Himalayas." 41.19
"Ganga, the purifier of the world, will sanctify your fathers who have been reduced to this heap of ashes. These heaps if inundated by the waters of Ganga, who is the beloved of the world, will take all these sixty thousand souls to heaven. " 41.20
"Oh great one, oh best among men, take back that horse. Oh valorous one, you deserve to complete the Yagna of your grandfather." 41.21
"Hearing the words of Garuda, the valorous and famous Ansuman, taking hold of the horse, reached back quickly." 41.22
"Oh son of Raghu clan, he having reached the King, who was under penance for doing the Yagna, truthfully told what was told to him by Garuda." 41.23
"Hearing the horrifying news from Ansuman, the King completed the Yagna as per the rules." 41.24
"Oh auspicious one, the King having completed the Yagna reached back his town and could not arrive at any decision for bringing Ganga down to earth." 41.25
"Without taking any further decision, the King Sagara ruled for thirty thousand long years and then ascended to heaven." 41.26
This is the end of Forty First Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 42
Bhagiratha's Penance
[Anshuman became the King and later his son became the king. Both were not able to take any action regarding the bringing of Ganga. Bhageeratha was the son of Dilipa. After he became the King, he started doing great penance addressed to Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma was pleased and told that Ganga can come to earth only if Lord Shiva agrees to receive her on his heads.]
"Oh Rama, when King Sagara did the penance of time [death], his subjects accepted the virtuous Anshuman as their king." 42.1
"Oh son of Raghu clan, that King Anshuman was great; he begot the great Dilipa who was greatly famous as his son." 42.2
"Oh son of Raghu clan, he, after vesting his kingdom on Dilipa, performed strict penance on the peak of Himalayas." 42.3
"Having lived for thirty two thousand years, that famous Anshuman, having reached the forest of penance, became one with wealth of penance and attained heaven." 42.4
"King Dilipa, with great luster, having heard about the killing of his grandfathers, became burdened with sorrow; but in spite of great thought could not reach to any conclusion." 42.5
"He was always thinking as to how Ganga could be brought down and how she can be used for the ablation of his grand fathers so that they can be helped to go to heaven; but he could not arrive at any conclusion." 42.6
"He, being blessed with the virtue of Dharma, daily thought about it and at that time a virtuous son named Bhagiratha was born to him." 42.7
'Dilipa, who had great luster, was interested in performing many Yagnas and ruled as king for thirty thousand years." 42.8
"Oh tiger among men, Oh Rama, that King Dilipa, not able to arrive about doing action towards the salvation of his grand fathers, became sick and attained his penance with time." 42.9
"That King went to the land of Indra, as a result of good deeds done by him, after giving the kingdom to his son Bhagiratha." 42.10
"Oh son of Raghu clan, Bhagiratha was a royal sage, great follower of Dharma and a person with great luster; As he did not have any child, he was desirous of having one." 42.11
"Oh son of Raghu clan, being interested in bringing down the Ganges, Bhagiratha entrusted his kingdom to his ministers and started penance with all his senses controlled at Gokarna with both arms held high, surrounded on all four sides by fire, standing under the sun and taking only food once in a month. He continued this for a long number of years." 42.12
"Oh strong one, thousands of years passed away when he was doing this rigid austerities; God Brahma, who was the lord of all men, was highly pleased by the illustrious king." 42.13-42.14
"Then Lord Brahma came in front of him with various Devas and spoke to the great Bhagiratha engaged in penance." 42.15
"Oh valorous one, Oh Bhagiratha, oh lord of all people, I am very much pleased by your penance done with discipline and your great austerities. Please ask for boons that you want." 42.16
"That greatly lustrous one and the strong Bhagiratha told the grandfather of all the world, after approaching and saluting him." 42.17
"Oh God, if you are pleased with my penance and if they are worthy of giving a boon, please make me do the funeral rites with ablations of water to the sons of King Sagara." 42.18
"Let the ashes of those auspicious grandfathers of my father be immersed by the waters of Ganga so that ultimately they may go to heaven." 42.19
"Oh god, bless the clan of Ikshuvaku with children so that the clan is not terminated with me and this is the other boon which is being asked by me." 42.20
"Hearing these apt words, the grandfather of the entire world gave an auspicious reply with sweet letters and words." 42.21
"Oh great charioteer, your wish of the mind that the Ikshuvaku clan should continue to grow would be fulfilled. You be safe" 42.22
"If the golden River Ganga, who is the daughter of Himalayas, was to fall on earth, only Lord Shiva would be capable of receiving her. So you may make entreaties to him." 42.23
"The earth will not able to tolerate the fall of Ganga, oh king, I am not finding anyone other than Lord Shiva capable to receive her." 42.24
"Having told like this, that God of the world talked also with Ganga and went to heavens along with the three devas and Maruth ganas." 42.25
This is the end of Forty Second Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 43
Bhagiratha's Bringing of Ganga
[Bhagiratha does penance to Lord Shiva who agrees to hold the falling Ganga on his head. Ganga wanted to drag him along with her to Rasathala. Lord Shiva imprisoned her in his matted hair. Bhagiratha again did penance and Shiva left her drop by drop. She divided herself in to seven streams. One river followed Bhagiratha to the ocean and on the way she destroyed the Yagna of sage Jahnu, who drank her completely. As per the request of devas, he released her through his ear. Ganga reached the ocean. Bhagiratha did obsequies with her water. His fathers reached heaven.]
"Oh Rama, after the god of gods had gone back, pressing the earth with his great toe, He meditated on Lord Shiva for one year." 43.1
"After one year was over, that consort of Uma, who was saluted by the entire world, told the following to the great king." 43.2
"Oh best among men, I am pleased with you and I shall fulfill your desire. I would hold by my head the daughter of the Mountain." 43.3
"Then the elder daughter, who was golden, who was saluted by all the worlds, took a great form; fell down from the sky on the auspicious head of Lord Shiva with unbearable speed. 43.4
"That goddess, extremely difficult to contain, thought within herself that she would seize Lord shiva and with him enter the nether worlds."43.5
"Knowing her intentions the three eyed God Lord Shiva became angry and made up his mind to send her back to heavens." 43.6
"That sacred river fell on the head of Lord Shiva, which looked like a cave, made of matted hair on his head, which looked like Himalaya Mountain." 43.7
"The river, got enveloped in the matted hair of Lord Shiva, was not able to come out of the matted hair in spite of all her efforts and was not able to reach the earth." 43.8
"Ganga went round in side that matted hair and was not able to come out; Bhagiratha again adopted austerities for several years since he was not able to see her." 43.9
"Oh Son of Raghu clan, Lord Parameshwara was immensely pleased by his great penance and released Ganga, drop by drop, which made a lake called Bindusara." 43.10
"When Ganga was released, it formed itself in to seven streams capable of conferring prosperity; Hladhini, Pavani, Nalini were the three holy streams of Ganga which travelled east ward." 43.11-43.12
"Suchakshu, Sita and the great river called Sindhu travelled towards the west." 43.13
"Among them, the seventh followed King Bhagiratha and the most brilliant royal sage Bhagiratha travelling on a divine chariot marched forward." 43.14
"Falling from the sky on the head of Lord Shiva and from there falling on earth, that water which was flowing made intense sound." 43.15
"With fishes, turtles and other several type of water animals, that river which had fallen on earth shined." 43.16
"Then devas, sages, Gandharwas, yakshas, host of Sidshas with great astonishment looked at Ganga which was falling from the sky on to the earth." 43.17
Then devas in the chariots as large as great cities drawn by excellent restless horses as well as on elephants were staying there." 43.18
"To see the matchless descent of Ganga, devas and beings with great luster arrived on earth." 43.19
"That sky devoid of any clouds, shined as if there were hundred suns due to the shine of ornaments of those speedily descending devas." 43.20
"Due to sky being filled with several sea animals and serpents which were not stable but kept on moving, the sky appeared to be filled with streak of lightning." 43.21
"With thousand splashes of water foams, it looked as if it was filled with flocks of swans or white autumnal clouds." 43.22
"Ganga was at some places flowing rapidly, in some other places flowing in a curved fashion, in some places the river was wide, in some places it was going down, rising high in some other places and in some other places flowing slowly." 43.23
"In some places water was dashing with water repeatedly, water was rising up and coming down." 43.24
"The water which was thrown down from head of Lord Shiva, which fell on earth, freed it from all impurities and looked splendid." 43.25
"Devas, sages and Gandharwas, as well as those who lived on earth, touched the water which fell from the head of Shiva as it was sacred." 43.26
"Those who have fallen down on earth due to curse, being anointed with water of Ganga were freed from their curse." 43.27
"They, with great luster due to water which cleansed their sins, again rose to the sky and entered their own celestial worlds." 43.28
"People greatly rejoiced on seeing the shining water of Ganga and got rid of their tiredness by taking bath in her waters." 43.29
"That royal sage Bhagiratha, with a great luster, mounting the divine chariot, rode forward and the river Ganga followed behind him." 43.30
"Oh Rama, when Ganga was following behind the chariot of Bhagiratha, groups of saints, devas, asuras, Rakshasas, Kinnaras, serpents, foremost among the Gandharwas, Yakshas and Apasaras also followed the chariot of Bhagiratha, besides water animals travelling in the water." 43.31-43.32
"Ganga, the famous and greatest among rivers, which could destroy the sins of all beings, flowed forward in the same direction in which Bhagiratha drove." 43.33
"Later, while flowing, it inundated the sacrificial ground of sage Jahnu, the performer of many Yagnas." 43.34
"Oh Rama, that sage, who was performing a Yagna, seeing the pride and fury of that river, flew in to great rage and surprisingly drank all the waters of that river." 43.35
"Then devas and sages, along with Gandharwas, were greatly surprised seeing that and worshipped that great soul sage Jahnu, best among men. They also worshipped Ganga and requested her to be the daughter of this sage." 43.36-43.37
"Then the sage Jahnu, with great luster, was greatly pleased and released the waters of Ganga through his ears; therefore Ganga is also called Jahnavi." 43.38
"Ganga, the best among the rivers, following the chariot of Bhagiratha, reached the ocean and also entered the Rasathala to fulfill the desires of Bhagiratha." 43.39
"That great royal sage, after having brought the Ganga with his great efforts, with a great sorrow saw the heaps of ashes of his grandfathers." 43.40
"Oh Rama, thereafter, that excellent waters of Ganga inundated those heaps of ashes and freed, purged their sins and send them to heaven." 43.41
This is the end of Forty Third Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 44
Brahma's Blessing of Bhagiratha
[Lord Brahma blessed Bhagiratha for doing a great job. The entire earth was indebted to him for bringing Ganga to earth. The Ganga was also called Bhagirathi and Tripathaga because she flows in heaven, earth and nether worlds.]
"The King, followed by Ganga, reached the ocean and then entered the lower regions of the world where the sons of Sagara were made in to ashes." 44.1
"After the ashes were inundated by the sacred waters of Ganga, the Lord of all the worlds Brahma addressed the king." 44.2
"Oh tiger among men, the sixty thousand sons of the great King Sagara, who were liberated, have gone to heaven like devas." 44.3
"Oh King Bhagiratha, as long as the waters of the ocean are there, till such time, the sons of King Sagara will stay in heaven." 44.4
"This Ganga will become like your eldest daughter and will be known in this world by your name, Bhagirathi." 44.5
"Ok King, the divine Ganga will be known as Tripathaga, as well as Bhagirathi, flowing and purifying all the three worlds." 44.6
"Oh lord of men, oh king, you performed your rituals to ancestors with this water and fulfilled your vows." 44.7
"Oh king, even by your ancestors, who were highly renowned, who were the followers of Dharma and who were the greatest among your clan, this desire was not fulfilled." 44.8
"Oh Son, similarly even by Anshuman, who had matchless power in this world, the vow to bring Ganga was not completed." 44.9
"Oh sinless one, oh blessed one, even your father King Dilipa, who was a royal saint, who was greatly virtuous, who has the luster of a sage, who was equal to me in austerities and who abided strictly by the tenets of dharma of a king, was not able to request Ganga and bring her to this earth." 44.10-44.11
"Oh best among men, the vow has been fulfilled by you; you have obtained special fame in this world and would be highly revered." 44.12
"Oh destroyer of enemies, by your act of bringing the Ganga to this earth, you have secured the greatest place in Dharma." 44.13
"Oh best among men, Oh tiger among men, it is befitting that you purify yourself by taking bath in these sacred waters and acquire the result for your blessed deed." 44.14
"Oh King, perform ablations to all your forefathers with this water. I wish you safety. I am going back. You also please go back to your place." 44.15
"The highly renowned God, the lord of all devas, the grandfather of all the world, Lord Brahma, after speaking like this, went back to the world of gods, by the same way that he had come." 44.16
"Oh Rama, the highly famous royal saint Bhagiratha, as per the normal way and as per the principles of justice, performed the highest ablations with water to the sons of Sagara, became purified, entered his own city after fulfilling his desire and ruled over it." 44.17-44.18
"Oh Rama, the world became happy in getting Bhagiratha as their King. After fulfilling his desire, he was freed from all worries and got all his sorrows mitigated." 44.19
"Oh Rama, this story of Ganga has been told by me to you in great detail. The evening time is nearing and you would attain prosperity." 44.20
"This sacred story of bringing Ganga from heaven would confer prosperity, fame, longevity and progeny to those Brahmins, Kshatriyas and others who recite it. Their forefathers would also be extremely pleased." 44.21
"Oh son of the Kakustha clan, this sacred story relating to the descent of Ganga, if heard with concentration by someone, he will get all his sins destroyed and his fame and longevity will increase." 44.22-44.23
This is the end of Forty Fourth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 45
Ocean Churning Story
[Rama and Lakshmana cross Ganges and reach the town of Vaishali. There Viswamithra tells the story of churning the ocean by sons of Dithi and Adithi. He tells the story in great detail.]
Rama and Lakshmana after hearing the story were greatly surprised and Rama told to Viswamithra. 45.1
"Oh Godly sage, the blessed and divine story of the descent of Ganga and her filling up of sea is extremely wonderful " 45.2
That night, along with Lakshmana, they kept on thinking about the story narrated by Viswamithra and the night came to an end. 45.3
Rama, who is destroyer of the enemies, in the clear morning, after completing the rituals of the morning, told sage Viswamithra. 45.4
"Oh sage of great penance, having heard the great story, fit to be listened to, the glorious night has passed. Thinking and rethinking over the complete story, both of us felt as if the night was just a short time." 45.5
"Let us all cross this sacred River Ganga, which is the best among rivers and which flows in all the three worlds. The boat, which is furnished well, would come here quickly, hearing that all of us have come and the sages can easily cross the river by that." 45.6-45.7
Hearing the words of great Rama, arrangements were made to cross the river for Rama and Lakshmana along with the sages. 45.8
After reaching the northern bank of river, the sages paid homage to river Ganga and camped there. From there, they were able to see the city of Vaishali. 45.9
Then the great sage, along with Rama, went speedily in to the city, which was broad, pretty and heaven like. 45.10
Then the greatly knowledgeable Rama, with folded hands, asked the great saint about the city of Vaishali. 45.11
"Oh great sage, may you be safe, I have great desire and curiosity to know as to which King's clan is ruling over this broad city of Vaishali." 45.12
That great sage, after hearing the words of Rama, started telling about the old city of Vaishali. 45.13
"Oh Rama, please hear the auspicious story of Indra, which I am going to tell you. I will also tell you about what happened to this city." 45.14
"Oh great Rama, in the earlier Krutha Yuga, the sons of Dithi were strong and those of Adithi were valorous; thet were followers of Dharma." 45.15
"Oh great man, a thought came in their mind as to how all of them could get rid of old age as well as death and disease." 45.16
"Oh Rama, when they were thinking about this matter, a thought stuck in the minds of some of the great among them that, "we can obtain the nectar for immortality by churning the ocean of milk." 45.17
"Then those people, with great luster after deciding to churn the ocean of milk, made Mandhara Mountain as the churning rod and the snake Vasuki as the churning rope and started churning the ocean of milk." 45.18
"After one thousand years of churning Vasuki, the serpent rope started biting stones and its hood spit out poison." 45.19
"That Halahala poison, which was resembling fire, which was produced by the snake, started burning the entire world consisting of devas, asuras and human beings." 45.20
"Then devas went and surrendered themselves to the great God Sankara, the lord of all being, and requested him, "Please save us, save us." 45.21
"There upon, Lord Vishnu, who was the God of Gods, to whom they had spoken and entreated, appeared there holding the conch and discuss." 45.22
"God Hari with a smile approached the God, who was holding the trident, and spoke, "Oh Chief of devas, since you were born the earliest among devas, the first thing that is produced by the churning of ocean, by right, becomes yours. We consider this venom as the offering that we received and so kindly take it." 45.23-45.24
"After saying this, Lord Vishnu, the noble deva, vanished from there. Lord Shiva seeing the fear of devas and having heard the words of Lord Vishnu received that Halahala poison as if it was nectar." 45.25
"Then Shiva, the Lord of Devas, went back to his home and devas and asuras resumed the churning." 45.26
"Oh blemish less one, the Mandhara Mountain, which was used as the churning rod, sank in to Patala and there upon devas and Gandharwas prayed to Vishnu, the killer of Madhu." 45.27
"Oh great one, you are the only support to all beings, especially devas, so protect us and lift this Mountain which has sunk." 45.28
"That Hari, who is the great Hrishikesa, having heard these words assumed the form of a tortoise, went inside the ocean and supported the Mandhara Mountain on his back." 45.29
"The soul of the world, the greatest Purusha, that Kesava, standing aloft, with his hand, started churning the Mountain also." 45.30
"After another thousand years, first an Apsara called Dhanvanthari holding a staff and water pot came out of the ocean." 45.31
"Oh great human being, a great lady came out of the ocean, which was being churned and because of that she was called Apsara." 45.32
"Like this, sixty crores of such Apsaras were produced and they had countless attendants." 45.33
"None of devas and asuras accepted them in marriage and as they were unmarried, all of them were regarded as belonging to all." 45.34
"Oh Rama, the son of Raghu clan, Vaaruni, the daughter of Varuna came out searching for a consort." 45.35
"Oh Rama, that daughter of Varuna, was not accepted by the sons of Dithi and that blemish less one was accepted by the sons of Adithi." 45.36
"Because of that, the sons of Dithi became asuras [one without Sura] and the sons of Adithi, because they accepted Varuni, became Suras and Varuni became happy." 45.37
"Oh great human being, Uchaisravas, the best of horses, Kausthubha the best among jewels and the beneficial Amrutha [nectar] then arose from there." 45.38
"Oh Rama, there after, the great war for destroying the clans took place and sons of Adithi killed the sons of Dithi [daithyas]." 45.39
"Oh valorous one, all the Rakshasas joined along with the asuras on one side and a dreadful war took place, putting all the three worlds in to confusion." 45.40
"When everything was about to perish, endowed with great power, Lord Vishnu took the form of a charming woman called Mohini [enchantress] using his power of illusion and stole the pot of nectar." 45.41
"That deathless great Purusha Vishnu started war with those in front of him and they were all crushed by the capable Vishnu." 45.42
"In the great battle between the sons of Dithi and the sons of Adithi, the later killed the former." 45.43
"Then Indra got the celestial kindom, after killing the sons of Dithi, and happily ruled the world with the sages and the charanas." 45.44
This is the end of Forty Fifth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 46
Dithi's Penance and Indra
[Dithi seeing her sons were defeated requests her husband Kashyapa to bless her with a son who will kill Indra. He requests her to lead a life of penance. When she is almost about to complete her penance, Indra enters her womb and cuts that foetus to seven pieces.]
"When all her sons were killed, Dithi became very sad and spoke these words to her husband Kashyapa, the son of Maricha". 46.1
"Oh God like person, my sons were all killed by your other strong sons and therefore I desire to have a mighty son, capable of killing Indra by great penance." 46.2
"I will practice great penance and it is only proper for you to give me a son, who is capable of killing Indra. Give me your consent and give me an embryo to fulfill my purpose." 46.3
"Then the greatly lustrous Kashyapa, who was the son of Maricha, having heard the words of Dithi, who was sad, replied." 46.4
"Oh lady, with wealth of penance, let it happen that way. May you become prosperous and pure. You will give birth to a son who will kill Indra in battle." 46.5
"If you remain pure and clean, after one thousand years, you will give birth to a son through me, who will be the lord of three worlds." 46.6
Sage Kashyapa, with great luster, after speaking like this, touched her body with his palm and gently patted it and saying "May God be with you", went away to do his penances. 46.7
"Oh great man, after he had gone, Dithi, who was greatly joyous, reached a sacred spot called Kushaplavanam and started practising mortifying penances." 46.8
"Oh great man Rama, when she was doing her penances, the thousand eyed Indra started doing service to her with great reverence." 46.9
"Devendra provided her fire, Kusha grass, sticks for lighting up fire, fruits, roots and all things that she wanted as per her needs." 46.10
"Devendra massaged her stiff limbs and all times attended on her so that her tiredness is removed." 46.11
"Oh son of Raghu clan, nine hundred and ninety years passed this way and Dithi was greatly pleased with Indra and told him." 46.12
"Oh great deva, as per my desire, your great father granted a boon of a son to me after one thousand years." 46.13
"If I do strict penance for ten more years, which are remaining, you will see a brother of yours. You please be safe." 46.14
"I shall give him the pleasure of victory over you and later unite him with you, so that you can achieve victory over the three worlds along with him and relieved of your sorrow, you would enjoy this life." 46.15
"That lady Dithi, after having spoken like this to Indra, was overpowered by sleep that noon and slept with her feet on the place where her head should be." 46.16
"Indra seeing her bad posture of feet, where her head should be, and also with her un-tied hair falling on all sides became happy and laughed." 46.17
"Oh Rama, that Indra entered in to her womb and severed her valorous embryo in to seven pieces." 46.18
"The embryo, being severed by the hundred edged Vajrayudha, cried loudly and Dithi woke up due to that." 46.19
Indra telling the embryo "do not cry", "do not cry " and that highly powerful one was cutting it even though it was crying. 46.20
Dithi shouted "It should not be killed", "It should not be killed" and Indra obeying the words of his mother came out. 46.21
Armed with Vajrayudha and with folded hands Indra told Dithi, "You had slept with your hair falling over your feet and have become impure." 46.22
"I used this opportunity and severed him, who would have killed Indra in to seven pieces in a war. Oh Devi, I merit a pardon from you." 46.23
This is the end of Forty Sixth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 47
Maruths and Vishala Story
[Dithi requests Indra to make the seven parts in to seven Maruths who would be given a honoured place. Viswamithra tells Rama that Dithi did her penance in this place. Then he lists all the great kings who ruled over Visala. King Sumathi who was ruling at that time came and honoured Viswamithra as well as Rama and Lakshmana.]
"Once she knew that what she had conceived has been cut in to seven pieces, Dithi became very sad. She told the thousand eyed on these affectionate words to her which were invincible." 47.1
"Oh slayer of Balasura, Oh Indra, due to my fault, this embryo has been cut in to seven pieces and made useless; in this matter you have not committed any fault." 47.2
"Though the embryo had this misfortune, I want to do something good for them from you. Let these seven pieces become the guardians of the seven wind regions." 47.3
"Oh son, let these seven of my sons with celestial beauty become presiding deities of regions of the wind; let them be named as Maruths and wander in the sky." 47.4
"Let one of them move about in Brahma Loka, another in Indra Loka and another become famous as Vayu move about in this earth." 47.5
"Oh greatest deva, let the remaining four of my sons, become celestial beings under your command and move about in four directions. Let them all bear the name Maruth derived from what you have told them in my womb [Ma rudha] 47.6
"The thousand eyed one, the slayer of Bala, that Indra, hearing her words, with folded arms told her." 47.7
"All this will happen as per your wish and your sons shall wander about as devas. May you be safe." 47.8
"Oh Rama, it is heard that mother and sons, having arrived at this agreement in this forest of meditation, ascended to heaven" 47.9
"Oh son of Kakustha clan, this was the country inhabited by Indra, where he attended to the comforts of Dithi, who succeeded to become a great ascetic." 47.10
"Oh tiger among men, King Ikshuvaku got a famous son named Vishala, who was a great follower of Dharma, born in Alambusha, in this place and he built this town of Vishala." 47.11-47.12
"The son of Vishala was the strong Hemachandra and his successor was the famous Suchandra." 47.13
"Dhoomraswa was the famous son of Suchandra and his son was known as Sanjaya." 47.14
"Prosperous and powerful Sahadeva was the son of Sanjaya and his son was Kusaswa, who was a great follower of dharma." 47.15
"The very famous and lustrous Somadatha was born as son of Kuswaswa and it is well known that Kakustha was the son of Somadatha." 47.16
"And his son Sumathi, who has great luster and is equal to Gods, is ruling this city." 47.17
"By the blessing of Ikshuvaku, all the kings of Vaisali were great, long lived, valorous and followers of Dharma." 47.18
"Oh Rama, we would stay here happily for this night. Oh great man, do you think it is all right that we see Janaka tomorrow." 47.19
The most brilliant, great man, Sumathi, who was famous, having heard of the arrival of Viswamithra, went forward to receive him. 47.20
After doing proper worship, along with his relatives as well as priests, he enquired about the welfare of Viswamithra and spoke to him. 47.21
"Oh sage, I consider myself blessed as you visited me, my country and blessed us; I consider that no one is more blessed than me." 47.22
This is the end of Forty Sixth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 48
Ahalya's Story
[After leaving Vishala, when they were about to reach Mithila, they saw a deserted hermitage. When Rama asks about it, Viswamithra tells the story of Ahalya and her husband Gauthama. Indra, falling in love with Ahalya, takes the form of sage Gauthama and enters the hermitage when he is not there. Ahalya recognized him and they make illicit love. Gauthama catches them and curses both of them. Indra loses his testicles and Ahalya is cursed to become invisible and do penance without food and sleep. She will regain her form when Rama, the son of Dasaratha, sees her.]
After the mutual meeting and after Sumathi enquired about their welfare, at the end, Sumathi asked thus to the great sage. 48.1
"Oh sage Viswamithra, be safe. Who are these two youths, who are as valorous as devas, who have the gait of an elephant or a lion, appearing similar to the tiger or bull, who have broad eyes like the lotus petal, who are armed with sword and quiver full of arrows, who have the prettiness of Aswini Kumaras, who have just attained the youth and who seem to have come to earth by their own free will from the land of devas? Whose sons are they? Have they come on foot to this place? And for what purpose have they come here?" 48.2-48.4
"Oh great saint, they resemble each other in their personality, expression and movements. They are decorating this country like moon and sun decorates the sky. Holding blessed weapons, these heroes have come through a path that is difficult to walk. I would like to know as to why they have come here?" 48.5-48.6
Having listened to his words, the sage told him about their stay in Siddhasrama and how they killed the Rakshasas. 48.7
King Sumathi after listening to Viswamithra became extremely happy and extended great hospitality to the highly valorous sons of King Dasaratha according to tradition. 48.8
After Rama and Lakshmana enjoyed the great hospitality from King Sumathi, they stayed there for one night and departed to Mithila after that. 48.9
All the sages, after seeing the auspicious city of Janaka, admired it saying, "Great, great" and worshipped it. 48.10
Rama saw an old, uninhabited and pretty grove near the city of Mithila. He also saw there a deserted hermitage and asked Viswamithra. 48.11
"Oh God like sage, what is this divine place which looks like a hermitage deserted by ascetics? It belonged to whom earlier? I am interested in knowing about it?" 48.12
That expert in language listened to words of Rama carefully and then the great sage Viswamithra replied. 48.13
"Oh Rama, please listen. I shall tell you truthfully, how a great one cursed this hermitage." 48.14
"Oh great man, this great hermitage, looking like a holiday home of devas, belonged once to the great sage Gauthama, who was honoured by devas." 48.15
"Oh famous prince, he practiced penance here for several years in the company of Ahalya." 48.16
"Indra, the husband of Sachi, having found an opportunity, assumed the guise of that sage Gauthama addressed Ahalya saying." 48.17
"Oh well made up one, the passionate seekers do not wait for the menstruation to end. Oh lady with the thin middle, I desire to make love to you." 48.18
"Oh son of Raghu clan, the evil intentioned Ahalya, who knew that it was Indra in sage's guise, inclined towards the King of Devas and consented." 48.19
"Oh great man, after having been satisfied right in to her inner soul, she told, "Oh chief of devas,I am completely satisfied; quickly go away from here. Oh King of Devas, sage Gauthama should not see you and me together." 48.20-48.21
Indra laughed and spoke the following words to Ahalya, "Oh lady with pretty lips, I am greatly satisfied and I shall go back by the way that I have come." 48.22
"Oh Rama, having made love to her, out of great fear for the sage Gauthama, he came out of that thatched hut with leaves." 48.23
"Then Indra saw the great saint, who is blessed by the power of penance, who cannot be opposed by Devas and asuras, who was drenched in the sacred waters and who shined like the flaming fire, carrying sticks for the homa and the kusa grass, entering the hermitage covered with leaves." 48.24-48.25
"Seeing the shivering King of Devas with a pale face, that sage, who was greatly cultured, spoke with an angry tone, to the very much ill behaved thousand eyed one." 48.26
"Oh bad brained one, assuming my form you have done a forbidden act. For that reason, you will become without a scrotum." 48.27
"Due to the wrathful words, which were uttered by the great Gauthama, the testicles of Indra fell down on earth immediately." 48.28
"Having cursed Indra in this manner, he also cursed Ahalya this way, "You would be living in this place only eating air but without any food, lying on the ashes and doing penance, invisible to the people of the hermitage." 48.29-48.30
"When Rama, the son of Dasaratha, who cannot be opposed enters this dreadful forest, you would be purified." 48.31
"Oh lady with a bad behaviour, by offering a joyful hospitality without miserliness and without passion, you will regain your body and live with me in my proximity." 48.32
"That Gauthama, who had great luster and wealth of penance, after speaking this way to the lady with bad behaviour, left this hermitage and went to the peak of Himalayas; he did penance there served by Sidhas and Charanas." 48.33-48.34
This is the end of Forty Eighth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 49
Ahalya's Freedom from Curse
[Indra requesting Pithru devathas fixes the testicles of a ram on him. Rama enters the place where Ahalya is there. She gets freedom from the curse. Sage Gauthama comes and joins his wife.]
"After that Indra, who was deprived of his testicles, with a frightened face, addressed a group of sages, charanas and devas lead by Agni [the fire God]." 49.1
"I created obstacles to penance of sage Gauthama, while I was doing the work of devas and generated his great anger." 49.2
"Due to his anger, I have been deprived of my testicles and she was deserted by him; Due to this curse, all the power that he had earned has been destroyed." 49.3
"Because of the fact that I have done my action for your benefit, Oh groups of sages, charanas and excellent devas, it is your duty to restore my testicles." 49.4
"Hearing the words of Indra, the performer of hundred fire sacrifice, devas along with Maruths and lead by the fire God approached the Pithru Devathas and said." 49.5
"This sacrificial ram has testicles and Indra has been rendered without testicles and so please take the testicle of this ram and immediately graft it to Indra." 49.6
"This ram which will be made without testicles would offer you great joy and those men who offer such rams to you will get great merits." 49.7
"The assembled Pithru Devathas, after hearing the words of Agni, extracted the testicle of the ram and grafted it on Indra." 49.8
"Oh son of Kakustha clan, from then onwards, the Pithru Devathas accept the ram without testicle as offering, as they have fitted it to Indra." 49.9
"Oh Rama, by the great power of the penance of sage Gauthama, then onwards Indra had only the testicle of a ram." 49.10
"Oh person of great luster, therefore, enter the hermitage of the pious one and liberate Ahalya with a divine look." 49.11
Hearing the words of sage Viswamithra, Rama and Lakshmana, keeping Viswamithra ahead of them, entered that hermitage. 49.12
There Rama saw that great lady shining with the power of her penance, though she was not visible to all men including devas and Asuras. It appeared as if Lord Brahma had struggled to create her form of illusion. Though she was like the moon covered by mist and clouds, Rama saw her with the shine of a Sun. 49.13-49.14
Due to the curse of Gauthama, she was not visible to any one of the three worlds till Rama sees her. 49.15
When the end of the curse approached, she was visible; Rama and Lakshmana touched her feet. 49.16
She, who recalled the words of sage Gauthama, showered them with hospitality with a concentrated mind, offered them water to wash their feet and also water for drinking; She treated them as guests as per tradition and son of Kakustha accepted all that. 49.17-49.18
With the accompaniment of the playing of divine drums, there was a rain of flowers and a great assembly took place in which Gandharwas and Apsaras participated. 49.19
Devas saying "Great, great", worshipped her, whose body has been got purified by penance and who was under the control of Gauthama." 49.20
The great Gauthama, who has done great penance and who was extremely happy, accompanied by Ahalya, worshipped Rama as per tradition. 49.21
Rama, after receiving the worship of the sage Gauthama, according to tradition, started towards Mithila." 49.22
This is the end of Forty Ninth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 50
Rama and Lakshmana Introduction
[Viswamithra along with Rama and Lalkshmana visits the Yagna place of King Janaka. The sage is received hospitably. Janaka is curios to know about Rama and Lakshmana, Viswamithra introduces them.]
From there, Viswamithra, along with Rama and Lakshmana, walking in the front, proceeded towards North east and reached the place of Yagna. 50.1
Rama, along with Lakshmana, addressing the tiger among sages told, "Preparation of the Yagna by great Janaka is remarkable." 50.2
"Oh great one, thousands of Brahmins, who have studied Vedas properly belonging to various countries, have assembled here. Hundreds of carts and quarters for sages are seen here. Oh God like sage, let us decide about the place that we are going to stay here." 50.3-50.4
The great sage, after listening to words of Rama, chose a place for staying near the water front, which was overtly crowded. 50.5
The King, afterhearing about the arrival of sage Viswamithra, placing in front his blemish less priest Sathanaanda, went forward to welcome him with great humility. 50.6
The eminent officiating priests brought the materials for worship quickly and offered them to Viswamithra with prayers. 50.7
Having accepted the worship by the great soul Janaka, the sage enquired about the welfare of the King as well as about the proper conduct of the Yagna. 50.8
Then, as per tradition, after making enquiries with the teachers and priests, Viswamithra joined with them happily. 50.9
Then the King with folded hands requested the sage "You may kindly take your seat along with these great sages." 50.10
Hearing the words of Janaka, that great sage occupied his seat. The King along with his family priest and along with priests and ministers also sat down. 50.11
Afterwards, the King, after examining all his sides and having seen that all persons are seated according to their ranks, spoke to Viswamithra. 50.12
"Today, the greatness of my Yagna has been fulfilled by your god like presence and I feel that I have already obtained the fruits of my Yagna." 50.13
"Oh Great sage, Oh Brahmana, I am blessed because you have come to this hall of Yagna along with these ascetics. I am indebted to you for that." 50.14
"Oh Brahma Rishi, learned persons are telling me that only twelve more days are there to complete this Yagna and Oh sage Viswamithra, you are suitable to see devas claiming their share from this yagna." 50.15
The King, after talking like this to the tiger among sages, with folded hands and a cheerful face, again asked him. 50.16
"Oh Viswamithra, I wish you safety. Who are these two youths, who are as valorous as devas, who have the gait of an elephant or a lion, appearing similar to the tiger or bull, who have broad eyes like the lotus petal, who are armed with sword and quiver full of arrows, who have the prettiness of Aswini Kumaras, who have just attained the youth and who seem to have come to earth by their own free will from the land of devas? Whose sons are they? Have they come on foot to this place? And for what purpose have they come here?" 50.17-50.19
"Oh great saint, they resemble each other in their personality, with their mesh of hair falling on their temples, expression and movements. They are decorating this country like moon and sun decorates the sky and holding blessed weapons these heroes have come. Whose sons are they? I desire to hear about this from you." 50.20-50.21
Hearing the words of great Janaka, the great sage presented Rama and Lakshmana to him and told him that they are sons of Dasaratha. 50.22
That great sage, with great luster, told the distinguished King Janaka, about their visit to Siddhasrama, their meeting with Rakshasas there, their undaunted journey to Vishala and meeting with King of Vishala, the appearance of Ahalya, their meeting with sage Gauthama and lastly about their inquisitiveness to see the great bow as their purpose of visit to this place and stopped. 50.23-50.25
This is the end of Fiftieth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 51
Viswamithra's Story
[Sathananda, the Guru of Janaka, who is the son of Ahalya, enquires about his mother. Later, he starts telling the story of Viswamithra. After telling his lineage, he tells about how Viswamithra during a royal hunt visits the hermitage of Vasishta.]
Having heard the words of great Viswamithra, Sathanaanda the eldest son of sage Gauthama, who possessed great splendour and had done great penances was thrilled on seeing Rama and was greatly astonished. 51.1-51.2
Then, Sathanaanda, seeing the two princes, who were comfortably seated, addressed the great sage Viswamithra and said. 51.3
"Oh tiger among sages, did you show my famous mother, who was practicing great penance for a long time, to the princes." 51.4
"Did my famous mother, possessing great luster, offer homage to Rama, who is worthy of being worshipped by all beings, with things available in forest?" 51.5
"Oh greatly lustrous one, was Rama told about the injustice done by devas to my mother?" 51.6
"Oh Viswamithra, remain safe. Oh great sage, after seeing Rama, did my mother get united with my father?" 51.7
"Oh Kushika, was Rama honoured by my father? Did the illustrious Rama honour my father, who was a person with great luster, when he arrived there? 51.8
"Oh son of Khusika, did the pious Rama, who visited the hermitage, salute my father with a peaceful mind?" 51.9
The great sage Viswamithra, after hearing these words, replied to Sathanaanda, who was master of his words and had a great vocabulary. 51.10
"Oh great ascetic, all that was needed to be done was done without omitting anything and Ahalya was united with Gauthama like Renuka was united with her husband sage Jamadagni." 51.11
Hearing the words spoken by sage Viswamithra, that greatly lustrous Sathananda spoke to Rama. 51.12
"Oh great man, Rama, you have come here following the great sage Viswamithra because of your good fortune. I offer welcome to you." 51.13
"The great sage Viswamithra did penance of unimaginable extent of penance to become equivalent to a Brahma Rishi. He possesses unmatched brilliance and we know him by his great aim." 51.14
"Oh Rama, there is no one in this world as lucky, as you are being protected by Viswamithra, who did great penance." 51.15
"I will now tell you the story in detail of that great sage Viswamithra along with his great power." 51.16
"Viswamithra is the soul of Dharma, destroyer of enemies, an expert in Dharma and an expert in knowledge. He ruled his subjects for a long time only interested in their welfare." 51.17
"There was a King named Kusa, who was the son of Lord Brahma. Kushanabha, who was strong and a follower of Dharma, was his son." 51.18
"The famous Gadhi was the son of Kushanabha and the great sage Viswamithra, who has exceedingly great luster, was his son." 51.19
"Viswamithra, with great luster, ruled over this earth as a King for many thousands of years. "51.20
"The highly lustrous Viswamithra once assembled a great army and surrounded by an army of Akshouhini size went round the earth." 51.21
"He wandered round countries, cities, rivers, Mountains and hermitages one by one. He reached the hermitage of Vasishta, which was surrounded by trees and animals of various types. It shined as if it was being served by Sidhas, Charanas, devas, asuras and Gandharwas.It was endowed with peace, crowded by Brahmins, had large number of Brahma Rishis who were served by Deva rRshis. Those sages who had attained perfection through penance, resembled fire, were magnanimous and some of them lived by taking only water, some others only by air, some others by consuming fallen leaves and others subsisting by eating fruits and roots. They were self restrained, had controlled their anger and had won over their sense organs. That hermitage was shining by the presence of Valakhilyas [sages born out of the thumb of Lord Brahma, and Vaikasanas [sages born out of nail of Brahma." 51.22-51.27
"That very strong Viswamithra, who had conquered all his enemies, saw that hermitage of Vasishta, which was looking like a second Brahmaloka." 51.28
This is the end of Fifty First Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 52
Vasishta's Feast to Viswamithra
[Vasishta hospitably receives Viswamithra. After exchanges of the news of welfare, Vasishta offers a feast to Viswamithra and his army. Viswamithra accepts it with reluctance. Vasishta calls the divine cow Sabala and requests her to arrange for a feast to Viswamithra and his army.]
"The strong Viswamithra, after seeing, greatly loved that place, which was the greatest place for chanting names of God, and offered salutations." 52.1
"The Great Vasishta received him properly and said "welcome to you" and ordered that a seat may be put for him." 52.2
"Then the great sage after being seated offered fruits and roots to the powerful Viswamithra according to tradition." 52.3
"That great King Viswamithra, with Luster, after accepting the hospitality from sage Vasishta, enquired about welfare of his disciples, about the fire sacrifices which he does and about the trees in the hermitage; Vasishta informed him that everything was all right." 52.4-52.5
"The great ascetic Vasishta, son of Brahma and the greatest among those who pray, asked Viswamithra, who was sitting comfortably." 52.6
"Oh king, how is your welfare? Oh King are you ruling the country according to the King's Dharma and giving happiness to your people?" 52.7
"Are your servants well provided? Are your orders obeyed? Oh destroyer of foes, are you able to win over your enemies?" 52.8
"Oh tormenter of enemies, Oh blemish less one, Oh tiger among men, hope everything is all right with your treasury, friends, sons and grandsons?" 52.9
"The King, with great luster, told with great humility to sage Vasishta that everything was all right." 52.10
"Both those followers of Dharma spent some time happily in exchange of stories and pleased each other." 52.11
"Oh son of the Raghu clan, after their conversation came to an end, the god like Vasishta smilingly told the following to Viswamithra." 52.12
"Oh powerful one, I would like to offer hospitality in a suitable manner to you and your strong army. Please accept it." 52.13
"You may kindly accept the honours extended by me to you as you are a honoured guest and worthy of the homage, which would be offered with all sincerity." 52.14
After Vasishta spoke, the intelligent Viswamithra said, "Pleasing word that you have spoken is itself a great hospitality." 52.15
"Oh good sage, you have already offered water to wash my feet, water for drinking, as well as various fruits and roots that are available in your hermitage. Seeing your great self is itself a great honour and worship. Oh very intelligent sage, my salutations to you. Please look at me with friendship in your eye." 52.16-52.17
"When the King spoke like this, sage Vasishta again and again requested him to accept his hospitality." 52.18
"In reply to those entreaties, the son of Gadhi said, "Let it be so, Oh great sage, please do what pleases you." 52.19
"That blemish less sage Vasishta, with great luster, who is great in chanting, called the cow with variegated stripes." 52.20
"Oh Sabala, please listen to my following words. I have decided to offer food in a befitting manner to this royal saint along with his army and so please make arrangements." 52.21
"Oh fulfiller of wishes, for my sake quickly rain food of six different tastes as per the likes and dislikes of each and every one." 52.22
"Oh Sabala, let food in the form of a collection of juice, pastes and solid food be created quickly and offered to them."
This is the end of Fifty First Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 53
Sabala and Viswamithra
[A great feast is arranged by Sabala and Viswamithra is greatly impressed. He feels that Sabala should belong to him. In spite of offer of great wealth, Vasishta refuses to part with Sabala.]
"Oh destroyer of enemies, Rama, once these words were spoken by Vasishta to Sabala, the wish fulfilling cow made all arrangements to fulfill the desires of each and every one as per their desire." 53.1
"Sugarcane, honey, puffed rice in good containers, invigorating drinks, excellent syrups, and different kinds of food were made available." 53.2
"Hot rice heaped similar to Mountains, savoury foods, pulses and rivers of milk and curds, various type of juices, food items with six different tastes filled in containers and preparations made of Jaggery were distributed in thousands." 53.3-53.4
"Oh Rama, all the members of the army of Viswamithra were completely satisfied and highly pleased; the place was filled with well fed and happy people." 53.5
"Then the royal sage Viswamithra, royal priests, lady family members were also satisfied and pleased by the food." 53.6
"Having been honoured along with his ministers, counselors and attendants, Viswamithra was filled with delight and spoke the following words to Vasishta," 53.7
"Oh Brahmin, you are worthy of being worshipped. I have been received with warmth and respect; I feel honoured. Oh expert in speech, please listen to my following words." 53.8
"Please give Sabala to me and I would give you hundred thousand cows. Oh god like sage, this Sabala is like a precious gem and the King of all my gems. Sabala really belongs to me. Brahmin, following Dharma, please give her to me." 53.9
"That god like sage, the soul of Dharma and eminent among sages, after Viswamithra addressed him like this, replied as follows to the king." 53.10
"Oh king, I will not give you Sabala even if you give me hundred thousand cows or even hundred crores cows or heaps of silver." 53.11
"Oh killer of enemies, Viswamithra, it is not proper to take away this cow from my proximity as the relation between me and Sabala is like the relation between man of Dharma and his fame." 53.12
"For our oblation to the Gods and manes, for our necessities of living, for maintenance of fire, for sacrificial offering to Gods and for our fire sacrifices, we are dependent on this cow." 53.13
"Oh royal sage, we are dependent on this cow for our knowledge and offering in fire telling Swaha and Vashat." 53.14
"She is my only possession and provides satisfaction to me at all times. Oh King, these as well as for various other reasons, I cannot give Sabala to you." 53.15
"Viswamithra who was an expert in conversation, hearing the words of Vasishta, spoke with excitement." 53.16
"I shall give you fourteen thousand elephants with gold ornaments around their neck and body; further adorned with lots and lots of gold." 53.17
"I shall give you eight hundred golden chariots drawn by four horses, each decorated with tinkling bells." 53.18
"Oh sage of great penance, I shall give you eleven thousand mighty horses of good breed originating from good countries". 53.19
"I shall give you one crore of youthful cows with distinctly separated colours, please give me Sabala." 53.20
"Oh Brahmin, I shall give you as much gold or gem stones as you desire and all that and more, please give me Sabala." 53.21
"After the godly and valorous Viswamithra spoke like this, Vasishta replied, "Oh King, I will not give Sabala to you." 53.22
"She is my jewel, she is my wealth, she is everything to me and she is my life." 53.23
"Oh King, she is needed for me for yagnas to be conducted in the month beginnings, during the full moon and also for several of my activities." 53.24
"Oh King, this is the foundation of all my activities and so there is no use of telling further useless words as I shall never give this cow, which fulfills all desires." 53.25
This is the end of Fifty Third Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.
Sargam [Chapter]: 54
Viswamithra and Sabala
[Viswamithra tries to drag away Sabala. The sad cow appeals to Vasishta and with his permission creates army after army which destroys the entire army of Viswamithra]
"Oh Rama, when Vasishta did not give him the wish giving cow, Viswamithra started pulling her." 54.1
"Oh Rama, when Sabala was being dragged away by the great king, she became sad, wept and started thinking." 54.2
"I am being carried away in this pitiable manner by the servants of the King and am greatly distressed. Have I been abandoned by the great Vasishta?" 54.3
"What harm have I done to the great sage, who is a pure soul, so that he forsakes me, who am innocent, likable and follower of Dharma." 54.4
"Oh Rama, the killer of enemies, thinking like this, sighing often, she shook and got free from the hundred of servants of Viswamithra and with a speed of wind rushed towards the feet of sage Vasishta." 54.5
"That weeping and sad Sabala, stood in front of Vasishta and roared like a thunder and a drum." 54.6
"Oh son of a Brahmin, Oh God like sage, have I been give up by you? May I know for what reason, the attendants of the King are dragging me away from your presence." 54.7
"Addressed like this, that Brahmin sage told her, who was like his sister, with a heart full of sorrow." 54.8
"Oh Sabala, I am not forsaking you. No harm has been done to you. That powerful one is taking you by force from me." 54.9
"My power is not equal to him as of today. He is a king, a great warrior, as well as the lord of this earth." 54.10
"His power is mighty as he has one Akshouhini of soldiers, with several horses yoked to the chariot and is surrounded by elephants and banners." 54.11
"Hearing the words of Vasishta, with humility, she, who was an expert in usage of words, replied to the Brahma Rishi with matchless power." 54.12
"Oh Brahmin, it is believed that the strength of a Kshatriya is not countable before a Brahmin of great strength, for his strength is God given and greater." 54.13
"Your strength is matchless and the great warrior Viswamithra's strength is not greater than yours and it can never reach your strength." 54.14
"Oh greatly fortunate one, since I posses your Brahminic power, give me orders and I would destroy the pride of this wicked minded one." 54.15
"Oh Rama, when told like this, that one with great fame told, "Create an army which is capable of tormenting this powerful enemy." 54.16
"Oh Rama, having heard his order that wish giving cow created an army. A sound "Humbha" from her brought in to existence hundreds of paplavas, who destroyed the entire army of Viswamithra, when he was helplessly looking." 54.17-54.18
"Then that enraged King Viswamithra, seeing his army destroyed, became very angry, with eyes widened by anger, got in to his chariot and with various weapons destroyed the Paplavas." 54.19
"When hundreds of paplavas were troubled by Viswamithra, once again with her anger she created Yavanasas well as Sakas." 54.20
"The Yavanas with sakas, possessing the great splendour and great valour and resembling the filaments of Gold crowded that place." 54.21
"Armed with long swords, lances, dressed in gold coloured cloth and shining like a flame of fire, they destroyed the entire army of Viswamithra." 54.22
Then Viswamithra, who had great luster, released several arrows and those weapons scattered Yavanas, Sakas and Paplavas." 54.23
This is the end of Fifty Fourth Sarga of Bala Kanda which occurs in Holy Ramayana composed by Valmiki as the First Epic.