From Darkness to Light
From the ancient of times, From the very foundation of the earth, The end for all things Have I known.
As the mighty river knows At the very beginning of its birth The end of its long journey, Though it wander through many lands, So have I known.
As in the time of winter The barren tree Knows the coming joys of the spring, So have I known. Long have I wandered Through many lives, In many lands, Amidst many peoples, In search of this end I have known.
As the stagnant pools that are purified With the coming rains, So had I remained Motionless, Till the hurricane of sorrow Cleansed me.
Burdened have I been With many possessions, With the wealth of the world, With the comforts that bring stagnation.
Rejoiced have I been In the satisfaction of a multitude of things, Till the storm of tears Washed away the pride of abundance. And as the lands of the desert Are without shadows, So had my life become.
I worshipped at the altars Of way-side shrines, Whose Gods have denied me Of the end that I have known.
Their priests held me In thrall By the magic of their words, By the intoxication of their incense. In the sheltering shadows of the temple walls I remained, in darkness, Weeping for the end I have known. Till anew The whirlwind of pain Threw me out again On the open road.
I created philosophies, and creeds, Complicated theories of life; I buried myself In the intellectual creations of man, Great in the arrogance thereof. As of a sudden The storm breaks, So was I left naked, Overwhelmed by the agony Of the transient things.
Great was my love, Immense was the satisfaction thereof.
I sang, I danced In the ecstasy of my love, But as fades the tender rose In the full days of summer, So my love withered In the full days of my enjoyment. I was as empty as the wide skies, I wept for the end I have known.
Renouncing all, As naked as I came, I withdrew from the world of pleasure, In solitude, Under the great trees, In seclusion Of the peaceful valley, I sought for the end That my soul cried for, The end that I have known Through the ages of time. As the flower sleeps of a night, Withholding its glory For the joys of the morrow, So, gathering my strength, I delved deep Into the secret stores of my heart For the joy of discovery. As one beholds the light At the end of a dark passage, So I beheld The end of my search, The end I have known.
As the builder Lays brick upon brick, For the edifice of his desire, So, from the ancient of times, from the very foundation of the earth, Have I gathered, The dust of experience, Life after life, For the consummation Of my heart's desire.
Behold! My house is complete and full, And now I am free to depart.
As the mighty river knows At the very beginning of its birth The end of its long journey, So have I known.
As in the time of winter The barren tree Knows the coming joys of the spring, So have I known.
From the ancient of times, From the very foundation of the earth, The end for all things Have I known.
Lo! the hour has come, The hour that I have known. Liberated am l, Free from life and death, Sorrow and pleasure call me no more, Detached am I in affection, Beyond the dreams of the Gods am l.
As the moon is full and serene In the days of harvest, So am I In the days of my Liberation. Simple as the tender leaf am I, For in me are many winters and many springs.
As the dewdrop is of the sea, So am I born In the ocean of liberation.
As the mysterious river Enters the open seas, So have I entered Into the world of Liberation.
This is the end I have known.
The Immortal Friend
Wherever I look, Thou art there. I am full of Thy glory. I am burning with Thy happiness. I weep for all men That do not behold Thee. In what manner Shall I show them Thy glory?
I sat a-dreaming in a room of great silence. The early morning was still and breathless, The great blue mountains stood against the dark skies, cold and clear, Round the dark log house The black and yellow birds were welcoming the sun.
I sat on the floor, with legs crossed, meditating, Forgetting the sunlit mountains, The birds, The immense silence, And the golden sun.
I lost the feel of my body, My limbs were motionless, Relaxed and at peace. A great joy of unfathomable depth filled my heart. Eager and keen was my mind, concentrated. Lost to the transient world, I was full of strength.
As the Eastern breeze That suddenly springs into being And calms the weary world, There in front of me Seated cross-legged, As the world knows Him In His yellow robes, simple and magnificent, Was the Teacher of Teachers.
Looking at me, Motionless the Mighty Being sat, I looked and bowed my head, My body bent forward of itself.
That one look Showed the progress of the world, Showed the immense distance between the world And the greatest of its Teachers. How little it understood, And how much He gave. How joyously He soared, Escaping from birth and death, From its tyranny and entangling wheel.
Enlightenment attained, He gave to the world, as the flower gives Its scent, The Truth.
As I looked at the sacred feet That once trod the happy Dust of India, My heart poured forth its devotion, Limitless and unfathomable, Without restraint and without effort. I lost myself in that happiness. My mind so easily and strangely Understood the Truth He longed for and attained. I lost myself in that happiness. My soul grasped the infinite simplicity Of Truth. I lost myself in that happiness.
Thou art the Truth, Thou art the Law, Thou art the Refuge, Thou art the Guide, The Companion and the Beloved. Thou hast ravished my heart, Thou hast conquered my soul, In Thee have I found my comfort, In Thee is my truth established.
Where Thou hast trodden, Do I follow.
Where Thou hast suffered and conquered, Do I gather strength. Where Thou hast renounced, Do I grow, Dispassionate, detached.
Like the stars Have I become. Happy is he that knoweth Thee Eternally.
Like the sea, unfathomable Is my love. The Truth have I attained, And calm grows my spirit.
But yesterday I longed to withdraw From the aching world Into some secluded mountain spot, Untrammelled, Free, Away from all things, In search of Thee. And now Thou hast appeared Unto me.
I carry Thee in my heart. Look where I may, Thou art there, Calm, happy, Filling my world - - The embodiment of Truth.
My heart is strong, My mind is concentrated, I am full of Thee. As the Eastern breeze That suddenly springs into being, And calms the weary world, So have I realized.
I am the Truth, I am the Law, I am the Refuge, I am the Guide, The Companion and the Beloved.
Look where I may, Thou art there, Calm, happy, Filling my world - - The embodiment of Truth.
As one beholds a light In the dark At a distance, I saw Thee. I have walked towards Thee Through many lives - - In sorrow, in joy, In doubt, in suspicion, Over thorns, over fair fields, On the pavements of crowded cities.
I have known From the very foundation of the earth Of Thy glory, Of Thine existence, Of Thy beauty, that thrilled my soul. Never was I certain, Never was I allowed to be at peace With myself, With man, Or with the fair heavens. Out of the great uncertainty, Certainty was born.
Like the Eastern breeze That suddenly springs into being And calms the weary world,
So have I realized. I walk henceforth in Thy shadow.
Because Thou art my eternal Companion, I am strong - - Strong as the stream That rushes down the mountain side. Because Thou art my counselor, I am unshakable, Because of Thee, I am full of wisdom, Because Thou hast sent me out, I am as nothing, as the passing wind, But because Thou hast shown Thyself to me, I am as the rivers That dance down to the sea.
Because of Thy bidding, Whatever I do is for Thee. My heart is aflame, For I have come near unto Thee Everlastingly.
Each breath is transforming me Into Thine image.
Because Thou hast given me, I am full, Full as the ocean, Though all the rivers Do flow into it.
Thy majesty has awakened The power in me To shout from the mountain tops Thy truth.
Thy look Has burnt away The dross. I am pure. I am holy.
What the rose is to the rose petal, So art Thou to me. As the mountain top That disappears into the clouds, So my love for Thee Disappears Into space.
As on the sunlit sea the waters dance, Joyous in their ecstasy, So is my heart Dancing for love of Thee. As the small raindrop Mingles in the vast ocean, So have I lost Myself In Thee.
As the shadows Grow of an evening, So has my soul Grown immense In Thy Light.
My love for Thee Has awakened the love For all. I must bring the world To Thee. I must make Thee Their eternal Companion. They must know Thee As I know Thee - - The perfect, The simple, The glorified, The Fountain of Truth.
Knowing Thee, They will set aside their toys, Their small worlds, their playthings, Their pomp, The entanglements Of their religions, Their rites, Their ceremonies.
What is religion? What is worship? What are the temples And altars Of the world?
Thou art the end Of all sorrow, Of all joy, Of all knowledge, Of all search.
Thou art the goal of all things. In Thee alone lies Enlightenment - - The Happiness of the world.
Look where I may, Thou art there, Calm, happy, Filling my world - - The embodiment of Truth.
I am the Truth, I am the Law, I am the Refuge, I am the Guide, the Companion and the Beloved.
Through the austere dignity of the yellow robe Thou wert born unto me. Through the certainty of knowledge Thou hast appeared unto me. Through the immensity of happiness Thou hast shown Thyself unto me. Through the great silence of the morning Thou hast created the universe unto me. Through the sunlight of the world Thou hast carried me to the mountain top.
And unto me Thou wert born.
Over Thy head was the flame That burns away all sorrow, All pain, all anxiety. Thy face was like unto the rose petal, Perfect, soft, lovely, Youthful with the age of many centuries. In Thy face I beheld my own face. In Thine eyes was the laughter of Youth, The delight of the Spring, The joyous merriment of the world.
The music of Thy flute Hath ravished my heart. There is born in me A new tender merriment. The sea of many waters Hath entered into my heart: The bubbling brook, The boisterous storm, The angry waters, The pleasant breeze.
I smell the flowers at Thy feet, I behold the lane Where walks the world, The dust, the cow, And the cow-herd.
The scent of the sacred flower fills the air, I hear the temple bells, And the laughter of the world.
The jewels of the world Are in Thine eyes.
The world weeps for Thee In their wild and merry dancing.
O Love, with the flute, Thou art myself.
O Beloved, Thou art the ecstasy of my soul.
I have found Thee Through the happiness of many lives.
O world, In thee I behold the face of my Beloved.
He walked towards me and I stood still. My heart and soul gathered strength. The trees and the birds listened with unexpected silence. There was thunder in the skies - - Then, utter peace.
I saw Him look at me, And my vision became vast. My eyes saw and my mind understood. My heart embraced all things, For a new love was born unto me.
A new glory thrilled my being, For He walked before me, and I followed, my head high. The tall trees I saw through Him, Gently waving in welcome, The dead leaf, the mud, The sparkling water and the withered branches. The heavily laden and chattering villagers Walked through Him - ignorant and laughing, The barking dogs rushed, through Him, at me. A barrack of a house became an enchanted abode, Its red roof melting into the setting sun. The garden was a fairy land, The flowers were the fairies.
Standing against the dark evening sky, I saw Him In His eternal glory.
He walked before me Down the little narrow path, Always looking, while I followed.
He was at the door of my room, I passed through Him. purified with a new song in my heart, I remain.
He is before me forever. Look where I may, He is there. I see all things through Him. His glory has fllled me and awakened a glory that I have never known.
An eternal peace is my vision, Glorifying all things. He is ever before me.
The sun was setting As I stood on a hill-top, Watching it disappear Behind the mountains.
In the midst of that radiance, Clad in a cloud of yellow, Thou wert seated.
The whole vast heaven paused in adoration. The sky, the clouds, In robes of yellow, Were Thy worshippers, Thy disciples.
The mortal world joined in Thine adoration, Shouting with joy - - The birds, The distant valley, The passing vehicles Far away, The cricket, The grasshopper, The wind And the trees.
The black mountains Stood amazed In their dance, Fearing their own Mighty sight.
Then utter silence - - All things perceiving Thee As Thou art.
In that great silence An immense desire Was born in me To bring the world to Thee, To Thy perfection And to Thy happiness.
Thou art the only altar, Though men worship At the altars Of many temples. Thine is the only Imperishable Truth,
Though men clothe it By many names.
I love the world, And all the things thereof. I will bring the world To adore Thee, To worship Thee; For Thy beauty Is truth.
Immense happiness Fills my being, For I have found Thee. Thou shalt not disappear Though a thousand suns Shall set over the mountain.
As the sunset Grows more splendid From moment to moment, Changing constantly, So my desire For Thee Grows More glorious, More perfect. It shall fill The heart of all men, Till Thy perfection Be perceived.
In Thine eye Is the whirlwind, The soft breeze, The sacred Himavat, The low plain, The happy valley, And the blue skies - - All things are in Thee.
Thou art the happiness Of the world. The path of Happiness Is the path of Truth.
O listen! I shall sing to thee the song of my Beloved.
Where the soft green slopes of the still mountains Meet the blue shimmering waters of the noisy sea, Where the bubbling brook shouts in ecstasy, Where the still pools reflect the calm heavens, There thou wilt meet with my Beloved.
In the vale where the cloud hangs in loneliness, Searching the mountain for rest, In the still smoke climbing heavenwards, In the hamlet towards the setting sun, In the thin wreaths of the fast disappearing clouds, There thou wilt meet with my Beloved.
Among the dancing tops of the tall cypress, Among the gnarled trees of great age, Among the frightened bushes that cling to the earth, Among the long creepers that hang lazily, There thou wilt meet with my Beloved.
In the plowed fields where noisy birds are feeding, On the shaded path that winds along the full, motionless river, Beside the banks where the waters lap, Amidst the tall poplars that play ceaselessly with the winds, In the dead tree of last summer's lightning, There thou wilt meet with my Beloved.
In the still blue skies Where heaven and earth meet, In the breathless air, In the morn burdened with incense, Among the rich shadows of a noon-day, Among the long shadows of an evening, Amidst the gay and radiant clouds of the setting sun, On the path on the waters at the close of the day, There thou wilt meet with my Beloved.
In the shadows of the stars, In the deep tranquillity of dark nights, In the reflection of the moon on still waters, In the great silence before the dawn, Among the whispering of waking trees, In the cry of the bird at morn, Amidst the wakening of shadows, Amidst the sunlit tops of the far mountains, In the sleepy face of the world, There thou wilt meet with my Beloved.
Keep still, O dancing waters, And listen to the voice of my Beloved.
In the happy laughter of children Thou canst hear Him. The music of the flute Is His voice. The startled cry of a lonely bird Moves thy heart to tears, For thou hearest His voice. The roar of the age-old sea Awakens the memories That have been lulled to sleep By His voice. The soft breeze that stirs The treetops lazily, Brings to thee the sound Of His voice.
The thunder among the mountains Fills thy soul With the strength
Of His voice. In the roar of a vast city, Through the shrill moan of swift passing vehicles, In the throb of a distant engine, Through the voices of the night, The cry of sorrow, The shout of joy, Through the ugliness of anger, Comes the voice of my Beloved.
In the distant blue isles, On the soft dewdrop, On the breaking wave, On the sheen of waters, On the wing of the flying bird, On the tender leaf of spring, Thou wilt see the face of my Beloved.
In the sacred temple, In the halls of dancing, On the holy face of the sannyasi, In the lurches of the drunkard, With the harlot and with the chaste, Thou wilt meet with my Beloved.
On the fields of flowers, In the towns of squalor and dirt, With the pure and the unholy, In the flower that hides divinity, There is my well-Beloved.
Oh! the sea Has entered my heart. In a day, I am living a hundred summers. O friend, I behold my face in thee, The face of my well-Beloved.
This is the song of my love.
As the rain cleanses The tree by the roadside, So the dust of ages Has been washed away in me.
As the tree sparkles In the sun After the soft rain, So my soul delighteth In Thee. As the tree Looketh to its roots For its immense strength,
So do I look to Thee Who art the root of my strength.
As the smoke mounteth heavenwards In a straight column, Of a still evening So have I grown Towards Thee.
As the little pool On the road Reflecteth the face of heaven, So my heart Reflecteth Thy happiness.
As the solitary cloud That hangs over the mountain The envy of the valley, So have I hung, For generation after generation, In a lonely place.
As the great cloud That hasteneth
Before the mighty wind, So descend I Into the valley. Into the valley Where there is sorrow And transient happiness, Where there is birth and death, Where there is shadow and light, Where there is strife and a passing peace, Where there is comfort of stagnation, Where to think is to grieve, Where to feel is to create sorrow. Into that valley I shall descend, For I have conquered, For in me Thou art born.
As the light pierces through darkness, So Thy truth Shall pierce the world. As the rain purifieth the earth And cleanseth all things thereof, So shall I cleanse the world With Thy truth. For many ages, Through many lives, Have I prepared, But now, Behold, the cup is full.
The world shall drink of it. Man shall grow Into Thy divinity. Thy happiness shall shine On his face. For Thy messenger Shall go forth.
I am he That openeth the heart of man, That giveth comfort.
I am the truth, I am the Law, I am the Refuge, I am the Guide, the Companion and the Beloved.
O friend, Tell me of God. Where is He, by what manner do I find Him, Among what climes, in what abodes? Tell me, I am weary.
Read the Vedas, Do tapas, meditate, Perform rites and ceremonies, Practice austerities and renounce, Pray at His temple, among flowers and incense, Bathe in the sacred rivers, Visit the holy places, Be a devotee and pure of intelligence, In Kailas is His abode - - There you will find Him, cried many.
Obey the Law, Take refuge in the Order, Kill not, steal not and commit no sin, Go to the shrine, Enter Nirvana - - There you will find Him, cried many.
Read the Holy Book, pray at His church - -there be many - - This church will lead you to Him but beware of that.
Serve, sacrifice, Do not judge, be merciful,
In Heaven is His throne - - There you will find Him, cried many.
Read the only Book Of the only God, Visit His abode on earth, pray at the mosque, At the setting of the sun worship Him, Bahisht is his abode - - There you will find Him, cried many.
Work, work for humanity, Serve, serve your fellow-creatures, Follow this but beware of that path, Do the will of God, Follow blindly for I hold the key to His abode. Grasp this opportunity He offers you, Sorrow and happiness lead to Him, If you do this, your search will end - - Then you will find Him, shouted many.
I am weary, tired by the passage of time. Traveling on no path, I have come to Thee, Thou hast revealed Thyself to me.
Oh! Thou art the round stone That grinds the rice in the peaceful village Amidst songs and laughter. Thou art the graven image That men worship in temples, With chants and solemn music. Thou art the dead leaf That lies torn on the dusty road Trodden by the weary traveller. Thou art the solitary pine That stands majestic On the lonely hill.
Thou art the lame and mangy creature That comes to my door with a haunted look, hungry, That men abhor.
Thou art the mighty elephant That is gaily robed, Carrying the nobles of the land. Thou art the naked beggar That wanders from house to house Wearily crying for alms. Thou art the great of the land That are rich in possessions and books, That are well-fed and satisfied. Thou art the priests of all temples That are learned, proud and certain. Thou art the harlot, the sinner, the saint and the heretic.
My search is at an end, In Thee I behold all things. I myself, am God.
Telling of beads - -they are but dead wood. Bathing in holy rivers - -they are but waters. Worshipping at temples - -they are but the walls of naked stone. Writing of books - -they are but flowers of words. Thinkest thou, O friend, to juggle with Me? As the lotus abides with the waters, So do I live with thee, eternally.
Adorn Me with thy jewels, Clothe Me with thy garments, Feed Me with thy delicacies, Flatter Me with thy glories. Thinkest thou, O friend, to juggle with Me? As the lotus abides with the waters, So do I live with thee, eternally.
Search for thy happiness in passing things, Pursue thy passionate trivialities, Drink deep for thy oblivion, Chase the butterfly from flower to flower.
Thinkest thou, O friend, to juggle with Me? As the lotus abides with the waters, So do I live with thee, eternally.
Rich is the shadow of a summer's day.
Our journey ends, O friend, When thou and I meet, As the delicate spire climbs eagerly into the blue skies, O my Beloved, so my heart soars into space in search of Thee. As the butterfly tastes the hidden honey of the fast-fading flower, O my Beloved, so have I played with Thee among the manifested - - Changing, decaying.
By offerings, by alms and by the building of many a temple, Have I sought to establish Thee. As the sparkling dewdrop that hangs on the tree-tops Above the world, To fade in the morning sun, So have my great foundations in the kingdoms of the manifest Been destroyed.
As the stars of a night About me are Thy creations. By yoga, by austerities, Life after life, Have I chased Thee among the shadows of Thy manifestations. Ever eluding, ever enticing, ever disappointing, Have been my glimpses of Thee.
But, my Beloved, my eternal love, O Thou, the desire of my heart, I have found Thee, in the unmanifest, In the indestructible. As the rainbow vanishes near the green earth, So has my search vanished among the flowers of Thy creation.
In me Thou art established, Imperishable, ineffable, everlasting. O Beloved, Thou art established in the temple of my heart.
I am the Beloved, the desire of all hearts, I am the playmate in the shadow of creation.
In the quiet evening When the leaf is still, When the flower is weary of the day And the bud is rejoicing for the morrow, When the shadows are long And the smoke is mounting in a still column, When the world is breathless, Oh! with the lark I climbed To the abode of my Beloved.
I have wandered far into the realms of the unreal In search of the real. Many births and many deaths have been my lot. With the setting of a single day Have I known many joys, many sorrows, But Thou hast eluded me, O Thou, the embodiment of Truth.
I have brought to Thee all my experience, All my woes and my joys. I have worshipped with folded hands in many a temple, But at my eager approach faded the image of truth.
I have loved and the glories of the earth have delighted me. I was full of knowledge, enjoying the admiration of the world. I adorned myself with priestly robes, But in silence the gods of my adoration looked down.
As the mountain is to the valley - -distant, forbidding - - So hast Thou been to me. Thou hast ever remained with Thy face turned.
Thou hast been as a star - -far away, unreal. Thou wert ever the image, I ever the worshipper. Not a man knew of Thine abode; Thou wert ever far away, fantastical, mysterious. Sometimes immense fear filled my heart, Often great hopes, At times complete indifference and weariness. Without Thee, I was as an empty shell.
As the potter's wheel, I went round and round, Consumed by continual action. I brought to Thee the flower of my heart, The great delight of my mind, But as the dead leaf in autumn, I was torn and trodden down.
As the tree on the mountain
Grows in solitude and strength, Likewise, life after life, I grew in solitude and stature, I reached the mountain top.
Till in the long last, O Guru of Gurus, I tore the veil that separated Thee from myself, That veil that set Thee apart.
Now, my Beloved, Thou and I are one. As the lotus makes the waters beautiful, So Thou and I complete the perfection of Life.
O Guru, Thy play is my play, Thy Love is my love. Thy smile has filled my heart, My work is Thy creation. Thou hast bowed to me, O Love, As I have bowed to Thee, Through countless ages.
The veil of separation is torn, O Beloved, Thou and I are One.
As the aspen leaf is aquiver With the breeze, So my heart dances with Thy love. As two mountain streams meet With a roar, Joyous in their exultation, So have I met Thee, O my Beloved.
As the mountain top is aglow At the going down of the sun, Giving to the valley an immense desire, So hast Thou given glory to my being. As the valley is still at eventide, So hast Thou calmed my soul.
My heart is filled With the love of a thousand years. Mine eyes Behold Thy vision.
As the stars make the night beauteous, So hast Thou given beauty to my soul. As serene as the graven image Have I become.
As the seed grows into a wondrous tree, The abode of many joyous birds, Giving soft shadows To the weary traveller, So has my soul grown In search of Thee.
As a great river joins the sea, So to Thee have I come,
Rich from my long journey, Full with the experience of an age. O Beloved, As the dewdrop Mingles with the honey Of the flower, So Thou and I have become one. O my Beloved, Now there is no separation, No loneliness, No sorrow, no struggle. Where'er I go I bring the glory of Thy presence. For, O Beloved, Thou and I are one.
As the small stream Gathers strength on its long journey, Feeding the lonely plains, the tall drooping trees, Dancing its way to the open seas, Attaining liberation - - So have I entered into Thee.
Long has been the journey On this trackless path of time, Where every little snag Gives forth music and the sound of waters, Where every little pool Reflects the glory of heavens, to stagnate, Where every little peaceful spot Is burdened with the scent of decay.
Long did I struggle To swim in the strong current; Many a time, exhausted, Have I been flung On the craggy banks of Time.
Weary of all experience, Gathering strength from that very weariness, Have I run faster To where the open waters meet With a roar, The small mysterious streams.
Liberated from Time, Without the limitation of Space, Have I become as the dewdrop That creates the vast seas.
Oh! the lotus is unfolding its glory to the morning sun, I open my heart to Thee, O my Beloved.
Since I have met with Thee, O my Beloved, Never have I known loneliness.
A stranger am I Amidst all peoples, In all lands. Amidst the multitude of strangers, Full am I As of the scent of jasmine. They surround me, But I know no loneliness.
I weep for the strangers; How alone they are. Full of immense loneliness, Fearful, They take to themselves people As lonely as themselves.
A guest am I In this world of transient things, Unfettered by the entanglements thereof. I am of no country, No boundaries hold me.
O friend, I weep for thee. Thou layest thy foundation, But thy house perisheth on the morrow.
O friend, Come with me, Abide in the house of my Beloved. Though thou shalt wander the earth, possessing nothing, Thou shalt be as welcome As the lovely spring,
For thou bringest with thee The Companion of all.
O friend, Live with me, My Beloved and I are one.
It has been given to me, O friend, To see the face of my Beloved.
His smile Has filled my heart. As the rivers of water Make constant music, O friend, So my being rejoices In the splendor of His love.
As one beholds the mountain-top At the setting of the sun, Radiant and serene Above the darkening world, O friend, So the vision of my Beloved Has made me pure and at peace.
As at the lifting of the dark cloud From the happy face of the mountain, O friend, So the shadow of life Has lifted At the approach of my well-Beloved.
As the mists of the morn Are consumed by the warm rays, O friend, So my well-Beloved Has gathered me in, Dispelling the vision of emptiness.
As the deep valley lies In the shadow of a great mountain, O friend, So I lie In the shadow of the hand Of my well-Beloved.
As the rose Amidst many thorns, O friend, so am I Amidst passing things.
As the day is made glorious By the darkness of the night, By the light of the day, O friend,
So have I been made glorious.
As the rivers are full After the great rains, O friend, So has my well-Beloved Burdened me with His love. The ages have awaited this hour. I have met with my Beloved.
O my Beloved, Thou art Liberation, The end of all desire, The consummation of love.
O my Beloved, Thou art the unfading beauty of Truth, Thou art the accomplishment of all thought, Thou art the flower of all devotion.
O my Beloved, O my Love, The sun is beyond the purple hills, And as a single star I have risen In Thine adoration.
Thou and I, We have well met. O my Beloved, Art Thou not myself? Art Thou not the perfume of my heart?
I am Thy Beloved, My Beloved art Thou.
Thou art my companion of ages. I am Thy shadow, In the garden of eternity.
As divinity lies hidden in a flower, So my Beloved dwells in me. As thunder is among the mountains, So is my Beloved within my heart. As the cry of a bird in a still forest, So has the voice of my Beloved filled me.
As fair as the morning, As serene as the moon,
As clear as the sun, Is my love for my Beloved.
As the sun goes down Beyond the purple hills, Amidst great clouds And the whispering breeze among the trees, So has my Beloved descended into me, To the rejoicing of my heart, To the glory of my mind.
As of a dark night Man guides himself By the distant stars, So my Beloved guides me On the waters of life.
Yea, I have sought my Beloved, And discovered Him seated in my heart. My Beloved beholds through mine eyes, For now my Beloved and I are one.
I laugh with Him, With Him I play.
This shadow is not of mine, It belongs to the heart of my Beloved, For now my Beloved and I are One.
The Song of Life
Make of thy desire the desire of the world, Of thy love the love of the world. In thy thoughts take the world to thy mind, In thy doings let the world behold thine eternity.
Thou mayest draw the many waters of a well, But thou canst not quench the thirst of thy desires. Thy heart may hold the flower of its love, But with the coming of death the flower fadeth. Thy thoughts may soar to lofty purpose, But with anxious conflict they are caught in bondage.
As an arrow shot by a strong arm, So let thy purpose strike deep into the everlasting. As the mountain stream, pure in its swiftness, So let thy mind race eagerly towards freedom.
Awakened from the heart of love, My voice is the voice of understanding, Born of infinite sorrow. Who can say if thy heart be clean?
Who can tell thee if thy mind be pure? Who can give thee the satisfaction of thy desire? Who can heal thee of the burning pain of satisfaction? Shall understanding be given Or the way of love be shown to thee? Shalt thou escape that fear which men call death? Canst thou put away the ache of loneliness Or run from the cry of anxiety? Canst thou hide thyself behind the laughter of music? Or lose thyself in merry rejoicings?
Wisdom shall be born of understanding. She putteth forth her voice In the wilderness of utter confusion.
A man saw the dancing shadows And went in search of the cause of so much beauty.
Can Life die? Look into the eye of thy neighbour.
The valley lies hidden in the darkness of a cloud, But the mountain top is serene In its gaze of the open sky.
On the banks of a holy river A pilgrim repeats a ceaseless chant, And cloistered in a cool temple A man kneels, lost in a devout whisper. But, behold, under the heavy dust of summer Lies a green leaf.
Who shall call thee out of thy prison house? Or tear away the bondage from thine eyes? A path mounts slowly up the mountain side, But who shall carry thee as his burden? I saw a lame man coming towards me, I shed tears of aching memory.
In the far distance A lone star holds the sky.
The end is in the beginning of all things, Suppressed and hidden, Awaiting to be released through the rhythm Of pain and pleasure.
Caught in the agony of Time, Maimed by the inward stress of growth, O Beloved, The Self of which thou art the whole Is seeking the way of illumined ecstasy.
Fashioned in the poetry of balance, Gathering the riches of life's pursuit, O Beloved, The Self of which thou art the whole Is making its way to the heart of all things.
In the secret sanctuary of desire, Through the recesses of enfolding love, O Beloved, The Self of which thou art the whole Dances to the Song of Eternity.
By the visible and invisible infinity, In the round of birth and death, O Beloved, The Self of which thou art the whole Is bridging the space of separation.
Confused in fervent worship, Deluded by the vain pursuits of thought, O Beloved, The Self of which thou art the whole Is being fused into the Incorruptible.
As ever, O Beloved, The Self is still the whole.
Listen, O friend, I shall tell thee of the secret perfume of Life.
Life has no philosophy, No cunning systems of thought.
Life has no religion, No adoration in deep sanctuaries.
Life has no god, Nor the burden of fearsome mystery.
Life has no abode, Nor the aching sorrow of ultimate decay.
Life has no pleasure, no pain, Nor the corruption of pursuing love.
Life is neither good nor evil, Nor the dark punishment of careless sin.
Life gives no comfort, Nor does it rest in the shrine of oblivion.
Life is neither spirit nor matter, Nor is there the cruel division of action and inaction.
Life has no death, Nor has it the void of loneliness in the shadow of Time.
Free is the man who lives in the Eternal, For Life is.
A thousand eyes with a thousand views, A thousand hearts with a thousand loves, Am I.
As the sea that receiveth The clean and the impure rivers And heedeth not, So am I.
Deep is the mountain lake, Clear are the waters of the spring, And my love is the hidden source of things.
Ah, come hither and taste of my love; Then, as of a cool evening The lotus is born, Shalt thou find thy heart's own secret desire.
The scent of the jasmine fills the night air; Out of the deep forest Comes the call of a passing day.
The Life of my love is unburdened; The attainment thereof is the freedom of fulfillment.
Love is its own divinity. If thou shalt follow it, putting aside the weary burden Of a cunning mind, Thou shalt be free of the fear Of anxious love.
Love is not hedged about By space and time, By joyless things of the mind. Such love delights in the heart Of him who has richly wandered In the confusion of love's own pursuits.
The Self, the Beloved, The hidden loveliness of all things, Is love's immortality.
O, why needst thou seek further, Why further, friend? In the dust of careless love Lies Life's endless journey.
Love Life. Neither the beginning nor the end Knows whence it comes. For it has no beginning and no end. Life is.
In the fulfilling of Life there is no death, Nor the ache of great loneliness. The voice of melody, the voice of desolation, Laughter and the cry of sorrow, Are but Life on its way to fulfillment.
Look into the eyes of thy neighbour And find thyself with Life; Therein is immortality, Life eternal, never changing.
For him who is not in love with Life, There is the anxious burden of doubt And the lone fear of solitude; For him there is but death.
Love Life, and thy love shall know of no corruption. Love Life, and thy judgment shall uphold thee. Love Life; thou shalt not wander away From the path of understanding. As the fields of the earth are divided, Man makes a division of Life And thereby creates sorrow.
Worship not the ancient gods With incense and flowers, But Life with great rejoicing; Shout in the ecstasy of joy There is no entanglement in the dance of Life.
I am of that Life, immortal, free; The Eternal Source. Of that Life I sing.
Seek not the perfume of a single heart Nor dwell in its easeful comfort; For therein abides
The fear of loneliness.
I wept, For I saw The loneliness of a single love.
In the dancing shadows Lay a withered flower.
The worship of many in the one Leads to sorrow. But the love of the one in many Is everlasting bliss.
How easily The tranquil pool is disturbed By the passing winds. Nay, friend, Seek not thy happiness In the fleeting.
There is but one way; That path lies in thyself, Through thine own heart.
A dream comes through a multitude of desires. When the mind is tranquil, Undisturbed by thought, When the heart is chaste With the fullness of love uncorrupted, Then shalt thou discover, O friend, A world beyond the illusion of words.
Therein is unity of all Life. Therein is the silent Source Which sustains the dancing worlds.
In that world there is neither heaven nor hell, Past, present nor future; Neither the deception of thought, Nor the soft whisperings of dying love.
O, seek that world Where death does not dance in its shadowless ecstasy, Where the manifestations of Life Are as the shadows that the smooth lake holds.
It lies about thee And without thee it exists not.
As out of the deep womb of a mountain Is born a swift-running stream; So out of the aching depths of my heart Has come forth joyous love, The perfume of the world.
Through the sunlit valleys rush the waters, Entering lake upon lake, Ever wandering, never still; So is my love, Emptying itself from heart to heart.
As the waters move sadly Through the dark, cavernous valley; So has my love become dull Through the shame of easy desire.
As the tall trees are destroyed By the strong rush of waters That have nourished their deep roots, So has my love torn cruelly The heart of its rejoicing.
I have shattered the very rock on which I grew. And as a wide river Now escapes to the dancing sea, whose waters know no bondage; So is my love in the perfection of its freedom.
O, rejoice! There is thunder among the mountains, And long shadows lie across the green face of the valley.
The rains Bring forth green shoots Out of the dead stumps of yesterday. High among the rocks An eagle is building his nest.
All things are great with Life.
O friend, Life fills the world. Thou and I are in eternal union.
Life is as the waters That satisfy the thirst of kings and beggars alike: The golden vessel for the king, For the beggar the potter's vessel Which breaks to pieces at the fountain. Each holds his vessel dear.
There is loneliness,
There is fear of solitude, The ache of a dying day, The sorrow of a passing cloud.
Life, destitute of love, Wanders from house to house, With none to declare its loveliness.
Out of the granite rock Is fashioned a graven image Which men hold sacred; But they tread carelessly the rock On the way That leads to the temple.
O friend, Life fills the world. Thou and I are in eternal union.
Search out the secret pursuit of thy desire; Then thou shalt not live in illusion.
What canst thou know of happiness, If in the vale of misery thou hast not walked? What canst thou know of freedom, If against thy bondage thou hast not cried aloud? What canst thou know of love, If from the entanglement of love Thou hast not sought deliverance?
I saw the flowers blossom In the dark hours of a still night.
Does the raindrop hold in its fullness The raging stream? Does the raindrop in its loneliness Feed the solitary tree on the hill? Does the raindrop in its great descent Create the sweet sound of many waters? Does the raindrop in its pureness Quench the aching thirst?
It is the unwise who chase The shadow of self in Life. And Life eludes them, For they wander in the ways of bondage.
Wherefore the struggle in loneliness of division? In Life there is neither you nor I.
I have no name; I am as the fresh breeze of the mountains. I have no shelter; I am as the wandering waters. I have no sanctuary, like the dark gods; Nor am I in the shadow of deep temples. I have no sacred books, Nor am I well-seasoned in tradition. I am not in the incense Mounting on high altars, Nor in the pomp of ceremonies. I am neither in the graven image Nor in the rich chant of a melodious voice.
I am not bound by theories, Nor corrupted by beliefs. I am not held in the bondage of religions, Nor in the pious agony of their priests. I am not entrapped by philosophies, Nor held in the power of their sects.
I am neither low nor high, I am the worshipper and the worshipped. I am free.
My song is the song of the river Calling for the open seas, Wandering, wandering.
I am Life.
Love not the shapely branch, Nor place its image alone in thy heart. It dieth away.
Love the whole tree. Then thou shalt love the shapely branch, The tender and the withered leaf, The shy bud and the full-blown flower, The falling petal and the dancing height, The splendid shadow of full love.
Ah, love Life in its fullness. It knoweth no decay.
Sorrow is soon forgotten And pleasure is bound by tears. None but the clear-eyed shall remember The deep wounds of their passing sighs.
Sorrow is the shadow In the wake of pleasure. Desire is young in its anxious flight; The swiftness of its deeds Shall uncover the source of joy.
The conflict of discontent is suffering; The inviting of sorrow Is the way to happiness.
Life's dwelling place Is in the heart of man.
Ah, the symphony of that song! The innermost shrine Is breathless with the love of many. The flame dances with the thoughts of many.
The scent of burnt camphor fills the air; The careless priest drones a chant; The idol sparkles, seeming to move, Weary of such boundless adoration.
A still silence holds the air. And on the instant A melodious song of infinite heart Brings untold tears to my eyes.
In a white robe A woman sings to the heart of her love Of the travail she knew not, Of the laughter of children around her breast, Of the love that died young, Of the sorrow in a barren home, Of the solitude in a still night, Of life fruitless amidst the flowering earth.
I cry with her. Her heart became mine.
She leaves that abode of sanctity, Eager with the joy of worship on the morrow.
I follow her through the eternity of time.
O love, Thou and I shall wander On the open road of true love. Thou and I shall never part.
I have lived the good and evil of men, And dark became the horizon of my love.
I have known the morality and immorality of men, And cruel became my anxious thought.
I have shared in the piety and impiety of men, And heavy became the burden of life.
I have pursued the race of the ambitious, And vain became the glory of life.
And now I have fathomed the secret purpose of desire.
Out of the fullness of thy heart Invite sorrow, And the joy thereof shall be in abundance. As the streams swell After the great rains, And the pebbles rejoice once again In the murmur of running waters, So shall thy wanderings by the wayside Fill the emptiness that createth fear. Sorrow shall unfold the weaving of life; Sorrow shall give the strength of loneliness; Sorrow shall open unto thee The closed doors of thy heart.
The cry of sorrow is the voice of fulfillment, And the rejoicing therein Is the fullness of Life.
I look to none beside Thee, O my Beloved. Thou art born in me, And lo, there I take my refuge.
I have read of Thee in many books. They tell me That there are many like unto Thee, That many temples are built for Thee, That there are many rites To invoke Thee. But I have no communion with them, For all these are but the shells Of man's thoughts.
O friend, Seek for the Well-beloved In the secret recesses of thy heart. Dead is the tabernacle When the heart ceases to dance. I look to none beside Thee, O my Beloved. Thou art born in me, And lo, there I take my refuge.
My brother died; We were as two stars in a naked sky.
He was like me, Burnt by the warm sun In the land where are soft breezes, Swaying palms, And cool rivers, Where there are shadows numberless, Bright-coloured parrots and chattering birds.
Where green tree-tops Dance in the brilliant sun; Where there are golden sands And blue-green seas:
Where the world lives in the burden of the sun, And the earth is baked dull brown; Where the green-sparkling rice fields Are luscious in slimy waters, And shining, brown, naked bodies Are free in the dazzling light:
The land Of the mother suckling her babe by the roadside; Of the devout lover Offering gay flowers; Of the wayside shrine; Of intense silence; Of immense peace. He died; I wept in loneliness. Where'er I went, I heard his voice And his happy laughter. I looked for his face In every passer-by And asked each if he had met with my brother; But none could give me comfort.
I worshipped, I prayed, But the gods were silent. I could weep no more; I could dream no more. I sought him in all things, In every clime.
I heard the whispering of many trees Calling me to his abode.
And then, In my search, I beheld Thee, O Lord of my heart; In Thee alone I saw the face of my brother.
In Thee alone, O my eternal Love, Do I behold the faces Of all the living and all the dead.
I tell thee, Orthodoxy is set up When the mind and heart are in decay.
As the quiet pool of the woods Lies hidden under a green mantle, So is Life covered by the accumulation Of autumnal thought.
As the soft leaf is heavy with the dust Of last summer, So is Life weary With a dying love.
When thought and feeling are hedged about By the fear of corruption, Then, O friend, Thou art caught in the darkness Of a fading day.
A tender leaf lies withering In the shadow of a great valley.
As a flower holds the scent, So do I contain thee, O World, In my heart.
Keep me within thy heart, For I am Liberation, The unending happiness of Life.
As a precious stone Lies deep in the earth, So am I hidden Deep in thy heart.
Though thou dost not know me, I know thee full well. Though thou dost not think of me, My world is filled with thee. Though thou dost not love me, Thou art my unchanging love. Though thou worshippest me In temples, churches and mosques, I am a stranger to thee; But thou art my eternal companion. As the mountains protect The peaceful valley, So do I cover thee, O World, With the shadow of my hand.
As the rains come To a parched land, So, O World, Do I come With the scent of my love.
Keep thy heart pure and simple, O world, For then thou shalt welcome me.
I am thy love, The desire of thy heart.
Keep thy mind Tranquil and clear, O World, For therein is thine own understanding.
I am thine understanding, The fullness Of thine own experience.
I sit in the temple, I sit by the wayside, Watching the shadows move From place to place.
Reason is the treasure of the mind, Love is the perfume of the heart; Yet both are of one substance, Though cast in different moulds.
As a golden coin Bears two images parted by a thin wall of metal, So between love and reason Is the poise of understanding, That understanding Which is of both mind and heart.
O life, O Beloved, In Thee alone is eternal love, In Thee alone is everlasting thought.
As the spark That shall give warmth Is hid among the grey ashes, So, O friend, The light Which shall guide thee Under the dust Of thine experience.
O friend, Thou canst not bind Truth.
It is as the air, Free, limitless, Indestructible, Immeasurable.
It hath no dwelling place, Neither temple nor altar. It is of no one God, However zealous be His worshippers.
Canst thou tell From what single flower The bee gathereth the sweet honey?
O friend, Leave heresy to the heretic, Religion to the orthodox; But gather Truth From the dust of thine experience.
As the potter To the joy of his heart Moulds the clay; So canst thou create To the glory of thy being Thy future.
As the man of the forest Cuts a path Through the thick jungle; So canst thou make, Through this turmoil of affliction, A clear path To thy freedom from sorrows, To thy lasting happiness.
O friend, As for a moment The mysterious mountains Are concealed by the passing mists; So art thou hid In the darkness Of thy creation. The fruit of the seed thou sowest Shall burden thee. O friend, Heaven and hell Are words To frighten thee to right action; But heaven and hell exist not. Only the seeds of thine own actions Shall bring into being The flower of thy longing.
As the maker of images Carves the human shape Out of granite, So, out of the rock Of thine experience, Hew thine eternal happiness.
Thy life is a death; Death is a rebirth. Happy is the man Who is beyond the clutches Of their limitations.
The mountain comes down to the dancing waters, But its head is hidden in a dark cloud.
On the stump of a dead pine There grew a delicate flower.
The substance of my love is Life And in its pathway there is no death.
Doubt is as a precious ointment; Though it burns, it shall heal greatly.
I tell thee, invite doubt When in the fullness of thy desire. Call to doubt At the time when thine ambition Is outrunning others in thought. Awaken doubt When thy heart is rejoicing in great love.
I tell thee, Doubt brings forth eternal love; Doubt cleanses the mind of its corruption. So the strength of thy days Shall be established in understanding.
For the fullness of thy heart, And for the flight of thy mind, Let doubt tear away thine entanglements.
As the fresh winds from the mountains That awaken the shadows in the valley, So let doubt call to dance The decaying love of a contented mind.
Let not doubt enter darkly thy heart.
I tell thee, Doubt is as a precious ointment; Though it burns, it shall heal greatly.
Listen to me, O friend.
Be thou a yogi, a monk, a priest, A devout lover of God, A pilgrim searching for happiness, Bathing in holy rivers, Visiting sacred shrines, The occasional worshipper of a day, A reader of many books, Or a builder of temples, My love aches for thee. I know the way to the heart of the Beloved.
This vain struggle, This long toil, This ceaseless sorrow, This changing pleasure, This burning doubt, This burden of life: All these will cease, O friend. My love aches for thee. I know the way to the heart of the Beloved.
Have I wandered over the earth, Have I loved the reflections, Have I chanted, rapt in ecstasy, Have I donned the robe, Have I listened to the temple bells, Have I grown heavy with study, Have I searched, Have I been lost? Yea, much have I known. My love aches for thee. I know the way to the heart of the Beloved.
O friend, Wouldst thou love the many reflections, If thou canst have reality? Throw away thy bells, thine incense, Thy fears and thy gods; Set aside thy creeds, thy philosophies;
Come, Put aside all these: I know the way to the heart of the Beloved.
O friend, The simple union is the best. That is the way to the heart of the Beloved.
Through the veil of Form, O Beloved, I see Thee, myself in manifestation.
How unattainable are the mountains to the valley, Though the mountains hold the valley! How mysterious is the darkness That brings forth the watching stars, And yet the night is born of day!
I am in love with Life. As the mountain lake
Which receives many streams And sends forth great rivers, But holds its unknown depths, So is my love.
Calm and clear, as the mountains in the morning Is my thought, Born of love.
Happy is the man who has found the harmony of Life, For then he creates in the light of eternity.
TOYS. A child Had arranged on the polished floor Its toys, neatly and with care. The drum, The bugles, The cannons, The soldiers, And an officer with much gold - - Undoubtedly a field-marshal - - The long train With its polished engine, A tiny airplane, A big automobile, These were on one side.
On the other, A doll with curly hair, Dressed in the latest fashion, Its bare knees showing, Black polished shoes With silk stockings. A little further away, Men in long coats and top hats. A bag With a string To bind them all.
The child had gone.
Then up sprang a man In long coat, with his hat in hand: "I represent God, And all of you listen. I have discovered Heaven and Hell. All who obey Go to Heaven and to the paradise of Gods, But those who disobey To Hell and to great sorrows.
I know who is fit and worthy of Heaven, I alone can give spiritual distinctions and spiritual titles, I alone can make a man happy or unhappy, I alone can introduce God to you, I alone know the path to Him, I am the priest of God."
"I am the protector, the ruler And the dispenser of life, I, with my friends the merchants, Decide to wage wars, to kill and to slaughter, To protect you, my friends, from your enemies. Our country is above all. Woe to all who do not kill, Who do not wear uniform, Who are unpatriotic - -which I decide. God is on our side, He waves the only flag - -our flag - -" Roared the man with the sword and many ribbons.
Then a large fat man spoke quietly: "You two may say what you please, I hold the monies. I am the dispenser of all things, Of temporal power, Of cruelty and kindness, Of progress and evolution, Without me nothing shall be decided. I am a man of great wealth, Thy wealth shalt be the only God, I have finished."
Then the man whom nobody noticed, Spoke: "I can destroy all your Gods, Your theories and your wealth, Without me you can do nothing. You cannot talk to me of God When I am hungry, Feed me and I will listen to your Gods. You cannot make me Into cannon fodder. pay me and excite me And I shall fight. You are rich because of me, I toil for you, suffer for you, Go hungry for you and die for you, I am your food and your comfort, Your love and your destroyer, I am going to strip you of all these, Now I strike."
Then the lady with bare knees - - "I am laughing Because each of you thinks You are the most important. Glorying in your own importance Where would you all be without me? Still in that Heaven or Hell Of which you spoke, O friend with the long coat. I am your sister, your mother, Your wife and your love. I am on the stage of your bestial amusement, I bear children - -the agony of it - -for your pleasure, I dress showing just enough For your pleasure, I paint and make a fool of myself For your pleasure, I covet your glances and long for your love, I desire children without you, I seek freedom in spite of you, I struggle to be free of your desires, To show my equality, I do things that astonish you, I shall usurp all your places, Your honors, your glories. You worship me, You desecrate me. I am a woman But your master."
Then all began to talk, Advancing this complicated theory and that complicated theory, This solution and that solution, Class against class, Wealth against poverty, Hungry against the well-fed.
A roar and utter chaos. The child came back, Gathered up its toys, Knocking down one or two In its hurry. Then it went out, Laughing.
There is a mountain, far beyond the plains and hills, whose great summit overlooks the dark valley and the open seas. Neither cloud nor deep mists ever hide its calm face. It is above the shadows of day and night. From the vast plain, no man can behold it. Some have seen it but there be few that have reached its feet. One in many thousand years gathers his strength and gains that abode of eternity. I speak of that mountain top, serene, infinite, beyond thought. I shout for joy!
One day, a man beheld through the opening of a cloud, the calm face of the mountain. He stopped every passer-by, that would stay to give an answer, and inquired of the way that would lead him beyond the mists. Some said take this path, and others said take that path. After many days of confusion and toil, he arrived among the hills. A man, full in years, wise in the ways of the hills, said, "I know the way. You cannot reach the mountain, O friend, unless you are strengthened by the power that comes from the adoration of the image in yonder shrine." Many days passed in peaceful worship. Tired of worship, he asked of men that seemed great with under- standing.
"Yea," said one,"I know the way. But if you would gain the fulfillment of your desire, carry this on you. It will uphold you in your weariness." He gave him the symbol of his struggle. Another cried, "Yea, I know the way. But many days of contemplation must be passed in the seclusion of a sanctuary, with my picture of eternity." "I know the way," said another, "But you must perform these rites, understand these hidden laws, you must enter the association of the elect and hold fast to the knowledge that we shall give you." "Be loud in the song of praise of the reflection that you seek," said another. "Come, follow me, obeying all things I say. I know the way," cried another. In the long last, the calm face of the mountain was utterly forgotten. Now he wanders from hill to hill, crying aloud,"Yes, I know the way, but...."
There is a mountain far beyond the plains and hills whose summit overlooks the dark valley and the open seas. Neither cloud nor deep mists ever hide its calm face. It is above the shadows of day and night. One in many thousand years gathers his strength and gains that abode of eternity. I speak of that mountain top, serene, infinite, beyond thought. I shout for joy!
In my garden there is life and death, the laughter of many flowers and the cry of falling petals. A dead tree and a green tree look on each other. It is mid-summer and the shadows are dancing save about the dead tree. The song of waters shall not set it a-dancing, nor the rain bring forth the hidden leaves. Ah, it is so bare, so empty! Who shall nourish it, who shall caress it with life? The far skies look down on the dead and the living. Through the long suffering winter, lies concealed a seed of lovely promise. Cold winds, tearing gales, noisy storms, hold back the loveliness of the seed. Dark days and sunless hours deny the glory of the seed. With the soft breeze from the warm south the hidden seed awakens to life. The song of the birds over the blue skies calls the still seed to life. The scent of warm rain awakens deep memories of the seed to life. Through the burden of heavy earth, life breaks forth and rejoices. It grew by the dusty road-side among the lazy stones. With its single flower, it danced the day long. A boy, on his homeward way, uproots it and throws it away. Creation lies in the path of careless love.
I would like to tell a story. Once upon a time there was a man who desired to understand the beauty of the moon and the softness of its rays and the causes of these things. So he went forth and gazed into the skies. Between him and the moon there was a lovely tree with a delicate branch and tender leaves. Forgetting the moon, he began to examine the delicate branch and the tender leaves and was lost in the thought of such delicacy, and when he looked up again, the moon had set. The understanding of life is more essential than the mere superficial knowledge of the machinery of life, though one must be acquainted with this also.
Once upon a time, when there was great understanding and in the world full rejoicing, there lived a gentle woman, full of years. One day, she found herself in a temple, before the altar made by the human hand. She was crying bitterly to heaven and none was there to comfort her. Till in the long last, a friend of God took notice of her and asked the reason for her tears. "God must have forgotten me. My husband is gracious and well. My children are full and strong. Many servants are there to care for us. All things are well with me and mine own. God has forgotten us." The friend of God replied, "God never forgets His children." When she came home, she found her son dead. She never cried. "God remembers me and mine own."
The mountains look on the town and the town looks upon the sea. It was the time of many flowers and calm blue skies. In a big house, where the trees gathered around there lived a man, rich in the possession of things. He had visited the capitals of many lands in search of a cure. He was lame, scarcely able to walk. A stranger from the distant and sunny lands, came by chance to the town that looks upon the sea. The lame man and the distant stranger passed by, touching each other in a narrow lane. The lame man was healed, and the town whispered in amazement. On the next day, the man made whole was taken to prison for some immorality.
There is a little town, sheltered in the shadow of a great mountain. There are many people in that town and only one street with numerous shops. The shop of gay and bright coloured flowers, to which people came with laughter in their hearts - The shop where they sell clothes, a delight to the vanity of the people who come out of it - The shop where they sell toys; grave men and little children enter in. Outside the large shop where food is sold, a beggar waits. There is a gloomy house which undertakes to rid the people of their dead. How prosperous are they that live within! - A house where they sell God; where they teach the people fear, and then the way to overcome their fear. In that house there are many dark corridors in which worshippers lose themselves. A man, in gorgeous robes, tells of the beauty of an unknown Deity. There is a well-built house where they keep in perfect order the dead creations of the past. One day when there many joyous shadows, and the people were delighted with his visit, for there came few strangers to that town.
They feasted him in honour and the town rejoiced. They showed him their shops, their house of gloom and the gilded building where God was kept for sale. In the street there is a procession of mourners for the dead. The people looked to the stranger for a passing word of comfort, but behold, he laughs. For he is in love with Life and death passes him by. They understood him not but hurried him out of their gates. The stranger climbs to the mountain top, which overlooks that crowded town.
There was, once on a time, a man whose heart rejoiced in Life. He loved Life and therefore he loved all things. He was a friend to the meanest and to the greatest. For is not Life as the waters which satisfy the thirst of the wise and the foolish? Now this man was greatly sought after for his understanding in wisdom. One day, when the skies were blue and the sun was warm, the ants came out of their deep nests and wandered on the face of the land, so that the pathway was moving with them. In his far-seeing wisdom the lover of Life saw a man drowning in the smiling, blue lake. He hastened on the pathway, to save him from the dancing waters, thereby crushing many ants. The people were troubled, for said they, "How can this man be a true lover of Life when he destroys? How foolish we are to look to him for love." He wanders lonely among the mountains. Ah, how little they love!